EN: |[[english]]0|[[español]]1|[[català]]2| EN: [[Home]] EN: [[Faq]] EN: [[Doc]] EN: [[Wiki]] EN: [[Devel]] EN: [[Planet]] EN: [[TestFarm]] EN: [[About]] EN: [[Download]] EN: [[Screenshots]] EN: [[Mailinglist]] EN: [[Bugreporting]] EN: [[CLAM]] stands for C++ Library for Audio and Music and in Catalan means something like "a continuous sound produced by a large number of people as to show approval or disapproval of a given event". ES: [[CLAM]] significa C++ Biblioteca de Audio y Música. En catalán la palabra se usa para referirse a "un sonido continuo producido por un gran número de personas para mostrar la aprobación o desaprobación de un acontecimiento". CA: [[CLAM]] significa C++ Library for Audio and Music, que es dona el cas que en Català significa una cosa com "un so continuu produït per una munió de gent mostrant aprovació o desaprovació per algun fet" EN: [[CLAM]] is a full-fledged software framework for research and application development in the Audio and Music Domain. It offers a conceptual model as well as tools for the analysis, synthesis and processing of audio signals. ES: [[CLAM]] es un framework totalmente equipado para hacer investigación y desarrollo de aplicaciones en el Dominio del Audio y la Música. Ofrece un modelo conceptual y unas herramientas para el análisis, la síntesis y el procesamiento de señales de audio. CA: [[CLAM]] és un framework totalment equipat per fer recerca i desenvolupament d'aplicacions en el Domini de l'Audio i la Música. Ofereix un model conceptual així com eines per l'anàlisis, la síntesis i el processament de senyals d'audio. EN: If you want more information about the project, please contact Xavier Amatriain (xavier at create dot ucsb dot edu) or drop a lines to clam-info at iua dot upf dot edu. ES: Para más información sobre el proyecto CLAM puedes escribir a la lista de correo, o directamente a Xavier Amatriain (xavier (a) create . ucsb . edu) o a clam-info (a) iua . upf. edu. CA: Per més informació sobre el projecte CLAM pots escriure a la llista de correu o directament al Xavier Amatriain xavier (a) create . ucsb . edu) o a clam-info (a) iua . upf. edu. EN: [[>]]0 [[More..]]1 ES: [[>]]0 [[Mas..]]1 CA: [[>]]0 [[Més..]]1 EN: [[CLAM]] is constantly built and automatically-tested in several platforms. Through testfarm you can also monitor the development activity: EN: PREVIOUS NEWS ES: NOTICIAS ANTERIORES CA: NOTÍCIES ANTERIORS EN: [[April 2005]] ES: [[Abril 2005]] CA: [[Abril 2005]] EN: [[January 2005]] ES: [[Enero 2005]] CA: [[Gener 2005]] EN: [[November 2004]] ES: [[Noviembre 2004]] CA: [[Novembre 2004]] EN: [[September 2004]] ES: [[Setiembre 2004]] CA: [[Setembre 2004]] EN: NEWS ES: NOTICIAS CA: NOTÍCIES EN: April 20, 2007 EN: GSoC Accepted projects EN: This is the final list of students/projects that have made it into this year’s Google Summer of Code in Clam. Again, we are grateful to Google and to all the students who applied, we are very sorry we could not take all of them: EN: Hernan Ordiales (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina): [[Real-time spectral transformations]] EN: Andreas Calvo (UPF, Spain): [[Plug-in system for a dynamically extensible framework]] EN: Gregory Ryan Kellum (UPF, Spain): [[Real-time Spectral Model Synthesizer]] EN: Ebrahim Kazemzadeh (USC, USA): [[Clam for Speech]] EN: Bennet Kolasinski (NYU, USA): [[Enhancing Clam’s Widgets]] EN: Roman Goj (Warsaw University, Poland): [[Enhancing Clam’s chord detection for real-time]] EN: We are looking forward a very exciting Summer… of Code! EN: April 12, 2007 EN: A very promising summer (of code) ! EN: Today Google [[announced]] the accepted Summer of Code students. And it wasn’t 1 or 2 neither 3 it was… 6 granted students. A huge success!! EN: First of all, we are very thankful to Google, but we want to specially thank to all of those who applied and we hope you stick with us even if you weren’t accepted. As we already said in the lists we were overwhelmed by the quality of the applications and it was really, really hard to rank them. EN: March 23, 2007 EN: GSoC student deadline extended EN: Now you have until Monday March 26th to file in your application. But hurry up, don’t leave it until the very last minute! EN: [[Google Summer of Code featuring CLAM]] EN: March 21, 2007 EN: CLAM 1.0, Berlin release EN: We are very happy to announce the CLAM 1.0 “Berlin” release while having splendid views of the Alps in our flight to Berlin for the [[Linux Audio Conference]]. EN: This release is indeed a major milestone for the project and it opens a door to the development of exciting new features, so keep tuned! Apart of those big changes expect also bug fixes (yes 