
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 MUSIC TECHNOLOGY GROUP (MTG)
00003  *                         UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA
00004  *
00005  *
00006  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009  * (at your option) any later version.
00010  *
00011  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  *
00016  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00019  *
00020  */
00023 #ifndef _MatrixTmplDec_
00024 #define _MatrixTmplDec_
00026 #include <iosfwd>
00027 #include "Array.hxx"
00028 #include "CLAM_Math.hxx"
00030 namespace CLAM
00031 {
00033         template <class T>
00034         class MatrixTmpl
00035         {
00036         public:
00037                 MatrixTmpl();
00038                 MatrixTmpl(unsigned int dim1, unsigned int dim2);
00039                 MatrixTmpl(const MatrixTmpl<T>& originalMatrix);
00040                 ~MatrixTmpl();
00041                 int GetNumRows() const {return mNumRows;}
00042                 int GetNumColumns() const {return mNumColumns;}
00043                 int GetNumElements() const {return mNumRows*mNumColumns;}
00044                 const Array <T>& GetBuffer() const {return MatrixBuffer();}
00045                 Array <T>& GetBuffer() {return MatrixBuffer();}
00047                 T Sum() const
00048                 {
00049                         T sum=0;
00050                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<(mNumRows * mNumColumns); i++)
00051                                 sum += MatrixBuffer()[i];
00052                         return sum;
00053                 }
00055                 T Max() const
00056                 {
00057                         T max = MatrixBuffer()[0];
00058                         for (unsigned int i=1; i<(mNumRows*mNumColumns); i++) 
00059                                 if (MatrixBuffer()[i] > max)
00060                                         max = MatrixBuffer()[i];
00061                         return max;
00062                 }
00064                 T Min() const
00065                 {
00066                         T min = MatrixBuffer()[0];
00067                         for (unsigned int i=1; i<(mNumRows*mNumColumns); i++) 
00068                                 if (MatrixBuffer()[i] < min)
00069                                         min = MatrixBuffer()[i];
00070                         return min;
00071                 }
00073                 float Mean() const {return (float)(Sum())/(mNumRows*mNumColumns);}
00075                 // Print the matrix
00076                 void Print() const;
00078          // Determinant
00079                 float GetDet() const
00080                 {
00081                         CLAM_ASSERT(mNumRows == mNumColumns,
00082                                 "Determinant only valid for square matrices");
00083                         float sum = 0;
00085                         if (mNumColumns == 1)
00086                                 return (*this)(0,0);
00088                         for (unsigned int i=0; i< mNumColumns;i++) // For the first row
00089                         {
00090                                 sum += MatrixBuffer()[i] * pow((TData)-1,(TData)i) * (GetSubmatrix(0,i).GetDet());
00091                         }
00092                         // i+1 : the matrix index are from [0..N-1] 
00093                         return sum;
00094                 }       
00096                 // Get Transposed Matrix
00097                 MatrixTmpl<T> GetTrans()
00098                 {
00099                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(mNumColumns, mNumRows);
00100                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<mNumColumns; i++)
00101                                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<mNumRows; j++)
00102                                         ret(i,j) = (*this)(j,i);
00103                         return ret;
00104                 }
00106                 // Transpose the matrix
00107                 void Trans()
00108                 {
00109                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(mNumColumns, mNumRows);
00110                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<mNumColumns; i++)
00111                                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<mNumRows; j++)
00112                                         ret(i,j) = (*this)(j,i);
00113                         (*this) = ret;
00114                 }
00115                 // Reset the matrix (set all the elements to 0)
00116                 void Reset()
00117                 {
00118                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(mNumRows, mNumColumns);
00119                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<mNumRows; i++)
00120                                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<mNumColumns; j++)
00121                         ret(i,j) = 0;
00122                         (*this) = ret;
00123                 }
00126                 // Invert the matrix
00127                 void Invert()
00128                 {
00129                         CLAM_ASSERT(mNumRows == mNumColumns,
00130                                 "Inverse can only be calculated for square matrix");
00131                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(mNumRows, mNumColumns);
00132                         MatrixTmpl<T> aux(mNumRows-1, mNumColumns-1);
00133                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<mNumRows; i++)
00134                                 for (unsigned int j=0; j<mNumRows; j++)
00135                                 {
00136                                         aux = GetSubmatrix(i,j);
00137                                         ret(i,j) = pow((TData)-1,(TData)i+j) * aux.GetDet();
00138                                 }
00139                         ret = (1 / GetDet()) * (ret.GetTrans());
00140                         (*this) = ret;
00141                 }
00143                 // Get the inverse of a matrix
00144                 MatrixTmpl<T> GetInverse() const
