CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T >, including all inherited members.

AbsMatrix(const MatrixTmpl< T > &m)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
Apply(T(*f)(T))CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Apply(T(*f)(T, int), int parameter)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetApply(const MatrixTmpl< T > &m, double f(double))CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
GetAt(unsigned int iPosition, unsigned int jPosition) const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetBuffer() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetBuffer()CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetColumn(unsigned int column, MatrixTmpl< T > &m)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
GetDelColumn(unsigned int column) const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetDelRow(unsigned int row) const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetDet() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetInverse() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetNumColumns() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetNumElements() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetNumRows() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetRow(unsigned int row, MatrixTmpl< T > &m)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
GetSubmatrix(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
GetTrans()CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Invert()CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
MatrixBuffer() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
MatrixTmpl()CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
MatrixTmpl(unsigned int dim1, unsigned int dim2)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
MatrixTmpl(const MatrixTmpl< T > &originalMatrix)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Max() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Mean() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Min() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
mNumColumnsCLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [protected]
mNumRowsCLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [protected]
mpMatrixBufferCLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [protected]
operator()(unsigned int iPosition, unsigned int jPosition) const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
operator*(T scalar, const MatrixTmpl< T > &m)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
operator*(const MatrixTmpl< T > &m1, const MatrixTmpl< T > &m2)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
operator+(MatrixTmpl< T > &m1, MatrixTmpl< T > &m2)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
operator+(const MatrixTmpl< T > &m1, const T &element)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
operator+=(const MatrixTmpl< T > &newMatrix)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
operator-(MatrixTmpl< T > &m1, MatrixTmpl< T > &m2)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
operator-(MatrixTmpl< T > &m1, const T element)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
operator-=(const MatrixTmpl< T > &newMatrix)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
operator/(const MatrixTmpl< T > &m, T scalar)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
operator=(const MatrixTmpl< T > &originalMatrix)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
operator=(const T element)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
operator==(const MatrixTmpl< T > &m1, const MatrixTmpl< T > &m2)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [friend]
Print() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Reset()CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
SetAt(unsigned int iPosition, unsigned int jPosition, T element)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Submatrix(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Sum() const CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
Trans()CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]
~MatrixTmpl()CLAM::MatrixTmpl< T > [inline]

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:50 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5