Classes | |
class | Component |
Abstract class for objects that can have subitems to be stored on a storage. More... | |
class | DynamicType |
This class implements a type that is dynamic. More... | |
class | ErrFactory |
Error type thrown by Factory classes (Factory, FactoryRegistry). More... | |
class | Factory |
Factory usage example. More... | |
class | FactoryRegistrator |
This class provides a convenient way to add items (creators) into a factory. More... | |
class | Polymorphic |
This class is an utility class to hold polymorphic pointers as attributes on DynamicTypes and simplify the problem of the XML Loading of abstract XML Schema types. More... | |
class | ProcessingFactory |
class | ProcessingData |
Interface classe for every concrete processing data (data that flows through the processing objs. More... | |
class | ProcessingDataConfig |
Base class of ProcessingData settings, all the configurations of ProcessingData objects will be derived of this. More... | |
class | ProcessingDataPlugin |
class | Audio |
Audio class with the Data Buffer, information about it (SampleRate, BeginTime), and methods to insert and get Audio chunks. More... | |
class | AudioCircularBuffer |
Specialization of the CircularBuffer class for the case of Audio chunks. More... | |
class | EnvelopeConfig |
Configuration class for Envelope data objects. More... | |
class | Envelope |
Envelope class. More... | |
class | Frame |
Processing Data class to encapsulate a frame and all its related information. More... | |
class | Fundamental |
Class Fundamental, used to manage the bins candidates to be fundamental frequencies, and their errors. More... | |
class | LPModel |
class | MelCepstrum |
class | MelSpectrum |
class | Segment |
Processing Data class to encapsulate a CLAM segment. More... | |
class | SpectralPeak |
Class SpectralPeak is a basic spectral domain Processing Data class. More... | |
class | SpectralPeakArray |
This processing data class offers an interface for storing an array of spectral peaks while maintaining efficient data access. More... | |
class | Spectrum |
Spectrum is a ProcessingData class that allows the following representations: Mag/Phase, Complex, Polar and Break Point Function (BPF). More... | |
class | SpectrumConfig |
The Spectrum configuration object. More... | |
struct | SpecTypeFlags |
This class tells which formats are instantiated in a Spectrum. More... | |
class | AudioDescriptors |
class | DescriptorTmpl |
Abstract class for all descriptors. More... | |
class | EnvelopeDescriptors |
class | FrameDescriptors |
class | MediaTime |
Media Time type definition * This type propose a flexible way of defining * the temporal location of an audio segment * Types: {begin, end}, {begin, duration} * This type is thought to be used to define * some kind of probability when defining segment* boundaries *. More... | |
class | Melody |
class Melody, used to store the melodic description of an AudioSegment @see SegmentDescriptors @see FFHDescriptors @see DistributionDescriptors @see Key More... | |
class | MIDIMelody |
class Melody, used to store the melodic description of a MIDI stream/file @see SegmentDescriptors More... | |
class | MIDINote |
Used to store note information coming from a MIDI stream/file. More... | |
class | MIDIEvent |
class | MIDITrack |
class | MIDISong |
class | Note |
Used to store note information. More... | |
class | EPitch |
class | PitchNote |
Pitch note type definition = pitch + octave. More... | |
class | MorphologicalFrameDescriptors |
class | MorphologicalSegmentDescriptors |
class | PeriodogramPeak |
class | AttributePool |
A container for the values for a single attribute along the scope. More... | |
class | AbstractAttribute |
Defines the interface for an Attribute definition in a DescriptionScheme. More... | |
class | Attribute |
This class is the concrete implementation for AbstractAttribute for a given type of attributes. More... | |
class | DescriptionScheme |
The description scheme defines the set of attributes (Attribute) to be used for feature extraction systems. More... | |
class | SchemaError |
A description scope defines a set of attributes which have the same ocurrences. More... | |
class | DescriptionScope |
class | Hook |
class | ReadHook |
class | ReadRangedHook |
class | WriteHook |
class | DescriptionDataPool |
Contains the extracted data for a given description process. More... | |
class | ScopePool |
A container for the attributes values along the differents contexts of a single scope. More... | |
class | SegmentDescriptors |
class | SpectralDescriptors |
class | SpectralPeakDescriptors |
class | ContiguousSegmentation |
class | DiscontinuousSegmentation |
class | Segmentation |
class | UnsizedSegmentation |
class | ErrAssertionFailed |
The exception thrown when an assertion fails. More... | |
class | DefaultTypeInfo |
class | BasicCTypeInfo |
C native types TypeInfo base class. More... | |
class | ContainerTypeInfo |
class | TypeInfo |
class | Err |
Base class for the exception handling classes. More... | |
class | ErrDynamicType |
Derived class of the Err base class Handles DynamicType errors. More... | |
class | ErrFormat |
Derived class of the Err base class Handles format errors. More... | |
class | ErrOpenFile |
Derived class of the Err base class Handles errors in files openings. More... | |
class | ErrOutOfMemory |
Derived class of the Err base class Handles memories errors. More... | |
class | ErrProcessingObj |
Derived class of the Err base class Handles errors in Processing Object Routines. More... | |
class | ErrSoundFileIO |
class | UnavailableSoundFile |
class | UnsupportedSoundFileSampleEncoding |
class | UnsupportedSoundFileFormat |
class | LockError |
class | ThreadResourceError |
class | BaseTypedInControl |
Processing in control base class. More... | |
class | BaseTypedOutControl |
Processing out control base class. More... | |
class | BinaryControlOpConfig |
class | BinaryControlOp |
class | ControlArray |
This class wrapps a vector (array) of Controls and gives its Controls automatic names at construction. More... | |
class | ControlConfig |
class | InControl |
Processing in control class. More... | |
class | InControlTmpl |
Subclass of InControl that provides the incontrol with a callback method The method must be defined inside the parent Processing class. More... | |
class | InControlPublisher |
class | InControlTmplArray |
class | Mapping |
class | MappingFactory |
class | ValueToRatioMapping |
class | ValueToRatioMappingFactory |
class | NoteToFreqMapping |
class | NoteToFreqMappingFactory |
class | LinearMapping |
class | LinearMappingFactory |
class | OutControl |
Processing out control class. More... | |
class | OutControlPublisher |
class | PrintControlConfig |
Configuration class for PrintControl objects. More... | |
class | PrintControl |
A class useful to debug watching what kind of MIDI messages we are processing. More... | |
class | TypedInControl |
class | CascadingTypedInControl |
Subclass of TypedInControl that provides the typedincontrol with a callback method The method must be defined inside the parent Processing class. More... | |
class | TypedOutControl |
Processing typed out control template class. More... | |
class | BalanceEquationsStaticFlowControl |
class | BaseNetwork |
class | BasicFlowControl |
class | ConnectionDefinitionAdapter |
class | FlattenedNetwork |
class | FlowControl |
class | FreewheelingNetworkPlayer |
class | JACKNetworkPlayer |
class | NaiveFlowControl |
class | Network |
class | NetworkPlayer |
A NetworkPlayer is an object that controls the playback of a Network providing a high level transport like interface. More... | |
class | PANetworkPlayer |
class | ProcessingDefinitionAdapter |
class | PushFlowControl |
This flow control do not fulfils the Network::Do() call-back based semantics More... | |
class | AudioInPort |
class | AudioInPortPublisher |
class | AudioOutPort |
class | AudioOutPortPublisher |
class | InPortBase |
class | InPort |
class | InPortPublisher |
class | OutPortBase |
class | OutPort |
class | OutPortPublisher |
class | PhantomBuffer |
class | ReadingRegion |
class | Region |
class | StdList |
This declaration is necessary for VC7 compatibility. More... | |
class | StdVector |
class | StreamImpl |
class | CLAM::StreamImpl< Token, PhantomBuffer > |
class | WritingRegion |
struct | StaticCycleBranch |
class | StaticFlowControl |
class | AudioWindowing |
Processing class for performing a STFT. More... | |
class | AudioWindowingConfig |
class | CepstralTransformConfig |
class | CepstralTransform |
This class performs the cepstral transform on a set of filterbank coefficients in order to obtain the corresponding Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). More... | |
class | CircularShift |
This Processing class takes an input audio buffer and shifts it to get zero-phase conditions in the STFT. More... | |
class | CircularShiftConfig |
struct | STrajectory |
class | CleanTracks |
class | CleanTracksConfig |
Config class for the CleanTracks Processing. More... | |
class | DescriptorComputation |
This Processing class only calls the Compute operation of Descriptor passed to the Do. More... | |
class | DescriptorComputationConfig |
class | ERB_SpaceGen |
class | ERB_SpaceGenConfig |
class | FFT |
class | FFT_base |
Abstract base class for FFT classes. More... | |
class | FFT_fftw3 |
Implementation of the FFT using the Fastest Fourier Transform of the West version 3. More... | |
class | FFT_numrec |
Implementation of the FFT using the algorithm in Numerical Recipies in C. More... | |
class | FFT_ooura |
Implementation of the FFT using the algorithm from Takuya OOURA in C. More... | |
struct | FFTConfig |
Configuration class for FFT classes. More... | |
class | FundFreqDetect |
This class estimates a fundamental frequency value in the spectral domain for one single spectral Frame. More... | |
class | FundFreqDetectConfig |
Config class for FundFreqDetect Processing. More... | |
class | LPCConfig |
class | LPC_AutoCorrelation |
class | MelFilterBankConfig |
class | MelFilterBank |
This class performs filterbank analysis for Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) computation. More... | |
class | Segmentator |
struct | TDescriptorsParams |
class | SegmentatorConfig |
Config class for the Segmentator Processing. More... | |
struct | SGuide |
Config class for the SinTracking Processing. More... | |
class | SinTracking |
Processing which does sinusoidal peak tracking (or continuation). More... | |
class | SinTrackingConfig |
Config class for the SinTracking Processing. More... | |
class | SMSAnalysis |
Class that encapsulates all the building blocks of the SegmentAnalysis example. More... | |
class | SMSAnalysisConfig |
class | SMSAnalysisCore |
Class that encapsulates all the building blocks of the SegmentAnalysis example. More... | |
class | SpectralAnalysis |
Processing class for performing a STFT. More... | |
class | SpectralAnalysisConfig |
Configuration class for Spectral Analysis class It includes specific parameters: HopSize, ZeroPadding, Sampling Rate and FFTSize. More... | |
class | SpectralEnvelopeExtract |
Configuration class for SpectralEnvelopeExtract objects. More... | |
class | SpectralEnvelopeExtractConfig |
Config class for the SpectralEnvelopeExtract Processing. More... | |
class | SpectralPeakDetect |
This class is dedicated to find magnitude SpectralPeaks in a given spectral frame. More... | |
class | SpectralPeakDetectConfig |
Configuration class for SpectralPeakDetect objects. More... | |
class | TonalAnalysisConfig |
class | TonalAnalysis |
class | WindowGenerator |
This class can be used for generating Windows and for zeropadding the windowed data. More... | |
class | EWindowNormalize |
class | WindowGeneratorConfig |
class | ZeroPadderConfig |
class | ZeroPadder |
class | AudioAmplifierConfig |
AudioAmplifier configuration object. More... | |
class | AudioAmplifier |
Time-domain audio gain. More... | |
class | AudioMixerConfig |
class | AudioMixer |
class | BinaryAudioOpConfig |
class | BinaryAudioOp |
class | FrameAdderConfig |
class | FrameAdder |
This class performs the interpolation of two Frame processing data objects. More... | |
class | FrameInterpConfig |
class | FrameInterpolator |
This class performs the interpolation of two Frame processing data objects. More... | |
class | PeaksAddConfig |
class | SpectralPeakArrayAdder |
This class performs the interpolation of two SpectralPeakArray processing data objects. More... | |
class | PeaksInterpConfig |
class | SpectralPeakArrayInterpolator |