00145                 {
00146                         CLAM_ASSERT(mNumRows == mNumColumns,
00147                                 "Inverse can only be calculated for square matrix");
00148                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(mNumRows, mNumColumns);
00149                         for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumRows; i++)
00150                                 for (unsigned j=0; j<mNumColumns; j++)
00151                                         ret(i,j) = pow((TData)-1,(TData)i+j) * ( GetSubmatrix(i,j).GetDet() );
00152                         ret = (1/GetDet()) * (ret.GetTrans());
00153                         return ret; 
00154                 }
00156                 // Delete a Row and return a new Matrix Oject with reduced dims
00157                 MatrixTmpl<T> GetDelRow(unsigned int row) const
00158                 {
00159                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret (mNumRows-1,mNumColumns);
00161                         for (unsigned i=0;i<row;i++) // copy unshifted part
00162                         {
00163                                 for(unsigned j=0;j<mNumColumns;j++)
00164                                         ret(i,j) = MatrixBuffer()[i*mNumColumns+j];
00165                         }
00166                         for (unsigned i=row;i<mNumRows-1;i++) // shift rest one row up
00167                         {
00168                                 for(unsigned j=0;j<mNumColumns;j++)
00169                                         ret(i,j) = MatrixBuffer()[(i+1)*mNumColumns+j];
00170                         }
00171                         return ret; 
00172                 }
00174                 // Delete Column
00175                 MatrixTmpl<T> GetDelColumn(unsigned int column) const
00176                 {
00177                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret (mNumRows,mNumColumns-1);
00179                         for (unsigned i=0;i<mNumRows;i++) // shift matrix one column left
00180                         {
00181                                 for(unsigned j=0;j<column;j++) 
00182                                         ret(i,j) = MatrixBuffer()[i*mNumColumns+j];
00183                         }
00185                         for (unsigned i=0;i<mNumRows;i++) // shift matrix one column left
00186                         {
00187                                 for(unsigned j=column;j<mNumColumns-1;j++)
00188                                         ret(i,j) = MatrixBuffer()[i*mNumColumns+j+1];
00189                         }
00190                         return ret;
00191                 }
00193                 // Get a Submatrix(i,j) deleting the i row and the j column
00194                 MatrixTmpl<T> GetSubmatrix(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
00195                 {
00196                         MatrixTmpl<T> aux( GetDelRow(i) );
00197                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret( aux.GetDelColumn(j) );
00198                         return ret;
00199                 }
00201                 // Convert matrix to his Submatrix(i,j).
00202                 void Submatrix(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
00203                 {
00204                         MatrixTmpl<T> aux( GetDelRow(i) );
00205                         (*this) = aux.GetDelColumn(j);
00206                 }
00208                 // Solving linear equations [A][x]=[b]
00209                 // friend MatrixTmpl<T> Solve(const MatrixTmpl<T>& A, const MatrixTmpl<T>& b);
00211                 // LU Decomposition
00212                 // Decompose the matrix into a product of lower and upper triangular matrices.
00213                 // Decompose();
00214                 // Compute forward/backward substitution on decomposed LU matrix product
00215                 // Substitution(LU);
00217                 // Eigenvalues and Eigen 
00218                 // friend MatrixTmpl<T> Eigenvalues(const MatrixTmpl<T>& m);
00219                 // friend MatrixTmpl<T> Eigenvectors(const MatrixTmpl<T>& m);
00221                 // Gram Schmidt Orthonormalization
00222                 // friend MatrixTmpl<T> Orth(const MatrixTmpl<T>& m);
00224                 /**** Get/Set an element *****/
00225                 void SetAt (unsigned int iPosition, unsigned int jPosition, T element)
00226                 {
00227                         CLAM_ASSERT(iPosition < mNumRows,
00228                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00229                         CLAM_ASSERT(iPosition >= 0,
00230                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00231                         CLAM_ASSERT(jPosition < mNumColumns,
00232                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00233                         CLAM_ASSERT(jPosition >= 0,
00234                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00236                         MatrixBuffer()[mNumColumns*iPosition+jPosition] = element;
00237                 }
00239                 T GetAt (unsigned int iPosition, unsigned int jPosition) const
00240                 {
00241                         CLAM_ASSERT(iPosition < mNumRows,
00242                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00243                         CLAM_ASSERT(iPosition >= 0,
00244                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00245                         CLAM_ASSERT(jPosition < mNumColumns,
00246                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00247                         CLAM_ASSERT(jPosition >= 0,
00248                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00250                         return MatrixBuffer()[mNumColumns*iPosition+jPosition];
00251                 }
00253                 // Get one column
00254                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> GetColumn(unsigned int column, MatrixTmpl<T>& m )
00255                 {
00256                         CLAM_ASSERT(column<m.mNumColumns,
00257                                 "Column beyond matrix dimensions");
