EN: |[[english]]0|[[español]]1|[[català]]2| EN: [[Home]] EN: [[Faq]] EN: [[Doc]] EN: [[Devel]] EN: [[Planet]] EN: [[About]] EN: [[Download]] EN: [[Screenshots]] EN: [[Mailinglist]] EN: [[Bugreporting]] EN: [[Links]] EN: [[License]] EN: NEWS EN: January 2005 EN: Release 0.90 finally available EN: After several pre-releases, testing and bugfixing you can now find the final 0.90 release in our donwload section. Note that now you have the option of downloading the CLAM framework as a binary for your platform or with the source code. Major highlights of this release are the new binary distribution, a new build system based in Scons, major rework of some applications, support for VST plugins... EN: Read more details at the [[changelog]]. EN: The release announcement: Wed Feb 8 2006 CLAM 0.90 Released ====================================== 'New multiplied build-system, fancy applications and inter- connectivity' What is CLAM? CLAM is a framework for research and application development in the Audio and Music Domain. It offers a conceptual model as well as tools for the analysis, synthesis and processing of audio signals. We are glad to announce that our new 0.90 release is already available at our (also brand new) website: http://clam-project.org. This release represents a big step forward to our soon to come first stable 1.0 release and includes major improvements. For the first time the CLAM framework and all related applications are available in binary form for all major platforms: deb packages are provided for Ubuntu/Debian GNU/Linux, dmg images for Mac OSX and setup executables for Windows. This change has represented a complete but necessary (and painful!) rework of our build system, which is now based on small binary libraries and uses Scons as the build tool. We expect it to reduce drastically the complexity of the compilation and installation of clam applications for the end-user. Other major improvements include a complete rework of the SMSTools, application GUI, which is now based on Qt, as well as many additions to the Annotator app. A CLAM Network can now also become an Open Sound Control (OSC) node, opening up the possibility of interconnection to external applications. In the 'Application Prototyping' chapter we'd like to mention that we have also added complete tools to create both VST and LADSPA plugins out of a previously designed network. It is also worth noticing the possibility of creating stand-alone applications with a GUI created using the great Qt-designer and the CLAM Qt-plugins. Such standalone applications can behave either as a Jack client (for GNU/Linux and Mac OSX) or use audio backends like alsa or Portaudio. Please read these and other improvements in the attached changelog and visit our website and/our mailing list for further announcements. Although we are continuing to work toward the 1.0 release and we expect to come up with new improvements soon, we hope all these additions already convert the framework into a more usable and useful tool and, as always, we expect as much feedback as possible from all our users. The CLAM team EN: New year: New website, new logo, new address EN: If you are reading this you will have noticed that we have changed the design of both our website and our logo. The main website address has moved to http://clam-project.org. So, even though we will keep the redirection for some time, please update your links. EN: This website has been possible thanks to the grant from the Catalan government. It is currently being translated and will soon be available in catalan and spanish. EN: December 2005 EN: CLAM 0.90 Prereleases available EN: During the coming weeks we will be publishing a series of pre-releases for 0.90. You will find them in the donwload section. Apart from the regular source code from now on we will be publishing binary versions of the framework for all major platforms (GNU/Linux, Mac OSX and Windows). Because this represents a major change in the distribution we do expect your collaboration and reports. EN: New year: new website, new logo, new address... EN: If you are reading this you will have noticed that we have changed the design of both our website and our logo. The main website address has moved to [[http://clam-project.org]]. So, even though we will keep the redirection for some time, please update your links. EN: September 2005 EN: CLAM support from the Catalan Government EN: This week it was finally made official: the Catalan Government (Generalitat) will be supporting [[CLAM]]0 through a special grant. The main goal of such grants is to support quality Free Software development in Catalonia. We hope to make good use of the grant and be able to bring [[CLAM]]1 to its 1.0 release. You can read the official announcement [[here]]2. EN: CLAM at ISMIR 2005 EN: At the ISMIR 2005 conference held in London we presented a paper about one of the applications we are developing in the framework: the Annotator. You can read the entitled "The [[CLAM]] Annotator: A Cross-platform Audio Descriptors Editing Tool" here. EN: CLAM presented at ICMC 2005 EN: The latest developments in CLAM were presented at the ICMC 2005 conference held in Barcelona. You can read the overview paper entitled "Developing Cross-platform Audio and Music Applications with the [[CLAM]] Framework" here. EN: July 21th, 2005 EN: Final release of CLAM 0.8.0 "Prototyper with streaming SMS transformations" EN: