XML Backend for Apache's Xerces-C
[XML Implementation Backends]


class  CLAM::XercesDomDocumentHandler
 XML implementation backend for the Xerces-C library. More...
class  CLAM::XercesDomReader
 Controls the Xerces-C DOM parser. More...
class  CLAM::XercesDomReadingContext
 Keeps the booking when loading a single Xerces-C DOM element into CLAM data. More...
class  CLAM::XercesDomWriter
 Controls the Xerces-C DOM serializer. More...
class  CLAM::XercesDomWritingContext
 Keeps the booking when mapping CLAM data into a single Xerces-C DOM element. More...
class  CLAM::XercesLocal2Unicode
 Converts local encoding char* into Xerces Unicode String. More...
class  CLAM::XercesUnicode2Local
 Converts Xerces Unicode String into local encoding char*. More...
class  CLAM::XercesInitializer
 Ensures that Xerces-C library initialization and termination occurs once and only when needed. More...

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:46 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5