00258                         CLAM_ASSERT(column >= 0,
00259                                 "Column beyond matrix dimensions");
00261                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m.mNumRows, 1); // Column vector
00262                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<m.mNumRows; i++)
00263                                 ret(i,0) = m(i,column);
00264                         return ret;
00265                 }
00267                 // Get one row
00268                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> GetRow(unsigned int row, MatrixTmpl<T>& m)
00269                 {
00270                         CLAM_ASSERT(row < m.mNumRows,
00271                                 "Row beyond matrix dimensions");
00272                         CLAM_ASSERT(row >= 0,
00273                                 "Row beyond matrix dimensions");
00275                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(1, m.mNumColumns); // Row vector
00276                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<m.mNumColumns; i++)
00277                                 ret(0,i) = m(row,i);
00278                         return ret;
00279                 }
00281                 /* Apply an unary function to all the elements of the matrix */
00282                 /* sin, cos, sqrt, cbrt, exp, log, log10, asin, acos, tan, atan */
00283                 void Apply( T (*f)(T) )
00284                 {
00285                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<mNumRows; i++)
00286                                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<mNumColumns; j++)
00287                                         (*this)(i,j) = f( (*this)(i,j) );
00288                  }
00290                  void Apply( T (*f)(T,int),int parameter )
00291                 {
00292                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<mNumRows; i++)
00293                                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<mNumColumns; j++)
00294                                         (*this)(i,j) = f( (*this)(i,j), parameter );
00295                  }
00297                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> GetApply( const MatrixTmpl<T> &m, double f(double) )
00298                 {
00299                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m.mNumRows, m.mNumColumns);
00300                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<m.mNumRows; i++)
00301                                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<m.mNumColumns; j++)
00302                                         ret(i,j) = T(f( m(i,j) ));
00303                         return ret;
00304                  }
00306                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> AbsMatrix(const MatrixTmpl<T> &m) // absolute value
00307                 {
00308                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m.mNumRows, m.mNumColumns);
00309                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<m.mNumRows; i++)
00310                                 for(unsigned int j=0; j<m.mNumColumns; j++)
00311                                         ret(i,j) = abs( m(i,j) );
00312                         return ret;
00313                 }
00315                 /**** Operators ****/
00316                 T& operator () (unsigned int iPosition,unsigned int jPosition) const {
00317                         CLAM_ASSERT(iPosition < mNumRows,
00318                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00319                         CLAM_ASSERT(iPosition >= 0,
00320                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00321                         CLAM_ASSERT(jPosition < mNumColumns,
00322                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00323                         CLAM_ASSERT(jPosition >= 0,
00324                                 "Index beyond matrix dimension");
00326                         return ( MatrixBuffer()[mNumColumns*iPosition+jPosition] ); 
00327                 }
00329                 const MatrixTmpl<T>& operator = (const MatrixTmpl<T>& originalMatrix)
00330                 {
00331                         // MatrixBuffer() = originalMatrix.MatrixBuffer();
00332                         *mpMatrixBuffer = *(originalMatrix.mpMatrixBuffer); 
00333                         //*mpMatrixBuffer = originalMatrix.MatrixBuffer();
00334                         mNumRows = originalMatrix.mNumRows;
00335                         mNumColumns = originalMatrix.mNumColumns;
00336                         return *this;
00337                 }
00339                 const MatrixTmpl<T>& operator = (const T element)
00340                 {
00341                         MatrixBuffer().SetSize(1);
00342                         MatrixBuffer()[0] = element;
00343                         mNumRows = mNumColumns = 1;
00344                         return *this;
00345                 }
00347                 const MatrixTmpl<T>& operator += (const MatrixTmpl<T>& newMatrix)
00348                 {
00349                         // Adding element by element
00350                         CLAM_ASSERT(mNumRows == newMatrix.mNumRows,"Adding matrix with different dimensions");
00351                         CLAM_ASSERT(mNumColumns == newMatrix.mNumColumns,"Adding matrix with different dimensions");
00352                         for (unsigned int i=0; i< (mNumRows*mNumColumns) ; i++)
00353                                 MatrixBuffer()[i] += newMatrix.MatrixBuffer()[i];
00354                         return *this;
00355                 }
00357                 const MatrixTmpl<T>& operator -= (const MatrixTmpl<T>& newMatrix)
00358                 {
00359                         // Substract element by element
00360                         CLAM_ASSERT(mNumRows == newMatrix.mNumRows,"Substracting matrix with different dimensions");
00361                         CLAM_ASSERT(mNumColumns == newMatrix.mNumColumns,"Substracting matrix with different dimensions");
00362                         for (unsigned int i=0; i< (mNumRows*mNumColumns) ; i++)