After two preview releases We are glad to announce the final 0.8.0 version of CLAM. This release has been thoroughly tested in GNU/Linux but not in Windows and OSX, which is a time consuming task to do with our current build system. EN: Announcement letter EN: After two preview releases We are glad to announce the final 0.8.0 version of CLAM. This release has been thoroughly tested in GNU/Linux but not in Windows and OSX, which is a time consuming task to do with our current build system. The reason for thas is very simple: The current build system in Win and OSX is not completely automatic and requires some hand-tweeking. Instead of loosing time on that, we prefer concentrating effords in a new build system based on scons and library binaries, which promises being much more cross-platform frienly, among other goodies. EN: The next release (0.8.1) with the new build system will happen soon, because we have already been successfull in our first tests compiling CLAM library binaries and linking apps against it. EN: Now, going back to our current release, these are some of the important additons since 0.7.0 EN: [[Rapid application-prototyping]]. Build a CLAM application in two easy steps: Designing the processing network with the NetworkEditor and the application GUI using QtDesigner and the CLAM plugin featuring widgets for visualizing streaming data. EN: [[Annotator]]. Another new CLAM application. It is a manual edition tool in which you can visualize and edit low-level and high-level descriptors of virtually any kind, segmentation marks.. The idea is to offer a tool for fine-tuning, visualizing, editing and testing description extraction algorithms. EN: [[Enhanced CLAM Networks]]. NetworkEditor can run SMS transformations in streaming. Moreover the processing network can receive controls from Open Sound Control (OSC) messages and translate outcoming controls to OSC messages. EN: [[QtPlots]]0. Now features editable segmentation marks on all the plots, a break-point-function editor with auralization, a spectrogram plot and other goodies. See the [[doxygen doc]]1 to learn how to use it. EN: [[XML enhancements]] including better error handling and reporting, an experimental backend based on libxml++ as an alternative to XercesC++ and partial document operations. Libxml++ is planned to be the official back-end on future releases but still some work is needed on error messages reporting. EN: For details in CLAM-specific new features, please refere to the [[ChangeLog ]] EN: Compared to the last preview (pre2) release, these are the additions : (sumarized) EN: New libxml++ back-end, CLAM::Audio bugfixes and interface changes related to SetDuration and SetEndTime (keeping back compatibility), and lot and lots of small bugfixes and code cleanup. EN: April 2005 EN: CLAM to be presented at the Linux Audio Conference 2005 EN: Our submitted [[paper]]0 [["[[CLAM]]2, an Object Oriented Framework for Audio and Music"]]1 has been accepted at the 2005 [[Linux Audio Conference]]3. EN: We look forward to meeting you there! EN: January 28th, 2005 EN: CLAM at the Workshop on The Future of Music Software One-day Workshop EN: The Music Technology Group and the Technology Department and Universitat Pompeu Fabra invite you to one-day music-software workshop, sponsored by S2S. On Friday January 28th there will be talks, a discussion panel and a hands-on workshop in which different environments, including [[CLAM]], will be presented. EN: Read more at the [[ S2S website]] EN: January 27th, 2005 EN: CLAM related Phd defended EN: Xavier Amatriain will defend his [[Thesis]]0 , most of which is related to his work in [[CLAM]]1. EN: November 19th, 2004 EN: CLAM release 0.7 'Easier deployment, better plots and Processing Networks' EN: We are glad to announce [[CLAM]] long-waited release 0.7. Main highlights in this release are: EN: [[An easier deployment on GNU/Linux]]0. After rewriting the configure.ac we are happy to say that now [[CLAM]]1 is easier to install on any distribution. If you are one of those that tried to install [[CLAM]]2 and you gave up because you didn't know how to handle the dependencies, please try this new relase. Among other things, you are now allowed to disable support for certain libraries at configure time. EN: [[Progress in the CLAM Processings networks mode]]. We are almost there. Very soon you will be able to become a real clammer without writing a single line of code through the already usable Network Editor. EN: [[Better Plots]]. Built using the QT framework and the qwt library we added new and more convenient plots with features such as: an audio plot with temporal markers, the possibility of quickly changing the color map to get a nice screenshot for your articles... EN: [[Low-level descriptors]] have been thoroughly tested. EN: And much more... please read the [[changelog]] for more details. EN: Looking forward for your feedback. EN: September 2004 EN: CLAM at ISMIR EN: The MTG is organizing the 2004 International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR, for short) (see [[ ISMIR webpage]]0). In this context on sunday september 10th there will be a tutorial on "Software Frameworks for Analysis of Audio and Music Signals" in which George Tzanetakis and Xavier Amatriain will give a general overview and will present both [[Marsyas]]1 and [[CLAM]]2 more in depth. More details [[here.]]3 EN: [[Back]] to home