CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder Class Reference

#include <SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder:


List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class performs the interpolation of two SpectralPeakArray processing data objects.

Definition at line 48 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx.

Public Member Functions

 SpectralPeakArrayAdder ()
 SpectralPeakArrayAdder (const PeaksAddConfig &c)
 ~SpectralPeakArrayAdder ()
const ProcessingConfigGetConfig () const
 Configuration getter.
bool Do (void)
 Supervised mode execution method (using ports).
bool Do (const SpectralPeakArray &in1, const SpectralPeakArray &in2, SpectralPeakArray &out)

Public Attributes

InPort< SpectralPeakArraymIn1
InPort< SpectralPeakArraymIn2
OutPort< SpectralPeakArraymOut

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder::SpectralPeakArrayAdder (  ) 

Definition at line 32 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.cxx.

References CLAM::Processing::Configure().

CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder::SpectralPeakArrayAdder ( const PeaksAddConfig c  ) 

Definition at line 40 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.cxx.

References CLAM::Processing::Configure().

CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder::~SpectralPeakArrayAdder (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx.

Member Function Documentation

const ProcessingConfig& CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder::GetConfig (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Configuration getter.

Gets the configuration parameters used to create the object.

Const reference to the configuration object. The usual way to perform a configuration change in the processing object is to take a copy of this reference, to change it and to send it with the Configure method. If not overriden, it returns a NullProcessingConfig.

Reimplemented from CLAM::Processing.

Definition at line 69 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx.

bool CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder::Do ( void   )  [inline, virtual]

Supervised mode execution method (using ports).

A boolean telling whether it has been output

Implements CLAM::Processing.

Definition at line 71 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx.

Referenced by CLAM::FrameAdder::Do().

bool CLAM::SpectralPeakArrayAdder::Do ( const SpectralPeakArray in1,
const SpectralPeakArray in2,
SpectralPeakArray out 

This loop may be a little more efficient by ussing the buffers directly. But it would surely become muc less readable and much longer. TODO?

Definition at line 57 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.cxx.

References CLAM::SpectralPeakArray::AddSpectralPeak(), CLAM_ASSERT, CLAM_DEBUG_ASSERT, CLAM::SpectralPeakArray::GetFreq(), CLAM::SpectralPeakArray::GetnPeaks(), CLAM::SpectralPeakArray::GetSpectralPeak(), CLAM::Processing::IsRunning(), CLAM::SpectralPeakArray::SetnPeaks(), and CLAM::DynamicType::UpdateData().

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 76 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx.

Definition at line 77 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx.

Definition at line 78 of file SpectralPeakArrayAdder.hxx.

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Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:48 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5