1.0 have bugs) as we move on. EN: Last months have been very positive: many people showed interest and contributed in the mailing lists, CLAM got packaged for almost every Linux distribution, and we got enormous activity in the svn source repository. We also welcome Andreas as an active developer and we hope that the forthcoming Google Summer of Code will also bring new talent aboard. EN: These are the substantial changes from 0.98: NetworkEditor (now in version 1.0 like the CLAM libs) let the user embed any Ladspa plugin in the network as if it was a CLAM processing.This combined with the fact that you already can compile a network as a new Ladspa plugin library bringing a new world of possibilities. Portaudio is now the common stable audio back-end and its usability have been improved. However, jack is still taken as the default back-end in linux and osx. The interaction between Network and its FlowControl have been totally redesigned, fixing many bugs related with complex network topologies. A new FreewheelingNetworkPlayer class permits offline execution of networks, and it comes along with a new binary for command-line use. At users petition we’ve also added SMSTools related command-line binaries. On the signal processing front, we have added a fftw3 and experimental vowel synthesis processings. EN: See detailed changes in the [[change-logs]]0. Find in the [[download section]]1 the usual binaries for Mac OSX (Intel and PowerPc), Windows, Linux (Debian sid, Ubuntu Edgy and Feisty) and also new packages for Fedora Core 6 and OpenSuse! (thanks Fernando, and Toni for the great help here) EN: The CLAM Team. EN: January 3rd, 2007 EN: CLAM 0.97 released EN: Another release in the series of "often releases" till 1.0. The code-name for this release is [[Debian Packages: less is more]] as we have reduced the number of debian packages. Now all clam libraries comes packaged in a single .deb. In addition, we now keep architecture independent example data in different packages. In the future we plan to extract functionality and dependencies out of the big package to smaller plugin packages. Audio back-ends, codecs and processing collections are good candidates for this. This is actually that the road gstreamer and other projects take. EN: Remember that you can install them by adding a new source in your /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-debian-sid ./ deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-ubuntu-edgy ./ deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-ubuntu-feisty ./ EN: Next release 0.98 (due very soon) will take MacOSX packages definitively back. By now, the CLAM build system is already prepared for mac, so if you want to compile the apps, you'll find instructions in this [[how-to]]. Thanks Volker for all the feedback he is providing! EN: For details on this release changes, check the [[CLAM changelog]]0 and the [[NetworkEditor changelog]]1. EN: December 22th, 2006 EN: CLAM 0.96 released EN: A new release code-named [[The Most Stable NetworkEditor Ever]]0 is available to download. So imagine what is this release about. More info in the [[CLAM changelog]]1 and the [[NetworkEditor changelog]]2 EN: December 21th, 2006 EN: CLAM planet and new public devel list EN: Check out the [[CLAM planet]] made of blogs of CLAM related people. EN: For several years we have been using a non-public development list, with much more traffic than the public list. Today the [[devel-list]] goes also public. Subscribe if you want to participate or have a close eye into the development. We'd like to copy relevant threads from the old devel-list, so don't be surprise if your inbox gets tons of mails one of these days. EN: Find links for both the planet and the mailing lists in the navigation menu. EN: December 11th, 2006 ES: 11 de Diciembre de 2006 CA: 11 de Desembre de 2006 EN: CLAM 0.95 released ES: Publicada la versión 0.95 de CLAM CA: Publicada la versió 0.95 de CLAM EN: After several months without a stable release but lots of development activity, we are pleased to announce CLAM 0.95 ES: Después de unos cuantos meses sin ninguna nueva versión estable però mucha actividad de desarrollo, nos place anunciar la nueva versión 0.95 de CLAM. CA: Després d'uns quants mesos sense cap nova versió estable però molta activitat de desenvolupament, ens plau anunciar la nova versió 0.95 de CLAM. EN: Most important in this release is NetworkEditor 0.4, with a radically reworked UI based on Qt4.2, lots of work on stability and usability, and new visual-prototyping features. ES: La novedad más importante de esta versión es la aplicación NetworkEditor 0.4, con una interfície de usuario (UI) completamente nueva, usando Qt4.2, y mucho trabajo en mejoras de usabilidad y estabilidad, y nuevas funcionalidades de prototipage visual. CA: La novetat més important d'aquesta versió és l'aplicació NetworkEditor 0.4, amb una interfície d'usuari (UI) refeta de dalt a baix, usant Qt4.2, i molta feina en millores de usabilitat i estabilitat, i noves funcionalitats de prototipatge visual. EN: You can visually prototype standalone apps (or audio plugins): Edit audio networks with NetworkEditor, then edit its UI using Qt Designer and CLAM widgets plugins. Finally, Prototyper let you run the audio network with its UI. ES: En que consiste el prototipaje visual de aplicaciones (o plugins de audio)? Edita una red de audio usando el NetworkEditor, después edita su interfaz gráfica de usuario con el Qt Designer i los plugins (de widgets) de CLAM. Finalmente, la aplicación Prototyper te permite ejecutar la red de audio con su interfície de usuario. CA: En que consisteix el prototipatge visual d'aplicacions (o plugins d'audio)? Edita una xarxa d'audio usant el NetworkEditor, després edita la seva interfície gràfica d'usuari amb Qt Designer i els plugins (de widgets) de CLAM. Finalment, l'apliació Prototyper et permet executar la xarxa d'audio amb la seva interfície d'usuari. EN: This is better shown in [[this quick tutorial]] ES: Esto se muestra mucho mejor en [[este rápido tutorial]] CA: Això es mostra molt millor en [[aquest ràpid tutorial]] EN: This release comes with many new processings, mostly spectral transformations. But we want to highlight the tonal-analysis which does chords identification at real-time, and its related visualizations. This code is based on the work done by researchers at Queen Mary University (London) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). More credits are in the About box. ES: Esta nueva versión viene con muchos nuevos processings, la mayoría transformaciones espectrales. Pero queremos destacar el tonal-analysis que identifica acordes en tiempo real, y sus visualizaciones relacionadas. Este código está basado en el trabajo de investigadores de la Universidad Queen Mary de Londres y la Universitat Pompeu Fabra en Barcelona. Más información y créditos en el About del NetworkEditor. CA: Aquesta nova versió ve amb molts nous processings, la majoria transformacions espectrals. Però volem destacar el tonal-analysis que identifica acords en temps-real, i les seves visualitzacions relacionades. Aquest codi està basat en la feina d'investigadors de la Universitat Queen Mary a Londres i la Universitat Pompeu Fabra a Barcelona. Podeu trobar més crèdits a l'About del NetworkEditor. EN: These and many other improvements can be found in the [[ChangeLog]]. ES: Estas y muchas otras mejoras pueden ser leídas en el [[ChangeLog]]. CA: Aquests i moltes altres millores poden ser llegides al [[ChangeLog]]. EN: This release brings new packages for Linux (Debian sid/etch, Ubuntu edgy and feisty) and Windows installers. In Linux, you can simply add new sources to /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-debian-sid ./ deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-ubuntu-edgy ./ ES: La nueva versión viene con nuevos paquetes para Linux (Debian sid/etch, Ubuntu edgy y feisty) y instaladores para Windows. En Linux, simplemente hay que añadir nuevas fuentes en /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-debian-sid ./ deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-ubuntu-edgy ./ CA: La nova versió porta nous paquets per Linux (Debian sid/etch, Ubuntu edgy i feisty) i instal.ladors de Windows. En Linux, simplement cal afegir noves fonts a /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-debian-sid ./ deb http://clam-project.org/download/linux-ubuntu-edgy ./ EN: Both Linux and Windows comes with desktop integration and several examples ready to use. Mac OSX packages will be catching up next weeks. ES: Tanto en Linux como en Windows las aplicaciones quedan bién integradas con el escritorio y vienen con varios ejemplos apunto para ser usados. En Mac OSX los paquetes (.dmg) estarás disponibles en las próximas semanas. CA: Tant en Linux com en Windows les aplicacions queden ben integrades amb l'escriptori i venen amb diversos exemples apunts per ser usats. En Mac OSX, els paquets (.dmg) estaràn disponible en les properes setmanes. EN: November 24th, 2006 ES: 24 de Noviembre de 2006 CA: 24 de Novembre de 2006 EN: Gigantic CLAM networks ES: Redes de CLAM gigantes! CA: Xarxes de CLAM gegantines! EN: What happens when you project a large complex Network that is being designed in the NetworkEditor into a 3-story high immersive sphere? See for yourself. EN: