
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader_hxx
00002 #define RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader_hxx
00004 #ifdef WIN32
00005 #include <windows.h>
00006 #undef GetClassName
00007 #else
00008 #include <dlfcn.h>
00009 #endif
00010 #include <dirent.h>
00011 #include "RunTimeLibraryLoader.hxx"
00013 #include "LadspaWrapperCreator.hxx"
00014 #include <ladspa.h>
00017 class RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader : public RunTimeLibraryLoader
00018 {
00020 public:
00021         virtual void Load() const
00022         {
00023                 std::string examplesDir = CompletePathFor("examples/ladspadir");
00024                 LoadLibrariesFromPath(examplesDir);
00025                 //std::cout<<"[FAUST-LADSPA Plugin] \tload of RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader"<<std::endl;
00026                 RunTimeLibraryLoader::Load(); // needed??
00027         }
00028         void LoadPlugin(const std::string & pluginFullPath) const
00029         {
00030                 LoadLibrariesFromPath(pluginFullPath);
00031         }
00033         // overload as workaround of Load() overload and path issues
00034         virtual const std::list<std::string> GetUsedLibraries()
00035         {
00036                 const std::list<std::string> loadedLibraries=LoadedLibraries();
00037                 LoadedLibraries().clear();
00038                 return loadedLibraries;
00039         }
00040 protected:
00042         virtual const bool needReleaseHandlerOnReload() const {return false; }
00043         void SetupLibrary(void* handle, const std::string & pluginFullFilename) const
00044         {
00045                 LADSPA_Descriptor_Function descriptorTable = 0;
00046                 descriptorTable = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function)dlsym(handle, "ladspa_descriptor");
00047                 if (!descriptorTable)
00048                 {
00049 //                      std::cout << "[FAUST-LADSPA Plugin] Warning: trying to open non ladspa plugin: " << pluginFullFilename << std::endl;
00050                         return;
00051                 }
00053                 LoadedLibraries().push_back(pluginFullFilename);
00054                 CLAM::ProcessingFactory& factory = CLAM::ProcessingFactory::GetInstance();
00055                 for (unsigned long i=0; descriptorTable(i); i++)
00056                 {
00057                         LADSPA_Descriptor* descriptor = (LADSPA_Descriptor*)descriptorTable(i);
00058                         std::ostringstream oss;
00059                         oss << descriptor->Label << i;
00060                         factory.AddCreatorWarningRepetitions(oss.str(), 
00061                                         new CLAM::LadspaWrapperCreator(pluginFullFilename, 
00062                                                 i, 
00063                                                 oss.str()));
00064                         factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "category", "FAUST");
00065                         factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "description", descriptor->Name);
00066                         factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "library", pluginFullFilename);
00068                         std::string pluginName=descriptor->Label;
00069                         const std::string diagramMainSufix=".dsp-svg/process.svg";
00070                         std::string svgFileDir = CompletePathFor( "examples/" + pluginName + diagramMainSufix);
00071                         if (svgFileDir != "")
00072                         {
00073                                 factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "faust_diagram", svgFileDir);
00074                                 //std::cout << "[FAUST-LADSPA Plugin] Using diagram: " << svgFileDir << std::endl;
00075                         }
00076                         if (!factory.AttributeExists(oss.str(), "embedded_svg"))
00077                                 factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "embedded_svg", ":icons/images/faustlogo.svg");
00078                         if (!factory.AttributeExists(oss.str(), "icon"))
00079                                 factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "icon", "faustlogo.svg");
00080                         std::string sourcePath=CompletePathFor( "examples/"+pluginName+".dsp");
00081                         if (sourcePath != "")
00082                                 factory.AddAttribute(oss.str(), "faust_source_file", sourcePath);
00083                 }
00084                 if (ReleaseLibraryHandler(handle, pluginFullFilename))
00085                 {
00086                         std::cout<<"[FAUST-LADSPA] error unloading library handle of: " << pluginFullFilename<<std::endl;
00087                         std::cout<<LibraryLoadError()<<std::endl;
00088                 }
00089         }
00091         const char ** standardPaths() const
00092         { 
00093                 static const char * result[] = 
00094                 {
00095 /*                      "/usr/share/doc/faust",
00096                         "/usr/local/share/doc/faust",*/
00097                         0
00098                 };
00099                 return result;
00100         }
00102         const char * homePath() const { return  "/.faust"; }
00103         const char * pathEnvironmentVar() const { return  "CLAM_FAUST_PATH"; }
00104         const char * libraryType() const { return  "LADSPA"; }
00105 private:
00106         static std::list<std::string> & LoadedLibraries()
00107         {
00108                 static std::list<std::string> sLoadedLibraries;
00109                 return sLoadedLibraries;
00110         }
00111 };
00113 #endif // RunTimeFaustLibraryLoader_hxx

Generated on Tue Aug 12 22:33:44 2008 for CLAM by  doxygen 1.5.5