This class performs the interpolation of two SpectralPeakArray processing data objects. More... | |
class | SpecAdderConfig |
class | SpectrumAdder |
This class performs the sum of N Spectrum processing data objects. More... | |
class | SpecAdder2Config |
class | SpectrumAdder2 |
This calss performs the sum of two Spectrum processing data objects. More... | |
class | SpecInterpConfig |
class | SpectrumInterpolator |
This calss performs the interpolation of two Spectrum processing data objects. More... | |
class | SpectrumProduct |
This class performs the product of two Spectrum processing data objects. More... | |
class | SpecSubstracter2Config |
class | SpectrumSubstracter2 |
This calss performs the substraction of two Spectrum processing data objects. More... | |
class | AudioFileMemoryLoader |
class | MonoAudioFileReader |
class | MonoAudioFileReaderConfig |
Configuration class for the CLAM::MonoAudioFileReader processing object. More... | |
class | MonoAudioFileWriter |
class | MonoAudioFileWriterConfig |
Configuration class for the CLAM::MonoAudioFileWriter processing object. More... | |
class | MultiChannelAudioFileReader |
class | MultiChannelAudioFileReaderConfig |
class | MultiChannelAudioFileWriter |
class | MultiChannelAudioFileWriterConfig |
Configuration class for the CLAM::MultiChannelAudioFileWriter processing object. More... | |
class | AudioIn |
This class is the interface to an input of an AudioDevice. More... | |
class | AudioIOConfig |
Configuration of the AudioIn and AudioOut classes. More... | |
class | AudioOut |
This class is the interface to an output of an AudioDevice. More... | |
class | AudioSink |
class | AudioSource |
class | ConfigurationVisitor |
class | ConfigurationGetter |
A DynamicType attribute visitor that builds a widget for each attribute using a user interface builder. More... | |
class | ConfigurationSetter |
A DynamicType attribute visitor that takes the attribute values from an a 'Builder' which implements the RetrieveValue. More... | |
class | InControlRegistry |
class | InPortRegistry |
class | NullProcessingConfig |
class | OutControlRegistry |
class | OutPortRegistry |
class | Processing |
The base class for all the CLAM processing object classes. More... | |
class | ProcessingComposite |
Abstract class for processing object agregates. More... | |
class | ProcessingConfig |
This is an abstract class which serves as interface for configuration classes used as processing object construction arguments, which must derive from it. More... | |
class | TopLevelProcessingConfig |
class | TopLevelProcessing |
Top level processing object composite. More... | |
class | TypedInControlRegistry |
class | TypedOutControlRegistry |
class | AutoPannerConfig |
class | AutoPanner |
class | Control2DataConfig |
Configuration for the Control2Data PO. More... | |
class | Control2Data |
This processing object is mainly an aggregate of input control data It works by asynchronously receiving messages, keeping them enqueued and synchronously converting them to a Processing Data, at Do() time. More... | |
class | ControllerConfig |
Configuration for the Controller PO. More... | |
class | Controller |
This processing object is mainly an aggregate of out controls, that can be connected with other POs in controls, as usual. More... | |
class | ControlMapperConfig |
class | ControlMapper |
class | ControlPrinterConfig |
class | ControlPrinter |
class | ControlScalerConfig |
class | ControlScaler |
class | ControlSinkConfig |
class | ControlSink |
class | ControlSourceConfig |
class | ControlSource |
class | ControlTraceEvent |
class | ControlTraceData |
class | ControlTraceInFilename |
class | ControlTraceReaderConfig |
class | ControlTraceReader |
class | ControlTraceOutFilename |
class | ControlTraceWriterConfig |
class | ControlTraceWriter |
class | FlagControlConfig |
class | FlagControl |
class | Fundamental2ControlConfig |
class | Fundamental2Control |
class | OutControlSenderConfig |
class | OutControlSender |
class | ADSRConfig |
class | ADSR |
class | DispatcherConfig |
class | Dispatcher |
class | Instrument |
class | OscillatorConfig |
class | Oscillator |
class | EOscillatorControls |
class | SimpleOscillatorConfig |
class | SimpleOscillator |
class | EWaveType |
class | WaveFunctor |
class | WaveGeneratorConfig |
class | WaveGenerator |
class | Fund2MIDIConfig |
class | Fund2MIDI |
Converts fundamental to a MIDI note value. More... | |
class | MIDI2Melody |
This processing is a particular control-to-data converter that takes in MIDI control events and converts them into a MIDIMelody processing data. More... | |
class | MIDIClockerConfig |
Configuration of the MIDIClocker class. More... | |
class | MIDIClocker |
This class is the interface to an input of an MIDIDevice. More... | |
class | MIDIDispatcherConfig |
class | MIDIDispatcher |
class | MIDIFileIOConfig |
class | MIDIFileReader |
class | MIDIFileWriter |
class | MIDIIn |
This class is the interface to an input of an MIDIDevice. More... | |
class | MIDIInControl |
class | MIDIIOConfig |
Configuration of the MIDIIn and MIDIOut classes. More... | |
class | MIDIKeyboardConfig |
class | MIDIKeyboard |
class | MIDIOut |
This class is the interface to an input of an MIDIDevice. More... | |
class | MIDIOutControl |
class | PortMonitor |
A processing that allows other (GUI) thread to monitor a port in a thread safe way. More... | |
class | PeaksPortMonitor |
class | SinTracksPortMonitor |
class | SpectrumPortMonitor |
class | SpecgramPortMonitor |
class | FundamentalPortMonitor |
class | FundTrackPortMonitor |
class | AudioPortMonitor |
class | AudioBuffPortMonitor |
class | LadspaLibrary |
A LadspaLibrary represents a pool of ladspa plugins descriptors. More... | |
class | LadspaNetworkExporter |
class | LadspaProcessingExporter |
class | LadspaWrapper |
class | LadspaWrapperCreator |
class | BufferedSDIFFileReader |
BufferedSDIFFileReader is an SDIFFileReader that preloads some SDIF frames into an internal buffer so that real-time audio applications won't stall while waiting for disk reading operations. More... | |
class | DataUtil |
This class simply holds a few miscellaneous utility methods that are used by multiple classes, but don't fit very well in any class. More... | |
class | ELoopPointUnits |
PhaseGeneration Enumeration to use for specifying the type of phase generation used. More... | |
class | LoopingSDIFFileReader |
This class extends the length of an SDIFFile indefinitely by looping between its frames. More... | |
class | SampleMetadata |
This class should be used to hold meta information about a sound sample. More... | |
class | SDIFFileReader |
class | SDIFIn |
class | InSDIFFilename |
class | SDIFInConfig |
class | SDIFInStreaming |
class | SDIFOutConfig |
class | SDIFOut |
class | SimpleLoopMetadata |
This object represents the start and end points of a loop. More... | |
class | EPhaseGeneration |
PhaseGeneration Enumeration to use for specifying the type of phase generation used. More... | |
class | IFFT |
class | IFFT_base |
Abstract base class for IFFT classes. More... | |
class | IFFT_fftw3 |
Implementation of the IFFT using the Fastest Fourier in the West version 3. More... | |
class | IFFT_ooura |
Implementation of the IFFT using the algorithm from Takuya OOURA in C. More... | |
class | IFFTConfig |
Config class for the IFFT Processing. More... | |
class | OverlapAdd |
Configuration class for Overlapp Add Processing. More... | |
class | OverlapAddConfig |
Config class for the OverlapAdd Processing. More... | |
class | PhaseManagement |
The PhaseManagement Class takes care about either. More... | |
class | PhaseManagementConfig |
Config class for the PhaseManagement Processing. More... | |
class | SinusoidalSynthesis |
This is a processing object class that performs a sinusoidal resynthesis given a set of spectral peaks. More... | |
class | SMSSynthesis |
This is the processing object class we are using to group several other processing objects. More... | |
class | SMSSynthesisConfig |
class | SpectralSynthesis |
This is the processing object class we are using to group several other processing objects. More... | |
class | SpectralSynthesisConfig |
Config class for the SpectralSynthesis Processing. More... | |
class | SynthSineSpectrum |
Configuration class for the SynthSineSpectrum Processing. More... | |
class | SynthSineSpectrumConfig |
Config class for the SynthSineSpectrum Processing. More... | |
class | IntervalAmplitudeAverages |
Internal class. More... | |
class | EnvExtractorConfig |
class | EnvelopeExtractor |
class | EnvelopeGeneratorConfig |
class | EnvelopeGenerator |
class | EnvModulatorConfig |
class | EnvelopeModulator |
class | FDCombFilterConfig |
Configuration class for FDCombFilter objects. More... | |
class | FDCombFilter |
Basid Frequency domain Comb Filter. More... | |
class | EFDFilterGenControls |
class | EFDFilterType |
Simple filter types, more to be added. More... | |
class | FDFilterGenConfig |
Configuration class for SpectralFilterGen class. More... | |
class | FDFilterGen |
Frequency Domain Filter Generator. More... | |
class | NormalizationConfig |
Normalization is a CLAM implementation of 3 normalization's algorithms. More... | |
class | Normalization |
class | FrameTransformation |
class | FrameTransformationTmpl |
class | FrameTransformationConfig |
class | SegmentSMSHarmonizer |
class | SegmentSMSMorph |
class | SegmentSMSMorphConfig |
class | SegmentSMSTimeStretch |
class | SegmentSMSTimeStretchConfig |
class | SegmentTransformation |
class | SegmentTransformationConfig |
Configuration class for all SegmentTransformations. More... | |
class | SMSDeesser |
class | SMSFreqShift |
class | SMSGenderChange |
class | SMSHarmonizer |
Many voices harmonizer using the SMS model. More... | |
class | SMSHarmonizerConfig |
The Harmonizer configuration object. More... | |
class | SMSMorph |
Morph using the SMS model. More... | |
class | SMSMorphConfig |
class | SMSOddEvenHarmonicRatio |
class | SMSPitchDiscretization |
class | SMSPitchShift |
Pitch shift with timbre preservation using the SMS model. More... | |
class | SMSResidualGain |
class | SMSSineFilter |
BPF (envelope-like) Parameter. More... | |
class | SMSSinusoidalGain |
class | SMSSpectralShapeShift |
Pitch shift with timbre preservation using the SMS model. More... | |
class | SMSTimeStretch |
Time Stretch using the SMS model. More... | |
class | SMSTimeStretchConfig |
class | SMSTransformationChain |
Using Segment as the type for * input and output ports. More... | |
class | SMSTransformationChaineeConfig |
Special Processing config that can be used inside a SMSTransformationChainConfig. More... | |
class | SMSTransformationChainConfig |
Configuration for a SMSTransformationChain. More... | |
class | SMSTransformationChainIO |
Pitch shift with timbre preservation using the SMS model. More... | |
class | ThreeBandCompressor |
class | ThreeBandFilter |
class | ThreeBandGate |
class | ThreeBandAM |
class | Deesser |
class | FreqShift |
class | HumRemover |
class | NoSpectralTransformation |
class | OscillatingSpectralNotch |
class | Partializer |
class | Peakalizer |
class | RandomPhase |
class | Robotization |
class | SampleAndHold |
class | SpectralAmplitudeModulation |
class | SpectralAverage |
class | SpectralCombDelta |
class | SpectralCombTriang |
class | SpectralDelay |
class | SpectralExciter |
class | SpectralFocus |
Pitch shift with timbre preservation using the SMS model. More... | |
class | SpectralGate |
class | SpectralLimiter |
class | SpectralNotch |
class | SpectralPhaseModulation |
class | SpectralReject |
class | SpectralReverse |
class | SpectralRingModulation |
class | SpectralShapeShift |
Pitch shift with timbre preservation using the SMS model. More... | |
class | SpectralSpread |
Pitch shift with timbre preservation using the SMS model. More... | |
class | Vocoder |
class | SpectralEnvelopeApplyConfig |
Configuration class for SpectralEnvelopeApply objects. More... | |
class | SpectralEnvelopeApply |
Applies an existing spectral envelope to incoming spectral peaks or spectrum. More... | |
class | TokenDelayConfig |
Configuration of the TokenDelay processing object. More... | |
class | TokenDelay |
A Processing Object that delays a certain number of ProcessingDataObjects wherever the specific object it is. More... | |
class | ETokenDelayControls |
class | Array |
struct | Pow |
struct | CLAM::Pow< 1 > |
struct | CLAM::Pow< 0 > |
class | Power |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(x(i)^n). More... | |
class | NoPowerTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(x(i)^1). More... | |
class | SquareTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(x(i)^2). More... | |
class | CubeTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(x(i)^3). More... | |
class | WeightedPower |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(i*x(i)^n). More... | |
class | PoweredProduct |
Binary Operator for use with std::inner_product. More... | |
class | WeightedNoPowerTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(i*x(i)^1). More... | |
class | WeightedSquareTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(i*x(i)^2). More... | |
class | WeightedCubeTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum(i*x(i)^3). More... | |
class | BiasedPower |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Sum((x(i)-k)^n). More... | |
class | ProductTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Product(x(i)). More... | |
class | BaseMemOp |
Class used as base for all operators with memory, useful to define array of operators. More... | |
class | PoweredSum |
Class Function that computes Sum(x(i)^n) using std::accumulate and Power<T,s> BinaryOp It also has associated memory so operation is not performed more than necessary. More... | |
class | SumTmpl |
Class Function that computes Sum(x(i)) using std::accumulate and NoPower<T> BinaryOp. More... | |
class | SquaredSumTmpl |
Class Function that computes Sum(x(i)^2) using std::accumulate and Square<T> BinaryOp. More... | |
class | CubedSumTmpl |
Class Function that computes Sum(x(i)^3) using std::accumulate and Cube<T> BinaryOp. More... | |
class | LogPlusTmpl |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Product(x(i)). More... | |
class | LogSumTmpl |
Class Function for computing logarithmic sum of all data in vector using. More... | |
class | InnerProductTmpl |
Class Function for computing product of all data in vector. More... | |
class | WeightedPoweredSum |
Class Function that computes Sum(i*x(i)^n) using std::accumulate and WeightedPower<T,s> BinaryOp It also has associated memory so operation is not performed more than necessary. More... | |
class | CrossWeightedPoweredSum |
Class Function that computes Sum(x(i)^n * y(i)) using std::accumulate and WeightedPower<T,s> BinaryOp It also has associated memory so operation is not performed more than necessary. More... | |
class | WeightedSumTmpl |
Class Function that computes Sum(i*x(i)) using std::accumulate and WeightedNoPower<T> BinaryOp. More... | |
class | WeightedSquaredSumTmpl |
Class Function that computes Sum(i*x(i)^2)using std::accumulate and WeightedSquare<T> BinaryOp. More... | |
class | WeightedCubedSumTmpl |
Class Function that computes Sum(i*x(i)^3) using std::accumulate and WeightedCube<T> BinaryOp. More... | |
class | Moment |
Class Function that computes 'oth' order Moment using PoweredSum Class Function. More... | |
class | CenterOfGravity |
Class Function that computes 'oth' order Center of Gravity using WeightedPoweredSum Class Function. More... | |
class | CrossCenterOfGravity |
Special CenterOfGravity using 2ond sequence as indexing sequence. More... | |
class | CentroidTmpl |
Centroid is 1st order center of gravity. More... | |
class | MeanTmpl |
Mean is 1st order Moment. More... | |
class | EnergyTmpl |
Energy is just the squared sum. More... | |
class | RMSTmpl |
RMS is the square root of the Energy. More... | |
class | GeometricMeanTmpl |
Class Function that computes Geometric Mean using InnerProduct class function. More... | |
class | BiasedPoweredSum |
Class Function that computes Sum((x(i)-mean)^n) using std::accumulate and BiasedPower<T,s> BinaryOp It also has associated memory so operation is not performed more than necessary. More... | |
class | CentralMoment |
Class Function that computes 'oth' order CentralMoment using BiasedPoweredSum Class Function. More... | |
class | StandardDeviationTmpl |
Class Function to compute StandardDeviation. More... | |
class | SkewTmpl |
Class Function that computes Skewness using Standard Deviation and 3rd order central moment. More... | |
class | KurtosisTmpl |
Class Function that computes Kurtosis Excess using Variance and 4th order central moment. More... | |
class | ComplexMin |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Min(x(i)). More... | |
class | ComplexMinElement |
Class Function that computes Min(x(i)) using std::accumulate and ComplexMin<T> BinaryOp It also has associated memory so operation is not performed more than necessary. More... | |
class | ComplexMax |
Binary Operator for use with std::accumulate, for computing Max(x(i)). More... | |
class | ComplexMaxElement |
Class Function that computes Max(x(i)) using std::accumulate and ComplexMax<T> BinaryOp It also has associated memory so operation is not performed more than necessary. More... | |
class | BPFTmpl |
class | CircularBuffer |
Generic container-like circular buffer class. More... | |
class | Multiply |
class | Add |
class | ComplexTmpl |
class | ComplexToPolarCnv |
class | DirectoryName |
This class is a base class for configuration fields representing file names. More... | |
class | IllegalValue |
class | Enum |
Instances of this class represents objects that can adquire a symbolic value from a limited set of symbolic values. More... | |
class | Filename |
This class is a base class for configuration fields representing file names. More... | |
class | InFilename |
Input file name configuration field. More... | |
class | OutFilename |
Output file name configuration field. More... | |
class | FlagsBase |
Abstract class from which any Flag<N> instantiation is derived. More... | |
class | Flags |
Instances of this class represents objects containing a set of booleans values (flags) that can be accessed by their symbolic name. More... | |
class | EInterpolation |
Interpolation Enumeration to use for specifying the type of interpolation used. More... | |
class | EScale |
Interpolation Enumeration to use for specifying the type of scale used (linear or log). More... | |
class | EWindowType |
class | IndexArray |
class | List |
class | MatrixTmpl |
struct | O |
Auxiliary class to define the order of a moment at compile time. More... | |
class | PointTmpl |
class | PolarTmpl |
class | RulerTicks |
class | ScaleCnv |
class | Search |
class | SearchArray |
class | SearchList |
class | GreaterThan |
class | StatMemory |
An StatMemory may hold a T value and remembers whether it has been set or is not initialized. More... | |
class | StatsTmpl |
Class to hold basic statistics related to an array of arbitrary data. More... | |
class | TabFunct |
Precalculated (tabulated) functor, for dealing with efficient version of expensive functions (with its associated cost in space and precision). More... | |
class | Text |
This class represents an string that can contain any kind of separators. More... | |
class | Storable |
Interface for objects to be stored on a Storage. More... | |
class | ErrNotFound |
class | Storage |
The abstract class for storages. More... | |
class | BasicXMLable |
Abstract class that defines some common implementation issues for many XMLables that contains as member variables the XML name and whether is an XML element or not. More... | |
class | DomDocumentHandler |
This class subclasses from the proper DomDocumentHandler depending on the build time configuration 'xmlbackend' option. More... | |
class | LibXmlDomDocumentHandler |
XML implementation backend for the libxml++ library. More... | |
class | LibXmlDomReader |
Controls the libxml++ DOM parser. More... | |
class | LibXmlDomReadingContext |
Keeps the booking when loading one LibXml DOM single element into CLAM data. More... | |
class | LibXmlDomWriter |
Controls the libxml++ DOM serializer. More... | |
class | LibXmlDomWritingContext |
Keeps the booking when mapping CLAM data into a single libxml++ DOM element. More... | |
class | NullDomDocumentHandler |
Dummy implementation of a DomDocumentHandler when XML is disabled. More... | |
class | NullDomReadingContext |
Dummy implementation of a DomDocumentReadingContext when XML is disabled. More... | |
class | NullDomWritingContext |
Dummy implementation of a DomDocumentWritingContext when XML is disabled. More... | |
class | XercesDomDocumentHandler |
XML implementation backend for the Xerces-C library. More... | |
class | XercesDomReader |
Controls the Xerces-C DOM parser. More... | |
class | XercesDomReadingContext |
Keeps the booking when loading a single Xerces-C DOM element into CLAM data. More... | |
class | XercesDomWriter |
Controls the Xerces-C DOM serializer. More... | |
class | XercesDomWritingContext |
Keeps the booking when mapping CLAM data into a single Xerces-C DOM element. More... | |
class | XercesLocal2Unicode |
Converts local encoding char* into Xerces Unicode String. More... | |
class | XercesUnicode2Local |
Converts Xerces Unicode String into local encoding char*. More... | |
class | XercesInitializer |
Ensures that Xerces-C library initialization and termination occurs once and only when needed. More... | |
class | XMLable |
Interface for objects to be stored on a XMLStorage. More... | |
class | XMLAdapter |
This class adapts to the XMLable interface any basic object. More... | |
class | XMLArrayAdapter |
This class adapts to the XMLable interface any array of basic objects. More... | |
class | XMLComponentAdapter |
This class adapts to the XMLable interface any object that is a CLAM::Component. More... | |
class | XMLIterableAdapter |
This class adapts to the XMLable interface any STL like container of basic objects or CLAM::Component's. More... | |
class | XmlFragment |
This is the first scoped object you should create for a XML fragment. More... | |
class | XmlContent |
An scoped XML writer object inserting plain content to the current XML level. More... | |
class | XmlElement |
An scoped XML writer object that opens a new element on construction and closes it on destruction. More... | |
class | XmlAttribute |
An scoped XML writer object that inserts on construction an XML atribute to the last open XML element. More... | |
class | XmlStorage |
Provides XML format storage for CLAM Component's. More... | |
class | XmlStorageErr |
class | XmlWriteContext |
This class provides primitives to write an XML document to a target stream and to keep track of the writting state. More... | |
class | Application |
class | AudioApplication |
class | BaseAudioApplication |
class | ProcessingKernel |
class | Win32ConsoleApp |
class | FileSystem |
class | Condition |
class | Mutex |
From the docs: A mutex (short for mutual-exclusion) object is used to serializes access to a resource shared between multiple threads. More... | |
class | TryMutex |
class | TimedMutex |
class | PooledThread |
class | RecursiveMutex |
class | RecursiveTryMutex |
class | RecursiveTimedMutex |
class | Thread |
class | ThreadPool |
This is a simple variety of thread pool. More... | |
class | Watchdog |
struct | xtime |
class | AudioFile |
class | AudioFileSource |
class | AudioFileTarget |
class | EAudioFileCodec |
class | EAudioFileFormat |
class | EAudioFileEncoding |
class | EAudioFileEndianess |
class | AudioFileHeader |
class | AudioInFilename |
class | AudioOutFilename |
class | AudioTextDescriptors |
class | AudioDevice |
This is the abstract base class for an audio device. More... | |
class | AudioDeviceList |
This abstract class allows you to retrieve a list of all available devices (strings) for a certain architecture. More... | |
class | AudioManager |
This class takes care of all the creation of the registration of AudioIn and AudioOut objects, and the creation of AudioDevice objects required. More... | |
class | AudioPlayer |
class | RtAAudioDevice |
class | RtAAudioDeviceList |
struct | DoubleBuffer |
struct | FullDuplexDoubleBuffer |
class | ErrDXFullDuplex |
class | DXFullDuplex |
class | PAAudioFullDuplexStream |
class | PAAudioInputStream |
class | PAAudioOutputStream |
class | PAAudioStreamConfig |
class | PAAudioStream |
class | ErrPortAudio |
class | ErrRtAudio |
class | MIDIDevice |
This is the abstract base class for an midi device. More... | |
class | MIDIDeviceList |
This abstract class allows you to retrieve a list of all available devices (strings) for a certain architecture. More... | |
class | MIDI |
class | MIDIManager |
This class takes care of all the creation of the registration of MIDIIn and MIDIOut objects, and the creation of MIDIDevice objects required. More... | |
Namespaces | |
namespace | AudioCodecs |
This namespace includes classes to support different audio file formats. | |
namespace | Hidden |
Typedefs | |
typedef Search< List< Frame > , Frame > | FrameSearch |
