
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2004 MUSIC TECHNOLOGY GROUP (MTG)
00003  *                         UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA
00004  *
00005  *
00006  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009  * (at your option) any later version.
00010  *
00011  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  *
00016  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00019  *
00020  */
00022 #include "MIDIInControl.hxx"
00023 #include "OutControl.hxx"
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include "ProcessingFactory.hxx"
00027 namespace CLAM 
00028 {
00030 namespace Hidden
00031 {
00032         static const char * metadata[] = {
00033                 "key", "MIDIInControl",
00034         //      "category", "MIDI",
00035         //      "description", "MIDIInControl",
00036                 0
00037         };
00038         static FactoryRegistrator<ProcessingFactory, MIDIInControl> reg = metadata;
00039 }
00041 MIDIInControl::MIDIInControl():MIDIIn(false)
00042 { 
00043         mpDevice = 0;
00044         mMessageSize = mControllingBytes = 0;
00045         mMsgByteIdToControlId = 0;
00046         Configure(MIDIIOConfig());
00047 }
00049 MIDIInControl::MIDIInControl(const MIDIIOConfig &c):MIDIIn(false)
00050 {
00051         mpDevice = 0;
00052         mMessageSize = mControllingBytes = 0;
00053         mMsgByteIdToControlId = 0;
00054         Configure(c);
00055 }
00058 bool MIDIInControl::ConcreteConfigure(const ProcessingConfig& c)
00059         throw(ErrProcessingObj)
00060 {
00061         bool ret = MIDIIn::ConcreteConfigure(c);
00062         if (ret==false) return false;
00064         MIDI::Message m = MIDI::Message(mConfig.GetMessage());
00066         int mMessageSize = MIDI::GetMessageInfo(m).length;
00068         /* the amount of controlled bytes is the lenght of the midi message,
00069          * but...: */
00070         mControllingBytes = mMessageSize;
00071         /* ... one less if we predefine the channel ... */
00072         if (mConfig.GetChannel()!=0) mControllingBytes--;
00073         /* ... and one less if we predefine the first data byte,
00074          * which is particularly useful for control change messages */
00075         if (mConfig.GetFirstData()!=128) mControllingBytes--;
00077         if (mMsgByteIdToControlId) delete mMsgByteIdToControlId;
00078         mMsgByteIdToControlId = new unsigned char[mControllingBytes];
00080         int ctrlid = 0;
00082         bool singlePitchBendValue = false;
00084         /* create the InControls */
00085         for (int i=0;i<mMessageSize;i++)
00086         {
00087                 const char* fieldname = 0;
00088                 /* if in this switch we set the fieldname, the control
00089                  * will be added */
00090                 switch (i)
00091                 {
00092                         case 0:
00093                                 if (mConfig.GetMessage()==MIDI::eSystem)
00094                                 {
00095                                         if (mConfig.GetChannel()==0)
00096                                                 fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: sysex in not yet implemented\n");
00097                                         else
00098                                                 /* channel is not predefined */
00099                                                 fieldname = MIDI::GetMessageInfo(m).field[i];
00100                                 }else{
00101                                         if (mConfig.GetChannel()==0)
00102                                                 /* channel is not predefined */
00103                                                 fieldname = MIDI::GetMessageInfo(m).field[i];
00104                                 }
00105                                 break;
00106                         case 1:
00107                                 if (mConfig.GetFirstData()==128)
00108                                 {
00109                                         /* first data byte is not predefined */
00110                                         fieldname = MIDI::GetMessageInfo(m).field[i];
00111                                 }
00112                                 /* we make an exception for pitchbend: instead of putting
00113                                  * out to values (LSB, MSB), we prefer 1 14bit value.
00114                                  *      see also the code in Handle
00115                                  */     
00116                                 /* nb: does a FirstData make sense with pitchbend??
00117                                  * I don't think so, so we'll just ignore it. 
00118                                  * (silently...)
00119                                  */
00120                                 if (mConfig.GetMessage()==MIDI::ePitchbend)
00121                                 {
00122                                         fieldname = "Value";
00123                                         singlePitchBendValue = true;
00124                                 }
00126                                 break;
00127                         default:
00128                                 /* all other fields will be controlled */
00129                                 if (!singlePitchBendValue)
00130                                 {
00131                                         fieldname = MIDI::GetMessageInfo(m).field[i];
00132                                 }
00133                                 break;
00134                 }
00135                 if (fieldname)
00136                 {
00137                         std::string tmp = std::string() + MIDI::GetMessageInfo(m).name + ":" + fieldname;
00138                         /* add the InControl, and remember which message byte it will
00139                          * control */
00140                         mMsgByteIdToControlId[i] = ctrlid++;
00141                         mMyOutControls.AddElem(new OutControl(tmp.c_str(),this));
00142                 }else{
00143                         mMsgByteIdToControlId[i] = 0xFF;
00144                 }
00145         }
00147         return true;
00148 }
00150 void MIDIInControl::Handle(unsigned char* msg,int size)
00151 {
00152         /* The device has passed the message to this MIDIInControl.
00153          * We now need dispatch the message to the resp. OutControls
00154          */
00155         for (int i=size-1;i>=0;i--)
00156         {
00157                 if (i==0 && (msg[0]&0xF0) == 0xF0) // system message
00158                 {
00159                         /* TODO: this now only handles correctly system realtime
00160                          * messages, where SetChannel is used to specify the
00161                          * type of message. Maybe this can be done more elegantly? */
00162                         SendFloatToOutControl(*this,0,1);
00163                 }
00164                 else
00165                 {
00166                         if (mMsgByteIdToControlId[i] == 0xFF) continue;
00168                         if (i==1 && (msg[0]&0xF0)==0xE0)
00169                         {
00170                                 /* we make an exception for pitchbend: instead of putting
00171                                  * out to values (LSB, MSB), we prefer 1 14bit value.
00172                                  * see also the code in ConcreteConfigure
00173                                 */
00174                                 SendFloatToOutControl(*this,mMsgByteIdToControlId[1],msg[1] + (msg[2]<<7));
00175                         }
00176                         else
00177                         if (i==0)
00178                         {
00179                                 SendFloatToOutControl(*this,mMsgByteIdToControlId[0],(msg[0]&0x0F)+1);
00180                         }
00181                         else
00182                         {       
00183                                 SendFloatToOutControl(*this,mMsgByteIdToControlId[i],msg[i]);
00184                         }
00185                 }
00186         }
00187 }
00190 } // namespace CLAM

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:43 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5