SDIF::Matrix Member List

This is the complete list of members for SDIF::Matrix, including all inherited members.

Columns(void)SDIF::Matrix [inline]
File classSDIF::Matrix [friend]
GetPtr(void)=0SDIF::Matrix [protected, pure virtual]
Matrix(const MatrixHeader &header)SDIF::Matrix [inline, protected]
Matrix(const TypeId &type=TypeId::sDefault, DataType dataType=eUnknown, CLAM::TInt32 nRows=0, CLAM::TInt32 nColumns=0)SDIF::Matrix [protected]
mHeaderSDIF::Matrix [protected]
Resize(int nElems)=0SDIF::Matrix [protected, pure virtual]
Rows(void)SDIF::Matrix [inline]
SetSize(int nElems)=0SDIF::Matrix [protected, pure virtual]
SizeInFile(void)SDIF::Matrix [inline]
Type(void)SDIF::Matrix [inline]
~Matrix()SDIF::Matrix [inline, virtual]

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