typedef DescriptorTmpl< false > | Descriptor |
typedef DescriptorTmpl< true > | DescriptorAbs |
typedef void(* | AssertFailedHandlerType )(const char *message, const char *filename, int lineNumber) |
The type of the asserts handlers. | |
typedef void(* | WarningHandlerType )(const char *message, const char *filename, int lineNumber) |
The type of the warning handlers. | |
typedef int | TIndex |
typedef int | TSize |
typedef short | TInt16 |
typedef unsigned short | TUInt16 |
typedef int | TInt32 |
typedef unsigned int | TUInt32 |
typedef long long | TInt64 |
typedef unsigned long long | TUInt64 |
typedef float | TFloat32 |
typedef double | TFloat64 |
typedef unsigned char | TByte |
typedef TByte | TMIDIByte |
typedef TInt32 | TMIDITime |
typedef double | TTime |
typedef float | TData |
typedef BinaryControlOp < Multiply< TControlData > > | ControlMultiplier |
typedef float | TControlData |
Control events type. | |
typedef ControlArray< InControl > | InControlArray |
typedef ControlArray< OutControl > | OutControlArray |
typedef std::list < StaticCycleBranch > | StaticCycle |
typedef struct CLAM::STrajectory | TTrajectory |
typedef struct CLAM::SGuide | TGuide |
typedef BinaryAudioOp< Add < TData > > | AudioAdder |
typedef BinaryAudioOpConfig | AudioAdderConfig |
typedef BinaryAudioOp < Multiply< TData > > | AudioMultiplier |
typedef BinaryAudioOpConfig | AudioMultiplierConfig |
typedef Array< TData > | DataArray |
typedef NoPowerTmpl | NoPower |
Typedefs. | |
typedef SquareTmpl | Square |
typedef CubeTmpl | Cube |
typedef WeightedNoPowerTmpl | WeightedNoPower |
typedefs | |
typedef WeightedSquareTmpl | WeightedSquare |
typedef WeightedCubeTmpl | WeightedCube |
typedef ProductTmpl | Product |
typedef SumTmpl | Sum |
typedef SquaredSumTmpl | SquaredSum |
typedef CubedSumTmpl | CubedSum |
typedef LogPlusTmpl | LogSum |
typedef InnerProductTmpl | InnerProduct |
typedef WeightedSumTmpl | WeightedSum |
typedef WeightedSquaredSumTmpl | WeightedSquaredSum |
typedef WeightedCubedSumTmpl | WeightedCubedSum |
typedef CentroidTmpl | Centroid |
typedef MeanTmpl | Mean |
typedef EnergyTmpl | Energy |
typedef RMSTmpl | RMS |
typedef GeometricMeanTmpl | GeometricMean |
typedef StandardDeviationTmpl | StandardDeviation |
typedef SkewTmpl | Skew |
typedef KurtosisTmpl | Kurtosis |
typedef BPFTmpl< TData, TData > | BPF |
typedef ComplexTmpl< TData > | Complex |
typedef ComplexToPolarCnv< TData > | ComplexToPolarCnv_ |
typedef MatrixTmpl< TData > | Matrix |
typedef PointTmpl< TData > | Point |
typedef PolarTmpl< TData > | Polar |
typedef StatsTmpl | Stats |
typedef XmlStorage | XMLStorage |
For maintaining compatibility with deprecated class name. | |
typedef void *(* | startfn )(void *) |
typedef void(* | cleanfn )(void *) |
typedef void *(* | pthread_start_pfunc )(void *) |
typedef signed short | MY_TYPE |
typedef int(* | PortAudioCallback )(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
Enumerations | |
enum | EFFTType { eNone, eRFFTW, eFFT_NREC, eFFT_IUA } |
enum | { SpectralDescBase = 150, SpectralMeanId = SpectralDescBase, SpectralGeometricMeanId = SpectralDescBase+1, SpectralEnergyId = SpectralDescBase+2, SpectralCentroidId = SpectralDescBase+3, SpectralMoment2Id = SpectralDescBase+4, SpectralMoment3Id = SpectralDescBase+5, SpectralMoment4Id = SpectralDescBase+6, SpectralMoment5Id = SpectralDescBase+7, SpectralMoment6Id = SpectralDescBase+8, SpectralFlatnessId = SpectralDescBase+9, SpectralKurtosisId = SpectralDescBase+10, FrameDescBase = 175, FundamentalId = FrameDescBase, SegmentatorBase = 200, MinSegmentLenghtId = SegmentatorBase, AudioDescriptorBase = 250, AudioMeanId = AudioDescriptorBase, AudioEnergyId = AudioDescriptorBase + 1, AudioVarianceId = AudioDescriptorBase + 2, AudioCentroidId = AudioDescriptorBase + 3, AudioZeroCrossingRateId = AudioDescriptorBase + 4 } |
Functions | |
SpectralPeak | Lin (SpectralPeak &inPeak, int scalingFactor) |
Function for changing the scale of a peak to linear, conserving data consistency. | |
SpectralPeak | Lin (SpectralPeak &inPeak) |
SpectralPeak | DB (SpectralPeak &inPeak, int scalingFactor=20) |
Function for changing the scale of a peak to log, conserving data consistency. | |
void | AssertProperSize (TSize size, DataArray &buffer) |
void | Polar2MagPhase (const Array< Polar > &polarBuffer, DataArray &magBuffer, DataArray &phaseBuffer) |
void | Complex2MagPhase (const Array< Complex > &complBuffer, DataArray &magBuffer, DataArray &phaseBuffer) |
void | BPF2MagPhase (const BPF &magBpf, const BPF &phaseBpf, DataArray &magBuffer, DataArray &phaseBuffer, TSize nBins, TData specRange) |
void | Log2LinearMagnitude (const DataArray &logBuffer, DataArray &linBuffer) |
void | Log2LinearMagnitude (DataArray &dataBuffer) |
void | Complex2LogMagPhase (const Array< Complex > &src, DataArray &destMag, DataArray &destPhase) |
void | Linear2LogMagnitude (const DataArray &linearBuffer, DataArray &logData) |
void | Linear2LogMagnitude (DataArray &dataBuffer) |
void | Complex2Polar (const Array< Complex > &, Array< Polar > &) |
void | Polar2Complex (const Array< Polar > &, Array< Complex > &) |
void | MagPhase2Polar (const DataArray &, const DataArray &, Array< Polar > &) |
void | MagPhase2Complex (const DataArray &, const DataArray &, Array< Complex > &) |
AudioDescriptors | operator* (const AudioDescriptors &a, TData mult) |
AudioDescriptors | operator* (TData mult, const AudioDescriptors &a) |
AudioDescriptors | operator* (const AudioDescriptors &a, const AudioDescriptors &b) |
AudioDescriptors | operator+ (const AudioDescriptors &a, const AudioDescriptors &b) |
AudioDescriptors | operator- (const AudioDescriptors &a, const AudioDescriptors &b) |
AudioDescriptors | operator/ (const AudioDescriptors &a, TData div) |
template<> | |
AudioDescriptors | CLAM_min (const AudioDescriptors &a, const AudioDescriptors &b) |
template<> | |
AudioDescriptors | CLAM_max (const AudioDescriptors &a, const AudioDescriptors &b) |
FrameDescriptors | operator* (const FrameDescriptors &a, const FrameDescriptors &b) |
FrameDescriptors | operator+ (const FrameDescriptors &a, const FrameDescriptors &b) |
FrameDescriptors | operator* (const FrameDescriptors &a, TData mult) |
FrameDescriptors | operator* (TData mult, const FrameDescriptors &a) |
FrameDescriptors | operator- (const FrameDescriptors &a, const FrameDescriptors &b) |
FrameDescriptors | operator/ (const FrameDescriptors &a, TData div) |
template<> | |
FrameDescriptors | CLAM_max (const FrameDescriptors &a, const FrameDescriptors &b) |
template<> | |
FrameDescriptors | CLAM_min (const FrameDescriptors &a, const FrameDescriptors &b) |
DataArray | Add (DataArray &a, DataArray &b) |
DataArray | Multiply (TData &factor, DataArray &a) |
DataArray | Multiply (DataArray &a, DataArray &b) |
SpectralDescriptors | operator* (const SpectralDescriptors &a, TData mult) |
SpectralDescriptors | operator* (const SpectralDescriptors &a, const SpectralDescriptors &b) |
SpectralDescriptors | operator/ (const SpectralDescriptors &a, TData div) |
SpectralDescriptors | operator+ (const SpectralDescriptors &a, const SpectralDescriptors &b) |
SpectralDescriptors | operator* (TData mult, const SpectralDescriptors &a) |
template<> | |
SpectralDescriptors | CLAM_max (const SpectralDescriptors &a, const SpectralDescriptors &b) |
template<> | |
SpectralDescriptors | CLAM_min (const SpectralDescriptors &a, const SpectralDescriptors &b) |
SpectralPeakDescriptors | operator* (const SpectralPeakDescriptors &a, TData mult) |
SpectralPeakDescriptors | operator* (const SpectralPeakDescriptors &a, const SpectralPeakDescriptors &b) |
SpectralPeakDescriptors | operator+ (const SpectralPeakDescriptors &a, const SpectralPeakDescriptors &b) |
SpectralPeakDescriptors | operator/ (const SpectralPeakDescriptors &a, TData div) |
SpectralPeakDescriptors | operator* (TData mult, const SpectralPeakDescriptors &a) |
template<> | |
SpectralPeakDescriptors | CLAM_max (const SpectralPeakDescriptors &a, const SpectralPeakDescriptors &b) |
template<> | |
SpectralPeakDescriptors | CLAM_min (const SpectralPeakDescriptors &a, const SpectralPeakDescriptors &b) |
void | DumpBacktrace (std::ostream &os) |
static void | DefaultAssertHandler (const char *message, const char *filename, int lineNumber) |
AssertFailedHandlerType | SetAssertFailedHandler (AssertFailedHandlerType handler) |
Change the handler function called when an assertion fails. | |
void | ExecuteAssertFailedHandler (const char *message, const char *filename, int linenumber) |
(Don't use directly, use the CLAM_ASSERT macro instead) Execute the assert failed handler. | |
static void | DefaultWarningHandler (const char *message, const char *filename, int lineNumber) |
WarningHandlerType | SetWarningHandler (WarningHandlerType handler) |
Change the handler function called when a warning is given. | |
void | ExecuteWarningHandler (const char *message, const char *filename, int linenumber) |
(Don't use directly, use the CLAM_WARNING macro instead) Execute the assert failed handler. | |
template<class T> | |
T | Abs (T value) |
double | DB (double linData, int scaling=20) |
double | Lin (double logData, int scaling=20) |
template<class T> | |
T | CLAM_max (const T &x, const T &y) |
Definition of CLAM_min and CLAM_max. | |
template<class T> | |
T | CLAM_min (const T &x, const T &y) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, char) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, unsigned char) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, signed char) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, char *) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, unsigned char *) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, signed char *) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, const char *) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, const unsigned char *) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, const signed char *) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, void *) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, short int) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, short unsigned int) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, int) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, long) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, bool) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, double) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, float) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, std::string) | |
int | JackProcessingCallback (jack_nframes_t nframes, void *arg) |
void | JackShutdownCallback (void *arg) |
void | displayPADevices () |
static CLAM::TData | dot_product (const CLAM::TData *in1, const CLAM::TData *in2, const CLAM::TData *endIn) |
in1 and in2 must be pointers to vectors of same lenght | |
bool | operator< (const TDescriptorsParams ¶m1, const TDescriptorsParams ¶m2) |
bool | operator>= (const TDescriptorsParams ¶m1, const TDescriptorsParams ¶m2) |
bool | operator== (const TDescriptorsParams ¶m1, const TDescriptorsParams ¶m2) |
bool | operator== (const TDescriptorsParams ¶m1, TIndex id) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &myStream, const TDescriptorsParams &a) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &myStream, const TDescriptorsParams &a) |
void | ConnectPorts (Processing &sender, const std::string &outPortName, Processing &receiver, const std::string &inPortName) |
Connects two ports of two processings selecting them by the port name. | |
void | ConnectControls (Processing &sender, const std::string &outControlName, Processing &receiver, const std::string &inControlName) |
Connects two controls of two processings selecting them by the control name. | |
void | ConnectTypedControls (Processing &sender, const std::string &typedOutControlName, Processing &receiver, const std::string &typedInControlName) |
Connects two typed controls of two processings selecting them by the control name. | |
void | ConnectPorts (Processing &sender, unsigned outPortNumber, Processing &receiver, unsigned inPortNumber) |
Connects two ports of two processings selecting them by the port number. | |
void | ConnectControls (Processing &sender, unsigned outControlNumber, Processing &receiver, unsigned inControlNumber) |
Free function that connects two controls. | |
void | ConnectTypedControls (Processing &sender, unsigned typedOutControlNumber, Processing &receiver, unsigned typedInControlNumber) |
Free function that connects two typed controls. | |
void | ConnectPorts (Processing &sender, unsigned outPortNumber, InPortBase &receiver) |
Connects a processing port, selected by number, to a free in port. | |
