CLAM::Component Class Reference

#include <Component.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for CLAM::Component:

CLAM::AbstractAttribute CLAM::Array< T > CLAM::AttributePool CLAM::BaseNetwork CLAM::BPFTmpl< TX, TY > CLAM::ConnectionDefinitionAdapter CLAM::ControlTraceData CLAM::ControlTraceEvent CLAM::DescriptionDataPool CLAM::DescriptionScheme CLAM::DynamicType CLAM::Enum CLAM::FlagsBase CLAM::List< T > CLAM::Polymorphic< FactoryType > CLAM::ProcessingDefinitionAdapter CLAM::ScopePool CLAM::Segmentation CLAM::XMLComponentAdapter CLAM::XMLIterableAdapter< T >

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Abstract class for objects that can have subitems to be stored on a storage.

Definition at line 38 of file Component.hxx.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Component ()
virtual void StoreOn (Storage &storage) const =0
 Stores component's subitems on the given Storage.
virtual void LoadFrom (Storage &storage)=0
 Loads component's subitems from the given Storage.
virtual ComponentShallowCopy () const
virtual ComponentDeepCopy () const
virtual const char * GetClassName () const =0
 Return the class name.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual CLAM::Component::~Component (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 42 of file Component.hxx.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void CLAM::Component::StoreOn ( Storage storage  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual void CLAM::Component::LoadFrom ( Storage storage  )  [pure virtual]

virtual Component* CLAM::Component::ShallowCopy (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in CLAM::DynamicType, CLAM::Enum, CLAM::Flags< N >, and CLAM::Flags< 4 >.

Definition at line 60 of file Component.hxx.

virtual Component* CLAM::Component::DeepCopy (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in CLAM::DynamicType, CLAM::Enum, CLAM::Flags< N >, and CLAM::Flags< 4 >.

Definition at line 61 of file Component.hxx.

virtual const char* CLAM::Component::GetClassName (  )  const [pure virtual]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:46 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5