LadspaNetworkExporter.hxx File Reference

#include <ladspa.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "Network.hxx"
#include "PushFlowControl.hxx"
#include "XMLStorage.hxx"
#include "AudioSource.hxx"
#include "AudioSink.hxx"
#include "ControlSource.hxx"
#include "ControlSink.hxx"
#include "LadspaLibrary.hxx"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  CLAM


class  CLAM::LadspaNetworkExporter


#define CLAM_EXTERNAL_FILE_DATA(varname, file)
 Include a given file as binary data.

Define Documentation

#define CLAM_EXTERNAL_FILE_DATA ( varname,
file   ) 


asm ( \
"  .section \".rodata\"\n" \
"   .type " #varname ", @object\n" \
" " #varname ":\n" \
"   .incbin \"" file "\"\n" \
"   .byte 0\n" \
"   .size " #varname ", .-" #varname "\n" \
); \
extern const char varname[]; \
Include a given file as binary data.

  • varname is the variable that will hold the var (const char[])
  • file is an absolute path or a relative path from the build point (not the source file!!)
    Try to make CLAM_EXTERNAL_FILE_DATA work with path relatives to the source that uses the macro.

Definition at line 22 of file LadspaNetworkExporter.hxx.

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:46 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5