void | ConnectPorts (OutPortBase &sender, Processing &receiver, unsigned inPortNumber) |
Connects a free port to one belonging to a processing selecting it by the port number. | |
void | ConnectPorts (Processing &sender, std::string outPortName, InPortBase &in) |
void | ConnectPorts (OutPortBase &out, Processing &receiver, std::string inPortName) |
void | SendFloatToInControl (Processing &receiver, const std::string &inControlName, float value) |
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's name to identfy it. | |
void | SendFloatToInControl (Processing &receiver, int inControlIndex, float value) |
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's registry index to identfy it. | |
void | SendFloatToOutControl (Processing &sender, const std::string &inControlName, float value) |
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible OutControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the OutControl's registry index to identfy it. | |
void | SendFloatToOutControl (Processing &sender, int inControlIndex, float value) |
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible OutControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the OutControl's registry index to identfy it. | |
float | GetFloatFromInControl (Processing &proc, const std::string &inControlName) |
Gets a float from an inaccesible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's name to identfy it. | |
float | GetFloatFromInControl (Processing &proc, int inControlIndex) |
Gets a float from an inaccesible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's name to identfy it. | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, ControlTraceInFilename) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, ControlTraceOutFilename) | |
template<typename WaveType> | |
void | FillBuffer (Array< TData > &buffer, WaveGenerator &generator, WaveType *dummy=0) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, InSDIFFilename) | |
template<class T> | |
Array< T > | operator+ (const Array< T > &a, const Array< T > &b) |
template<class T> | |
bool | operator== (const Array< T > &a, const Array< T > &b) |
template<class TX, class TY> | |
void | ConvertToBPF (BPFTmpl< TX, TY > &newBPF, const Array< TY > &originalArray) |
template<class TX, class TY> | |
void | ConvertToBPF (BPFTmpl< TX, TY > &newBPF, TX X0, TX deltaX, const Array< TY > &originalArray) |
template<class TX, class TY> | |
void | ConvertToBPF (BPFTmpl< TX, TY > &newBPF, const Array< TX > &originalXArray, const Array< TY > &originalYArray) |
template<class TX, class TY> | |
void | ConvertToArray (const BPFTmpl< TX, TY > &originalBPF, Array< TX > &newXArray, Array< TY > &newYArray) |
template<class TX, class TY> | |
void | ConvertToArray (const BPFTmpl< TX, TY > &originalBPF, Array< TY > &newArray) |
template std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, ComplexTmpl< TData > &a) |
template std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const ComplexTmpl< TData > &a) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, Complex) | |
template<class T> | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, ComplexTmpl< T > &a) |
template<class T> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const ComplexTmpl< T > &a) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, DirectoryName) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Enum &e) throw (IllegalValue) |
Stores the symbolic value of an Enum to the output stream. | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &os, Enum &e) throw (IllegalValue) |
Loads a symbolic value from the input stream onto an Enum. | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, Filename) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, InFilename) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, OutFilename) | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, FlagsBase &f) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FlagsBase &f) |
template<class T2> | |
void | StoreMemberOn (T2 &item, Storage &storage) |
template std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, MatrixTmpl< TData > &a) |
template std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const MatrixTmpl< TData > &a) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, Matrix) | |
template<class T> | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, MatrixTmpl< T > &a) |
template<class T> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const MatrixTmpl< T > &a) |
template std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, PointTmpl< TData > &a) |
template std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const PointTmpl< TData > &a) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, Point) | |
template<class TX, class TY> | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, PointTmpl< TX, TY > &a) |
template<class TX, class TY> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const PointTmpl< TX, TY > &a) |
template std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, PolarTmpl< TData > &a) |
template std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const PolarTmpl< TData > &a) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, Polar) | |
template<class T> | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, PolarTmpl< T > &a) |
template<class T> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const PolarTmpl< T > &a) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, Text &text) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, Text) | |
static std::string | concat (const std::list< std::string > &strings) |
template<typename DXDeviceType> | |
void | DXHook (void *wndhndler, DXDeviceType *homemade_tmpl_func_overload=0) |
static HWND | GetConsoleHandle () |
void | EnableConsoleAudio () |
int | xtime_get (xtime *xtp, int clock_type) |
void | to_time (int milliseconds, xtime &xt) |
void | to_timespec (const xtime &xt, timespec &ts) |
void | to_time (int milliseconds, timespec &ts) |
void | to_timespec_duration (const xtime &xt, timespec &ts) |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, AudioInFilename) | |
CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP (BasicCTypeInfo, AudioOutFilename) | |
template<typename PointerType> | |
bool | SafeDelete (PointerType &ptr) |
template<typename DXObjectType> | |
bool | SafeRelease (DXObjectType &obj) |
int | monoOutCallback (const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
int | stereoOutCallback (const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
int | multiOutCallback (const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
int | monoInCallback (const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
int | stereoInCallback (const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
int | multiInCallback (const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
int | stereoFDCallback (const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out_str, const PmDeviceInfo *dev_info) |
Variables | |
bool | disabledCLAMAssertBreakpoint = false |
static AssertFailedHandlerType | CurrentAssertFailedHandler = DefaultAssertHandler |
static WarningHandlerType | CurrentWarningHandler = DefaultWarningHandler |
static const char | clamControlTraceFileTypeFamily [] = "CLAM Control Trace" |
static const Filename::Filter | clamControlTraceFileFilters [] |
static const char * | metadataPeaks [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, PeaksPortMonitor > | regPeaks = metadataPeaks |
static const char * | metadataSpectrum [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, SpectrumPortMonitor > | regSpectrum = metadataSpectrum |
static const char * | metadataAudio [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, AudioPortMonitor > | regAudio = metadataAudio |
static const char * | metadataFundamental [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, FundamentalPortMonitor > | regFundamental = metadataFundamental |
static const char * | metadataAudioBuff [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, AudioBuffPortMonitor > | regAudioBuff = metadataAudioBuff |
static const char * | metadataSpecgram [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, SpecgramPortMonitor > | regSpecgram = metadataSpecgram |
static const char * | metadataFundTrack [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, FundTrackPortMonitor > | regFundTrack = metadataFundTrack |
static const char * | metadataSinTracks [] |
static FactoryRegistrator < ProcessingFactory, SinTracksPortMonitor > | regSinTracks = metadataSinTracks |
O< 1 > * | FirstOrder |
O< 2 > * | SecondOrder |
O< 3 > * | ThirdOrder |
O< 4 > * | FourthOrder |
O< 5 > * | FifthOrder |
const int | MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000 |
const int | NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000000000 |
const int | NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND = 1000000 |
const int | MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000000 |
typedef void(* CLAM::AssertFailedHandlerType)(const char *message, const char *filename, int lineNumber) |
The type of the asserts handlers.
message | A char pointer containing a description of the assertion | |
fileName | A char pointer containing the source file where the assertion is placed | |
lineNumber | The line of the source file where the assertion is placed |
Definition at line 233 of file Assert.hxx.
typedef BinaryAudioOp< Add<TData> > CLAM::AudioAdder |
Definition at line 30 of file AudioAdder.hxx.
Definition at line 31 of file AudioAdder.hxx.
typedef BinaryAudioOp< Multiply<TData> > CLAM::AudioMultiplier |
Definition at line 30 of file AudioMultiplier.hxx.
Definition at line 31 of file AudioMultiplier.hxx.
typedef CentroidTmpl CLAM::Centroid |
Definition at line 493 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef void(* CLAM::cleanfn)(void *) |
Definition at line 38 of file BaseAudioApplication.cxx.
typedef ComplexTmpl<TData> CLAM::Complex |
Definition at line 32 of file Complex.hxx.
Definition at line 72 of file ComplexToPolarCnv.hxx.
typedef BinaryControlOp< Multiply<TControlData> > CLAM::ControlMultiplier |
Definition at line 37 of file ControlMultiplier.hxx.
typedef CubeTmpl CLAM::Cube |
Definition at line 114 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef CubedSumTmpl CLAM::CubedSum |
Definition at line 249 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef Array<TData> CLAM::DataArray |
typedef DescriptorTmpl<false> CLAM::Descriptor |
Definition at line 83 of file Descriptor.hxx.
typedef DescriptorTmpl<true> CLAM::DescriptorAbs |
Definition at line 84 of file Descriptor.hxx.
typedef EnergyTmpl CLAM::Energy |
Definition at line 495 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef Search< List < Frame >, Frame> CLAM::FrameSearch |
Definition at line 35 of file Segment.hxx.
typedef GeometricMeanTmpl CLAM::GeometricMean |
Definition at line 566 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef ControlArray<InControl> CLAM::InControlArray |
Definition at line 30 of file InControlArray.hxx.
typedef InnerProductTmpl CLAM::InnerProduct |
Definition at line 310 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef KurtosisTmpl CLAM::Kurtosis |
Definition at line 796 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef LogPlusTmpl CLAM::LogSum |
Definition at line 262 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef MatrixTmpl<TData> CLAM::Matrix |
Definition at line 32 of file Matrix.hxx.
typedef MeanTmpl CLAM::Mean |
Definition at line 494 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef signed short CLAM::MY_TYPE |
Definition at line 27 of file RtAAudioDevice.hxx.
typedef NoPowerTmpl CLAM::NoPower |
typedef ControlArray<OutControl> CLAM::OutControlArray |
Definition at line 29 of file OutControlArray.hxx.
typedef PointTmpl<TData> CLAM::Point |
typedef PolarTmpl<TData> CLAM::Polar |
typedef int(* CLAM::PortAudioCallback)(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) |
Definition at line 33 of file PortAudioUtils.hxx.
typedef ProductTmpl CLAM::Product |
Definition at line 203 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef void*(* CLAM::pthread_start_pfunc)(void *) |
Definition at line 6 of file PooledThread.cxx.
Definition at line 534 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef SkewTmpl CLAM::Skew |
Definition at line 760 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef SquareTmpl CLAM::Square |
Definition at line 113 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef SquaredSumTmpl CLAM::SquaredSum |
Definition at line 248 of file BasicOps.hxx.
