CLAM::Err Class Reference

#include <Err.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for CLAM::Err:

exception CLAM::ErrAssertionFailed CLAM::ErrDXFullDuplex CLAM::ErrDynamicType CLAM::ErrFactory CLAM::ErrFormat CLAM::ErrNotFound CLAM::ErrOpenFile CLAM::ErrOutOfMemory CLAM::ErrPortAudio CLAM::ErrProcessingObj CLAM::ErrRtAudio CLAM::LockError CLAM::SchemaError CLAM::ThreadResourceError CLAM::XmlStorageErr SndPcmError

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Base class for the exception handling classes.

Exception handling allows code that has encountered a condition it cannot cope with to return to other code, avoiding crashes by switching to the writing of error messages, managed by tbis base class.

If the call invokes the overloaded constructor, then messages can be defined either directly within the code invoking Err or in the derived class (error regarding typically formats, memory or file openings).

If the call invokes the default constructor, then the message is set to "Unknown error"

One member function : Print One data member : mMsg

Definition at line 48 of file Err.hxx.

Public Member Functions

 Err () throw ()
 Err (const char *msg) throw ()
 Err (const Err &) throw ()
virtual ~Err () throw ()
void Print (void) const throw ()
virtual const char * what () const throw ()
void Embed (const std::exception &) throw ()
void Embed (const char *str) throw ()

Protected Attributes

char * mMsg

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CLAM::Err::Err (  )  throw ()

Definition at line 30 of file Err.cxx.

References mMsg.

CLAM::Err::Err ( const char *  msg  )  throw ()

Definition at line 36 of file Err.cxx.

CLAM::Err::Err ( const Err orig  )  throw ()

Definition at line 43 of file Err.cxx.

CLAM::Err::~Err (  )  throw () [virtual]

Definition at line 50 of file Err.cxx.

References mMsg.

Member Function Documentation

void CLAM::Err::Print ( void   )  const throw ()

Definition at line 57 of file Err.cxx.

References mMsg.

virtual const char* CLAM::Err::what (  )  const throw () [inline, virtual]

void CLAM::Err::Embed ( const std::exception &  e  )  throw ()

void CLAM::Err::Embed ( const char *  str  )  throw ()

Definition at line 72 of file Err.cxx.

References mMsg.

Member Data Documentation

char* CLAM::Err::mMsg [protected]

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Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:47 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5