00363                                 MatrixBuffer()[i] -= newMatrix.MatrixBuffer()[i];
00364                         return *this;
00365                 }
00367                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> operator + (MatrixTmpl<T>& m1, MatrixTmpl<T>& m2)
00368                 {
00369                         CLAM_ASSERT(m1.mNumRows == m2.mNumRows,"Adding matrix with different dimensions");
00370                         CLAM_ASSERT(m1.mNumColumns == m2.mNumColumns,"Adding matrix with different dimensions");
00371                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m1.mNumRows, m1.mNumColumns); // Construction of an Vector object
00372                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<ret.mNumRows; i++)
00373                                 for (unsigned int j=0; j<ret.mNumColumns; j++)
00374                                         ret(i,j) = m1(i,j) + m2(i,j);
00375                         return ret;
00376                 }
00378                 // add an element to all the matrix elements
00379                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> operator + (const MatrixTmpl<T>& m1, const T & element)
00380                 {
00381                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m1.mNumRows, m1.mNumColumns); 
00382                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<ret.mNumRows; i++)
00383                                 for (unsigned int j=0; j<ret.mNumColumns; j++)
00384                                         ret(i,j) = m1(i,j) + element;
00385                         return ret;
00386                 }
00388                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> operator - (MatrixTmpl<T>& m1, MatrixTmpl<T>& m2)
00389                 {
00390                         CLAM_ASSERT(m1.mNumRows == m2.mNumRows,"Substracting matrix with different dimensions");
00391                         CLAM_ASSERT(m1.mNumColumns == m2.mNumColumns,"Substracting matrix with different dimensions");
00392                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m1.mNumRows, m1.mNumColumns); // Construction of an Vector object
00393                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<ret.mNumRows; i++)
00394                                 for (unsigned int j=0; j<ret.mNumColumns; j++)
00395                                         ret(i,j) = m1(i,j) - m2(i,j);
00396                         return ret;
00397                 }
00399                 // substract an element to all the matrix elements
00400                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> operator - (MatrixTmpl<T>& m1, const T element)
00401                 {
00402                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m1.mNumRows, m1.mNumColumns); 
00403                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<ret.mNumRows; i++)
00404                                 for (unsigned int j=0; j<ret.mNumColumns; j++)
00405                                         ret(i,j) = m1(i,j) - element;
00406                         return ret;
00407                 }
00409                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> operator * (T scalar,const MatrixTmpl<T>& m)
00410                 {
00411                         MatrixTmpl<T> mult(m.mNumRows, m.mNumColumns);
00412                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<(mult.mNumRows*mult.mNumColumns); i++)
00413                                 mult.MatrixBuffer()[i] = scalar * m.MatrixBuffer()[i];
00414                         return mult;
00415                 }
00417                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> operator * (const MatrixTmpl<T>& m1, const MatrixTmpl<T>& m2)
00418                 {
00419                         CLAM_ASSERT( m1.mNumColumns == m2.mNumRows,"Multiplications with incompatible arrays");
00420                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m1.mNumRows, m2.mNumColumns);
00421                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<ret.mNumRows; i++)
00422                                 for (unsigned int j=0; j<ret.mNumColumns; j++) {
00423                                         ret(i,j) = 0;
00424                                         for( unsigned int k=0; k<m1.mNumColumns; k++)
00425                                                 ret(i,j) += m1(i,k)*m2(k,j);
00426                                 }
00427                         return ret;
00428                 }
00430                 friend MatrixTmpl<T> operator / (const MatrixTmpl<T>& m, T scalar)
00431                 {
00432                         MatrixTmpl<T> ret(m.mNumRows, m.mNumColumns);
00433                         for (unsigned int i=0; i<(ret.mNumRows*ret.mNumColumns); i++)
00434                                 ret.MatrixBuffer()[i] = m.MatrixBuffer()[i] / scalar;
00435                         return ret;
00436                 }
00438                 friend bool operator == (const MatrixTmpl<T>& m1, const MatrixTmpl<T>& m2)
00439                 {
00440                         if ( (m1.mNumRows == m2.mNumRows) && (m1.mNumColumns == m2.mNumColumns) && (m1.MatrixBuffer() ==
00441         m2.MatrixBuffer()) )
00442                                 return true;
00443                         else
00444                                 return false; 
00445                 }
00448                 Array <T>& MatrixBuffer() const { return *mpMatrixBuffer;}
00450         protected:
00452                 // Dimensions
00453                 unsigned int mNumRows;
00454                 unsigned int mNumColumns;
00456                 // Buffer
00457                 Array <T>* mpMatrixBuffer;
00459         };
00461         template <class T>
00462         std::istream& operator >> (std::istream & stream, MatrixTmpl<T> & a);
00464         template <class T>
00465         std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream & stream, const MatrixTmpl<T> & a);
00467 } // namespace CLAM
00469 #endif // _MatrixTmplDec_

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:43 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5