Definition at line 721 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef void*(* CLAM::startfn)(void *) |
Definition at line 37 of file BaseAudioApplication.cxx.
typedef std::list<StaticCycleBranch> CLAM::StaticCycle |
Definition at line 40 of file StaticFlowControl.hxx.
typedef StatsTmpl CLAM::Stats |
Definition at line 247 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef unsigned char CLAM::TByte |
Definition at line 42 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef float CLAM::TControlData |
typedef float CLAM::TData |
Definition at line 50 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef float CLAM::TFloat32 |
Definition at line 40 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef double CLAM::TFloat64 |
Definition at line 41 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef struct CLAM::SGuide CLAM::TGuide |
typedef int CLAM::TIndex |
Definition at line 27 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef short CLAM::TInt16 |
Definition at line 29 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef int CLAM::TInt32 |
Definition at line 31 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef long long CLAM::TInt64 |
Definition at line 37 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef TByte CLAM::TMIDIByte |
Definition at line 43 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef TInt32 CLAM::TMIDITime |
Definition at line 44 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef int CLAM::TSize |
Definition at line 28 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef double CLAM::TTime |
Definition at line 45 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef struct CLAM::STrajectory CLAM::TTrajectory |
typedef unsigned short CLAM::TUInt16 |
Definition at line 30 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef unsigned int CLAM::TUInt32 |
Definition at line 32 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef unsigned long long CLAM::TUInt64 |
Definition at line 38 of file DataTypes.hxx.
typedef void(* CLAM::WarningHandlerType)(const char *message, const char *filename, int lineNumber) |
The type of the warning handlers.
message | A char pointer containing a description of the warning | |
fileName | A char pointer containing the source file where the warning is placed | |
lineNumber | The line of the source file where the warning is placed |
Definition at line 256 of file Assert.hxx.
typedef WeightedCubeTmpl CLAM::WeightedCube |
Definition at line 167 of file BasicOps.hxx.
Definition at line 370 of file BasicOps.hxx.
Definition at line 166 of file BasicOps.hxx.
Definition at line 369 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef WeightedSumTmpl CLAM::WeightedSum |
Definition at line 368 of file BasicOps.hxx.
typedef XmlStorage CLAM::XMLStorage |
For maintaining compatibility with deprecated class name.
Definition at line 179 of file XMLStorage.hxx.
anonymous enum |
Definition at line 42 of file Segmentator.hxx.
anonymous enum |
enum CLAM::EFFTType |
T CLAM::Abs | ( | T | value | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 442 of file CLAM_Math.hxx.
Referenced by CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::BPFPolInt(), CLAM::StatsTmpl< abs >::GetCentroid(), CLAM::ComplexTmpl< T >::Mag(), CLAM::ComplexMax< abs, CLAM::FrameDescriptors >::operator()(), CLAM::ComplexMin< abs, CLAM::FrameDescriptors >::operator()(), CLAM::LogPlusTmpl< T >::operator()(), CLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U >::operator()(), CLAM::WeightedPower< 1, abs, T >::operator()(), CLAM::Power< s, abs, CLAM::FrameDescriptors >::operator()(), and CLAM::SpectralPeak::operator|().
Definition at line 29 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
References CLAM::Array< T >::Resize(), CLAM::Array< T >::SetSize(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
Referenced by CLAM::AudioCircularBuffer::AddAudio(), and operator+().
void CLAM::AssertProperSize | ( | TSize | size, | |
DataArray & | buffer | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 28 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References CLAM::Array< T >::Resize(), CLAM::Array< T >::SetSize(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
Referenced by BPF2MagPhase(), Complex2MagPhase(), Linear2LogMagnitude(), Log2LinearMagnitude(), and Polar2MagPhase().
void CLAM::BPF2MagPhase | ( | const BPF & | magBpf, | |
const BPF & | phaseBpf, | |||
DataArray & | magBuffer, | |||
DataArray & | phaseBuffer, | |||
TSize | nBins, | |||
TData | specRange | |||
) |
T CLAM::CLAM_max | ( | const T & | x, | |
const T & | y | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition of CLAM_min and CLAM_max.
Note1: we are not returning a const reference because in some specializations this is not possible. Note2: we are not using std::max and std::min by default because in Windows these functions are implemented with different names
Definition at line 467 of file CLAM_Math.hxx.
SpectralPeakDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_max | ( | const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 161 of file SpectralPeakDescriptors.hxx.
SpectralDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_max | ( | const SpectralDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 169 of file SpectralDescriptors.hxx.
FrameDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_max | ( | const FrameDescriptors & | a, | |
const FrameDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
AudioDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_max | ( | const AudioDescriptors & | a, | |
const AudioDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
T CLAM::CLAM_min | ( | const T & | x, | |
const T & | y | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 471 of file CLAM_Math.hxx.
SpectralPeakDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_min | ( | const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 215 of file SpectralPeakDescriptors.hxx.
SpectralDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_min | ( | const SpectralDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 280 of file SpectralDescriptors.hxx.
FrameDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_min | ( | const FrameDescriptors & | a, | |
const FrameDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
AudioDescriptors CLAM::CLAM_min | ( | const AudioDescriptors & | a, | |
const AudioDescriptors & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 137 of file AudioDescriptors.hxx.
Referenced by CLAM_min(), CLAM::FundFreqDetect::Do(), CLAM::Fund2MIDI::Do(), and CLAM::ComplexMin< abs, CLAM::FrameDescriptors >::operator()().
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
AudioOutFilename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
AudioInFilename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
Text | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
Polar | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
Point | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
Matrix | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
OutFilename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
InFilename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
Filename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
DirectoryName | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
Complex | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
InSDIFFilename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
ControlTraceOutFilename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
ControlTraceInFilename | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
std::string | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
float | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
double | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
bool | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
long | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
int | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
short unsigned | int | |||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
short | int | |||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
void * | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
const signed char * | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
const unsigned char * | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
const char * | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
signed char * | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
unsigned char * | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
char * | ||||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
signed | char | |||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
unsigned | char | |||
) |
CLAM::CLAM_TYPEINFOGROUP | ( | BasicCTypeInfo | , | |
char | ||||
) |
void CLAM::Complex2LogMagPhase | ( | const Array< Complex > & | src, | |
DataArray & | destMag, | |||
DataArray & | destPhase | |||
) |
Definition at line 117 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References CLAM_ASSERT, CLAM_log10(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
void CLAM::Complex2MagPhase | ( | const Array< Complex > & | complBuffer, | |
DataArray & | magBuffer, | |||
DataArray & | phaseBuffer | |||
) |
Definition at line 55 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References AssertProperSize(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
Referenced by CLAM::LPModel::ToSpectrum().
void CLAM::Complex2Polar | ( | const Array< Complex > & | , | |
Array< Polar > & | ||||
) |
static std::string CLAM::concat | ( | const std::list< std::string > & | strings | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 41 of file XMLStorage.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::XmlStorage::Load(), and CLAM::XmlStorage::RestoreObject().
void CLAM::ConnectControls | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
unsigned | outControlNumber, | |||
Processing & | receiver, | |||
unsigned | inControlNumber | |||
) |
Free function that connects two controls.
Short hand for sender.GetOutControls().GetByNumber(outControlNumber).AddLink( receiver.GetOutControls().GetByNumber(inControlNumber))
Definition at line 76 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutControl::AddLink(), CLAM::InControlRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::OutControlRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::Processing::GetInControls(), and CLAM::Processing::GetOutControls().
void CLAM::ConnectControls | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
const std::string & | outControlName, | |||
Processing & | receiver, | |||
const std::string & | inControlName | |||
) |
Connects two controls of two processings selecting them by the control name.
Short hand for sender.GetOutControls().GetByName(outControlName).AddLink( receiver.GetOutControls().GetByName(inControlName))
Definition at line 49 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutControl::AddLink(), CLAM::InControlRegistry::Get(), CLAM::OutControlRegistry::Get(), CLAM::Processing::GetInControls(), and CLAM::Processing::GetOutControls().
void CLAM::ConnectPorts | ( | OutPortBase & | out, | |
Processing & | receiver, | |||
std::string | inPortName | |||
) |
Definition at line 118 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutPortBase::ConnectToIn(), CLAM::InPortRegistry::Get(), and CLAM::Processing::GetInPorts().
void CLAM::ConnectPorts | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
std::string | outPortName, | |||
InPortBase & | in | |||
) |
Definition at line 110 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutPortBase::ConnectToIn(), CLAM::OutPortRegistry::Get(), and CLAM::Processing::GetOutPorts().
void CLAM::ConnectPorts | ( | OutPortBase & | sender, | |
Processing & | receiver, | |||
unsigned | inPortNumber | |||
) |
Connects a free port to one belonging to a processing selecting it by the port number.
Short hand for sender.ConnectToIn(receiver.GetOutPort(inPortName))
Definition at line 102 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutPortBase::ConnectToIn(), CLAM::InPortRegistry::GetByNumber(), and CLAM::Processing::GetInPorts().
void CLAM::ConnectPorts | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
unsigned | outPortNumber, | |||
InPortBase & | receiver | |||
) |
Connects a processing port, selected by number, to a free in port.
Short hand for sender.GetOutPort(outPortName).ConnectToIn(receiver)
Definition at line 94 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutPortBase::ConnectToIn(), CLAM::OutPortRegistry::GetByNumber(), and CLAM::Processing::GetOutPorts().
void CLAM::ConnectPorts | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
unsigned | outPortNumber, | |||
Processing & | receiver, | |||
unsigned | inPortNumber | |||
) |
Connects two ports of two processings selecting them by the port number.
Short hand for sender.GetOutPortByNumber(outPortNumber).ConnectToIn(receiver.GetOutPort(inPortNumber))
Definition at line 67 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutPortBase::ConnectToIn(), CLAM::InPortRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::OutPortRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::Processing::GetInPorts(), and CLAM::Processing::GetOutPorts().
void CLAM::ConnectPorts | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
const std::string & | outPortName, | |||
Processing & | receiver, | |||
const std::string & | inPortName | |||
) |
Connects two ports of two processings selecting them by the port name.
Short hand for sender.GetOutPort(outPortName).ConnectToIn(receiver.GetOutPort(inPortName))
Definition at line 40 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutPortBase::ConnectToIn(), CLAM::Processing::GetInPort(), and CLAM::Processing::GetOutPort().
void CLAM::ConnectTypedControls | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
unsigned | typedOutControlNumber, | |||
Processing & | receiver, | |||
unsigned | typedInControlNumber | |||
) |
Free function that connects two typed controls.
Definition at line 85 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::BaseTypedOutControl::AddLink(), CLAM::TypedInControlRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::TypedOutControlRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::Processing::GetTypedInControls(), and CLAM::Processing::GetTypedOutControls().
void CLAM::ConnectTypedControls | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
const std::string & | typedOutControlName, | |||
Processing & | receiver, | |||
const std::string & | typedInControlName | |||
) |
Connects two typed controls of two processings selecting them by the control name.
Definition at line 58 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::BaseTypedOutControl::AddLink(), CLAM::TypedInControlRegistry::Get(), CLAM::TypedOutControlRegistry::Get(), CLAM::Processing::GetTypedInControls(), and CLAM::Processing::GetTypedOutControls().
void CLAM::ConvertToArray | ( | const BPFTmpl< TX, TY > & | originalBPF, | |
Array< TY > & | newArray | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 97 of file ArrayToBPFCnv.hxx.
References CLAM::Array< T >::AddElem(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::GetValueFromIndex(), and CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::Size().
void CLAM::ConvertToArray | ( | const BPFTmpl< TX, TY > & | originalBPF, | |
Array< TX > & | newXArray, | |||
Array< TY > & | newYArray | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 84 of file ArrayToBPFCnv.hxx.
References CLAM::Array< T >::AddElem(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::GetValueFromIndex(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::GetXValue(), and CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::Size().
void CLAM::ConvertToBPF | ( | BPFTmpl< TX, TY > & | newBPF, | |
const Array< TX > & | originalXArray, | |||
const Array< TY > & | originalYArray | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 67 of file ArrayToBPFCnv.hxx.
References CLAM_ASSERT, CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::SetValue(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::SetXValue(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::Size(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
void CLAM::ConvertToBPF | ( | BPFTmpl< TX, TY > & | newBPF, | |
TX | X0, | |||
TX | deltaX, | |||
const Array< TY > & | originalArray | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 47 of file ArrayToBPFCnv.hxx.
