Detailed Description

This page is a simple road map for XML related documentation in CLAM.

David Garcia.


 XML Implementation Backends
 This documentation module explains the XML implementation backends.
 Scoped XML: A quick way to write XML (write only)
 This module contains classes to write an XML document following a "open on create - close on destroy" idiom.
 Dumping and Restoring objects on XML
 How to dump or restore a CLAM::Component in XML format.
 Customizing the XML format for your object
 This documentation module explains how to customize the XML format that corresponds to your object.


class  CLAM::XmlStorage
 Provides XML format storage for CLAM Component's. More...

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:46 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5