SMS Synthesis

Finally, we have to deal with the sinusoidal component synthesis. The scheme is basically the same but, on top of what we did for the residual spectrum, we have to generate a synthetic spectrum out of the spectral peak array. But remember that in Part 8 of this tutorial we had precisely done that (in order to obtain the residual spectrum).

Add the ability to synthesize the residual component, the sinusoidal component and both the residual component and sinusoidal component (mixed).

The final block diagram that combines the sinusoidal and residual synthesis is the following:

We need to manage all this in our application. To do so, we have to be able to input the synthesis configuration parameters (adding them to the xml configuration file we already have) and use the options that remained unused in the user menu: Display/Play Output Sound, Display/Play Residual Component and Display/Play Sinusoidal Component.

Finish up your application.
  1. Write a small user manual commenting what the different parameters in the xml file are used for.
  2. Analyze all the sounds: (sine.wav, sweep.wav, noise.wav,1.wav, 2.wav i 3.wav) and comment the main features of the output sound and of each component.