References CLAM_ASSERT, CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::SetValue(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::SetXValue(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::Size(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
void CLAM::ConvertToBPF | ( | BPFTmpl< TX, TY > & | newBPF, | |
const Array< TY > & | originalArray | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 34 of file ArrayToBPFCnv.hxx.
References CLAM_ASSERT, CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::SetValue(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::SetXValue(), CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY >::Size(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
double CLAM::DB | ( | double | linData, | |
int | scaling = 20 | |||
) | [inline] |
SpectralPeak CLAM::DB | ( | SpectralPeak & | inPeak, | |
int | scalingFactor = 20 | |||
) | [inline] |
Function for changing the scale of a peak to log, conserving data consistency.
inPeak | incoming peak | |
scalingFactor | factor to apply in the logarithmic conversion (default 20) |
Definition at line 144 of file SpectralPeak.hxx.
References CLAM_log10(), and CLAM::EScale::eLog.
static void CLAM::DefaultAssertHandler | ( | const char * | message, | |
const char * | filename, | |||
int | lineNumber | |||
) | [static] |
static void CLAM::DefaultWarningHandler | ( | const char * | message, | |
const char * | filename, | |||
int | lineNumber | |||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 104 of file Assert.cxx.
void CLAM::displayPADevices | ( | ) |
static CLAM::TData CLAM::dot_product | ( | const CLAM::TData * | in1, | |
const CLAM::TData * | in2, | |||
const CLAM::TData * | endIn | |||
) | [inline, static] |
in1 and in2 must be pointers to vectors of same lenght
Definition at line 174 of file LPC_AutoCorrelation.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::LPC_AutoCorrelation::ComputeAutocorrelation().
void CLAM::DumpBacktrace | ( | std::ostream & | os | ) |
void CLAM::DXHook | ( | void * | wndhndler, | |
DXDeviceType * | homemade_tmpl_func_overload = 0 | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 32 of file Win32Utils.cxx.
void CLAM::EnableConsoleAudio | ( | ) |
void CLAM::ExecuteAssertFailedHandler | ( | const char * | message, | |
const char * | filename, | |||
int | lineNumber | |||
) |
(Don't use directly, use the CLAM_ASSERT macro instead) Execute the assert failed handler.
Definition at line 87 of file Assert.cxx.
References CurrentAssertFailedHandler.
void CLAM::ExecuteWarningHandler | ( | const char * | message, | |
const char * | filename, | |||
int | lineNumber | |||
) |
(Don't use directly, use the CLAM_WARNING macro instead) Execute the assert failed handler.
Definition at line 118 of file Assert.cxx.
References CurrentWarningHandler.
void CLAM::FillBuffer | ( | Array< TData > & | buffer, | |
WaveGenerator & | generator, | |||
WaveType * | dummy = 0 | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 161 of file WaveGenerator.hxx.
References CLAM::WaveGenerator::GetAmplitude(), CLAM::WaveGenerator::GetXDelta(), CLAM::WaveGenerator::GetXPos(), CLAM::WaveGenerator::SetXPos(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
static HWND CLAM::GetConsoleHandle | ( | ) | [static] |
Gets a float from an inaccesible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's name to identfy it.
Definition at line 153 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::InControlRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::Processing::GetInControls(), and CLAM::InControl::GetLastValue().
float CLAM::GetFloatFromInControl | ( | Processing & | proc, | |
const std::string & | inControlName | |||
) |
Gets a float from an inaccesible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's name to identfy it.
Definition at line 148 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::Processing::GetInControl(), and CLAM::InControl::GetLastValue().
int CLAM::JackProcessingCallback | ( | jack_nframes_t | nframes, | |
void * | arg | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 11 of file JACKNetworkPlayer.cxx.
References CLAM::JACKNetworkPlayer::Do().
Referenced by CLAM::JACKNetworkPlayer::InitClient().
void CLAM::JackShutdownCallback | ( | void * | arg | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 18 of file JACKNetworkPlayer.cxx.
References CLAM::JACKNetworkPlayer::OnShutdown().
Referenced by CLAM::JACKNetworkPlayer::InitClient().
double CLAM::Lin | ( | double | logData, | |
int | scaling = 20 | |||
) | [inline] |
SpectralPeak CLAM::Lin | ( | SpectralPeak & | inPeak | ) | [inline] |
SpectralPeak CLAM::Lin | ( | SpectralPeak & | inPeak, | |
int | scalingFactor | |||
) | [inline] |
Function for changing the scale of a peak to linear, conserving data consistency.
inPeak | incoming peak | |
scalingFactor | factor to apply in the logarithmic conversion (default 20) |
Definition at line 118 of file SpectralPeak.hxx.
References CLAM_pow(), and CLAM::EScale::eLinear.
Referenced by CLAM::SMSResidualGain::Do().
void CLAM::Linear2LogMagnitude | ( | DataArray & | dataBuffer | ) |
Definition at line 158 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References CLAM_20log10(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
void CLAM::Linear2LogMagnitude | ( | const DataArray & | linearBuffer, | |
DataArray & | logData | |||
) |
Definition at line 145 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References AssertProperSize(), CLAM_20log10(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
void CLAM::Log2LinearMagnitude | ( | DataArray & | dataBuffer | ) |
Definition at line 106 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References CLAM_pow(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
void CLAM::Log2LinearMagnitude | ( | const DataArray & | logBuffer, | |
DataArray & | linBuffer | |||
) |
Definition at line 93 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References AssertProperSize(), CLAM_pow(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
void CLAM::MagPhase2Complex | ( | const DataArray & | , | |
const DataArray & | , | |||
Array< Complex > & | ||||
) |
void CLAM::MagPhase2Polar | ( | const DataArray & | , | |
const DataArray & | , | |||
Array< Polar > & | ||||
) |
int CLAM::monoInCallback | ( | const void * | inputBuffer, | |
void * | outputBuffer, | |||
unsigned long | framesPerBuffer, | |||
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * | timeInfo, | |||
PaStreamCallbackFlags | statusFlags, | |||
void * | userData | |||
) |
Definition at line 118 of file PACLAMCallbacks.cxx.
References CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mFrontBuffer, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mLen, and CLAM::DoubleBuffer::SwapBuffers().
int CLAM::monoOutCallback | ( | const void * | inputBuffer, | |
void * | outputBuffer, | |||
unsigned long | framesPerBuffer, | |||
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * | timeInfo, | |||
PaStreamCallbackFlags | statusFlags, | |||
void * | userData | |||
) |
Definition at line 31 of file PACLAMCallbacks.cxx.
References CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBuffer, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBufferReady, and CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mLen.
int CLAM::multiInCallback | ( | const void * | inputBuffer, | |
void * | outputBuffer, | |||
unsigned long | framesPerBuffer, | |||
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * | timeInfo, | |||
PaStreamCallbackFlags | statusFlags, | |||
void * | userData | |||
) |
Definition at line 162 of file PACLAMCallbacks.cxx.
References CLAM::PAAudioStreamConfig::GetChannelNumber(), CLAM::PAAudioStreamConfig::GetInputDblBuffer(), CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mFrontBuffer, and CLAM::DoubleBuffer::SwapBuffers().
int CLAM::multiOutCallback | ( | const void * | inputBuffer, | |
void * | outputBuffer, | |||
unsigned long | framesPerBuffer, | |||
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * | timeInfo, | |||
PaStreamCallbackFlags | statusFlags, | |||
void * | userData | |||
) |
Definition at line 91 of file PACLAMCallbacks.cxx.
References CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBuffer, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBufferReady, and CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mLen.
DataArray CLAM::Multiply | ( | DataArray & | a, | |
DataArray & | b | |||
) |
Definition at line 90 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
References CLAM::Array< T >::Resize(), CLAM::Array< T >::SetSize(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
DataArray CLAM::Multiply | ( | TData & | factor, | |
DataArray & | a | |||
) |
Definition at line 78 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
References CLAM::Array< T >::Resize(), CLAM::Array< T >::SetSize(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
Referenced by operator*().
SpectralPeakDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | TData | mult, | |
const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | a | |||
) |
Definition at line 405 of file SpectralPeakDescriptors.cxx.
SpectralPeakDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
Definition at line 263 of file SpectralPeakDescriptors.cxx.
References Multiply(), and CLAM::DynamicType::UpdateData().
SpectralPeakDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | mult | |||
) |
Definition at line 217 of file SpectralPeakDescriptors.cxx.
SpectralDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | TData | mult, | |
const SpectralDescriptors & | a | |||
) |
Definition at line 622 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
SpectralDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const SpectralDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
Definition at line 345 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
References Multiply(), and CLAM::DynamicType::UpdateData().
SpectralDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const SpectralDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | mult | |||
) |
Definition at line 294 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
FrameDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | TData | mult, | |
const FrameDescriptors & | a | |||
) |
Definition at line 289 of file FrameDescriptors.cxx.
FrameDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const FrameDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | mult | |||
) |
Definition at line 249 of file FrameDescriptors.cxx.
FrameDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const FrameDescriptors & | a, | |
const FrameDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
AudioDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const AudioDescriptors & | a, | |
const AudioDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
AudioDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | TData | mult, | |
const AudioDescriptors & | a | |||
) |
Definition at line 266 of file AudioDescriptors.cxx.
AudioDescriptors CLAM::operator* | ( | const AudioDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | mult | |||
) |
Definition at line 226 of file AudioDescriptors.cxx.
Array<T> CLAM::operator+ | ( | const Array< T > & | a, | |
const Array< T > & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
SpectralPeakDescriptors CLAM::operator+ | ( | const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
Definition at line 331 of file SpectralPeakDescriptors.cxx.
References Add(), and CLAM::DynamicType::UpdateData().
SpectralDescriptors CLAM::operator+ | ( | const SpectralDescriptors & | a, | |
const SpectralDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
Definition at line 485 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
References Add(), and CLAM::DynamicType::UpdateData().
FrameDescriptors CLAM::operator+ | ( | const FrameDescriptors & | a, | |
const FrameDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
AudioDescriptors CLAM::operator+ | ( | const AudioDescriptors & | a, | |
const AudioDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
FrameDescriptors CLAM::operator- | ( | const FrameDescriptors & | a, | |
const FrameDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
Definition at line 294 of file FrameDescriptors.cxx.
AudioDescriptors CLAM::operator- | ( | const AudioDescriptors & | a, | |
const AudioDescriptors & | b | |||
) |
Definition at line 382 of file AudioDescriptors.cxx.
SpectralPeakDescriptors CLAM::operator/ | ( | const SpectralPeakDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | div | |||
) |
Definition at line 400 of file SpectralPeakDescriptors.cxx.
SpectralDescriptors CLAM::operator/ | ( | const SpectralDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | div | |||
) |
Definition at line 480 of file SpectralDescriptors.cxx.
FrameDescriptors CLAM::operator/ | ( | const FrameDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | div | |||
) |
Definition at line 298 of file FrameDescriptors.cxx.
AudioDescriptors CLAM::operator/ | ( | const AudioDescriptors & | a, | |
TData | div | |||
) |
Definition at line 387 of file AudioDescriptors.cxx.
bool CLAM::operator< | ( | const TDescriptorsParams & | param1, | |
const TDescriptorsParams & | param2 | |||
) | [inline] |
std::ostream& CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out_str, | |
const PmDeviceInfo * | dev_info | |||
) |
Definition at line 31 of file PortMIDIDevice.cxx.
std::ostream & CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const PolarTmpl< T > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 144 of file PolarTmplDef.hxx.
template std::ostream& CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const PolarTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::ostream & CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const PointTmpl< TX, TY > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 74 of file PointTmplDef.hxx.
template std::ostream& CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const PointTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::ostream & CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const MatrixTmpl< T > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 90 of file MatrixTmplDef.hxx.
template std::ostream& CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const MatrixTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::ostream & CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, | |
const FlagsBase & | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 141 of file Flags.cxx.
