CLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U >, including all inherited members.

BiasedPower(U imean)CLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U > [inline]
meanCLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U >
mPCLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U >
operator()(const U &orig, const T &num)CLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U > [inline]
operator()(const U &orig, const T &num, StaticFalse *)CLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U > [inline]
operator()(const U &orig, const T &num, StaticTrue *)CLAM::BiasedPower< s, abs, T, U > [inline]

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