References CLAM::FlagsBase::GetFlagString(), CLAM::FlagsBase::GetNFlags(), and CLAM::FlagsBase::IsSetFlag().
std::ostream & CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, | |
const Enum & | e | |||
) | throw (IllegalValue) |
std::ostream & CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const ComplexTmpl< T > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 76 of file ComplexTmplDef.hxx.
template std::ostream& CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | stream, | |
const ComplexTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::ostream& CLAM::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | myStream, | |
const TDescriptorsParams & | a | |||
) |
Definition at line 48 of file Segmentator.cxx.
References FundamentalId, CLAM::TDescriptorsParams::id, CLAM::TDescriptorsParams::percentil, SpectralCentroidId, SpectralEnergyId, SpectralFlatnessId, SpectralGeometricMeanId, SpectralKurtosisId, SpectralMeanId, SpectralMoment2Id, SpectralMoment3Id, SpectralMoment4Id, SpectralMoment5Id, SpectralMoment6Id, and CLAM::TDescriptorsParams::threshold.
bool CLAM::operator== | ( | const Array< T > & | a, | |
const Array< T > & | b | |||
) | [inline] |
bool CLAM::operator== | ( | const TDescriptorsParams & | param1, | |
TIndex | id | |||
) | [inline] |
bool CLAM::operator== | ( | const TDescriptorsParams & | param1, | |
const TDescriptorsParams & | param2 | |||
) | [inline] |
bool CLAM::operator>= | ( | const TDescriptorsParams & | param1, | |
const TDescriptorsParams & | param2 | |||
) | [inline] |
std::istream & CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
Text & | text | |||
) |
std::istream & CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
PolarTmpl< T > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 108 of file PolarTmplDef.hxx.
References CLAM::PolarTmpl< T >::SetAng(), and CLAM::PolarTmpl< T >::SetMag().
template std::istream& CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
PolarTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::istream & CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | is, | |
PointTmpl< TX, TY > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 38 of file PointTmplDef.hxx.
References CLAM::PointTmpl< TX, TY >::SetX(), and CLAM::PointTmpl< TX, TY >::SetY().
template std::istream& CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
PointTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::istream & CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
MatrixTmpl< T > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 83 of file MatrixTmplDef.hxx.
template std::istream& CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
MatrixTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::istream & CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | is, | |
FlagsBase & | f | |||
) |
Definition at line 100 of file Flags.cxx.
References CLAM::FlagsBase::GetFlagPosition(), CLAM::FlagsBase::GetNFlags(), and CLAM::FlagsBase::SetFlag().
std::istream & CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | os, | |
Enum & | e | |||
) | throw (IllegalValue) |
std::istream & CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
ComplexTmpl< T > & | a | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 33 of file ComplexTmplDef.hxx.
References CLAM::ComplexTmpl< T >::SetImag(), and CLAM::ComplexTmpl< T >::SetReal().
template std::istream& CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | stream, | |
ComplexTmpl< TData > & | a | |||
) |
std::istream& CLAM::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | myStream, | |
const TDescriptorsParams & | a | |||
) |
void CLAM::Polar2Complex | ( | const Array< Polar > & | , | |
Array< Complex > & | ||||
) |
void CLAM::Polar2MagPhase | ( | const Array< Polar > & | polarBuffer, | |
DataArray & | magBuffer, | |||
DataArray & | phaseBuffer | |||
) |
Definition at line 38 of file SpectrumConversions.cxx.
References AssertProperSize(), and CLAM::Array< T >::Size().
bool CLAM::SafeDelete | ( | PointerType & | ptr | ) | [inline] |
bool CLAM::SafeRelease | ( | DXObjectType & | obj | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 66 of file DXFullDuplex.hxx.
References NULL.
Referenced by CLAM::DXFullDuplex::~DXFullDuplex().
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's registry index to identfy it.
Definition at line 132 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutControl::AddLink(), CLAM::InControlRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::Processing::GetInControls(), and CLAM::OutControl::SendControl().
void CLAM::SendFloatToInControl | ( | Processing & | receiver, | |
const std::string & | inControlName, | |||
float | value | |||
) |
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible InControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the InControl's name to identfy it.
Definition at line 126 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutControl::AddLink(), CLAM::InControlRegistry::Get(), CLAM::Processing::GetInControls(), and CLAM::OutControl::SendControl().
Referenced by CLAM::SMSHarmonizer::ConcreteConfigure(), CLAM::SpectralRingModulation::Do(), CLAM::SpectralPhaseModulation::Do(), CLAM::SpectralDelay::Do(), CLAM::SpectralAmplitudeModulation::Do(), CLAM::SMSPitchDiscretization::Do(), CLAM::SMSMorph::Do(), CLAM::SMSHarmonizer::Do(), CLAM::SMSGenderChange::Do(), CLAM::SMSDeesser::Do(), CLAM::SegmentSMSHarmonizer::Do(), CLAM::OscillatingSpectralNotch::Do(), CLAM::MIDIKeyboard::Do(), CLAM::Deesser::Do(), and CLAM::ThreeBandAM::Do().
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible OutControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the OutControl's registry index to identfy it.
Definition at line 143 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutControlRegistry::GetByNumber(), CLAM::Processing::GetOutControls(), and CLAM::OutControl::SendControl().
void CLAM::SendFloatToOutControl | ( | Processing & | sender, | |
const std::string & | inControlName, | |||
float | value | |||
) |
Tries to send a float to an inaccessible OutControl, this is kept for compatibility This function uses the OutControl's registry index to identfy it.
Definition at line 138 of file Processing.cxx.
References CLAM::OutControlRegistry::Get(), CLAM::Processing::GetOutControls(), and CLAM::OutControl::SendControl().
AssertFailedHandlerType CLAM::SetAssertFailedHandler | ( | AssertFailedHandlerType | handler | ) |
Change the handler function called when an assertion fails.
The function must have a prototype like that:
void MyHandler (const char* message, const char* filename, int lineNumber);
handler | The new handler |
Definition at line 81 of file Assert.cxx.
References CurrentAssertFailedHandler.
WarningHandlerType CLAM::SetWarningHandler | ( | WarningHandlerType | handler | ) |
Change the handler function called when a warning is given.
The function must have a prototype like that:
void MyHandler (const char* message, const char* filename, int lineNumber);
handler | The new handler |
Definition at line 112 of file Assert.cxx.
References CurrentWarningHandler.
int CLAM::stereoFDCallback | ( | const void * | inputBuffer, | |
void * | outputBuffer, | |||
unsigned long | framesPerBuffer, | |||
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * | timeInfo, | |||
PaStreamCallbackFlags | statusFlags, | |||
void * | userData | |||
) |
Definition at line 179 of file PACLAMCallbacks.cxx.
References CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBuffer, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBufferReady, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mFrontBuffer, CLAM::FullDuplexDoubleBuffer::mInputDblBuff, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mLen, CLAM::FullDuplexDoubleBuffer::mOutputDblBuff, and CLAM::DoubleBuffer::SwapBuffers().
int CLAM::stereoInCallback | ( | const void * | inputBuffer, | |
void * | outputBuffer, | |||
unsigned long | framesPerBuffer, | |||
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * | timeInfo, | |||
PaStreamCallbackFlags | statusFlags, | |||
void * | userData | |||
) |
Definition at line 138 of file PACLAMCallbacks.cxx.
References CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mFrontBuffer, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mLen, and CLAM::DoubleBuffer::SwapBuffers().
int CLAM::stereoOutCallback | ( | const void * | inputBuffer, | |
void * | outputBuffer, | |||
unsigned long | framesPerBuffer, | |||
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * | timeInfo, | |||
PaStreamCallbackFlags | statusFlags, | |||
void * | userData | |||
) |
Definition at line 59 of file PACLAMCallbacks.cxx.
References CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBuffer, CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mBackBufferReady, and CLAM::DoubleBuffer::mLen.
void CLAM::StoreMemberOn | ( | T2 & | item, | |
Storage & | storage | |||
) | [inline] |
Referenced by CLAM::List< CLAM::Frame >::StoreOn().
void CLAM::to_time | ( | int | milliseconds, | |
timespec & | ts | |||
) | [inline] |
void CLAM::to_time | ( | int | milliseconds, | |
xtime & | xt | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 85 of file xtime.hxx.
Referenced by to_time().
void CLAM::to_timespec | ( | const xtime & | xt, | |
timespec & | ts | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 104 of file xtime.hxx.
References NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND, CLAM::xtime::nsec, and CLAM::xtime::sec.
Referenced by to_time().
void CLAM::to_timespec_duration | ( | const xtime & | xt, | |
timespec & | ts | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 125 of file xtime.hxx.
References NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND, CLAM::xtime::nsec, CLAM::xtime::sec, TIME_UTC, and xtime_get().
Definition at line 54 of file xtime.hxx.
References CLAM::xtime::nsec, CLAM::xtime::sec, and TIME_UTC.
Referenced by to_time(), and to_timespec_duration().
const Filename::Filter CLAM::clamControlTraceFileFilters[] [static] |
Initial value:
{ { "CLAM Control Traces (v1)", "*.clamtrace" }, }
Definition at line 166 of file ControlTrace.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::ControlTraceOutFilename::Filters(), and CLAM::ControlTraceInFilename::Filters().
const char CLAM::clamControlTraceFileTypeFamily[] = "CLAM Control Trace" [static] |
Definition at line 165 of file ControlTrace.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::ControlTraceOutFilename::TypeFamily(), and CLAM::ControlTraceInFilename::TypeFamily().
AssertFailedHandlerType CLAM::CurrentAssertFailedHandler = DefaultAssertHandler [static] |
Definition at line 79 of file Assert.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::ErrAssertionFailed::ErrAssertionFailed(), ExecuteAssertFailedHandler(), and SetAssertFailedHandler().
WarningHandlerType CLAM::CurrentWarningHandler = DefaultWarningHandler [static] |
Definition at line 110 of file Assert.cxx.
Referenced by ExecuteWarningHandler(), and SetWarningHandler().
Definition at line 65 of file Assert.cxx.
O< 5 > * CLAM::FifthOrder |
O< 1 > * CLAM::FirstOrder |
O< 4 > * CLAM::FourthOrder |
Definition at line 30 of file Order.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::SpectralDescriptors::ConcreteCompute().
const char* CLAM::metadataAudio[] [static] |
const char* CLAM::metadataAudioBuff[] [static] |
const char* CLAM::metadataFundamental[] [static] |
Initial value:
{ "key", "FundamentalPortMonitor", 0 }
Definition at line 55 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
const char* CLAM::metadataFundTrack[] [static] |
const char* CLAM::metadataPeaks[] [static] |
const char* CLAM::metadataSinTracks[] [static] |
const char* CLAM::metadataSpecgram[] [static] |
const char* CLAM::metadataSpectrum[] [static] |
const int CLAM::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000000 |
const int CLAM::NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000000000 |
Definition at line 79 of file xtime.hxx.
Referenced by to_time(), to_timespec(), and to_timespec_duration().
Definition at line 53 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, AudioBuffPortMonitor> CLAM::regAudioBuff = metadataAudioBuff [static] |
Definition at line 69 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, FundamentalPortMonitor> CLAM::regFundamental = metadataFundamental [static] |
Definition at line 61 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, FundTrackPortMonitor> CLAM::regFundTrack = metadataFundTrack [static] |
Definition at line 85 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
Definition at line 37 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, SinTracksPortMonitor> CLAM::regSinTracks = metadataSinTracks [static] |
Definition at line 93 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, SpecgramPortMonitor> CLAM::regSpecgram = metadataSpecgram [static] |
Definition at line 77 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, SpectrumPortMonitor> CLAM::regSpectrum = metadataSpectrum [static] |
Definition at line 45 of file PortMonitor.cxx.
O< 2 > * CLAM::SecondOrder |
Definition at line 28 of file Order.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::SpectralDescriptors::ConcreteCompute(), and CLAM::StatsTmpl< abs >::GetVariance().
O< 3 > * CLAM::ThirdOrder |
Definition at line 29 of file Order.cxx.
Referenced by CLAM::SpectralDescriptors::ConcreteCompute().