Introduction to CLAM (II),
the SMS Example
After the introduction we had in Part 1 of this tutorial
we are ready to learn a bit more about the processing
capabilities of the framework. To do so, we will work
on one of the examples: the SMSTools2 application. This
application is similar to the one we are supposed to build
by the end of this tutorial, it is interesting enough
to dedicate a whole session to its study. In the meantime,
we will become familiar with more CLAM
tools. You will find the files of this example in the
/examples/SMS folder in the repository.
- Using the SMSREADME.txt file you will find in that
folder plus the information available in the CLAM
documentation, make a brief explanation of the functionality
of this application.
- What does the xml configuration file (available in
the same folder) contain?
Now we can run and study the example. Note that the main
class in the application is really a class hierarchy.
We have the SMSBase class, where most of the functionality
of the application is implemented. The SMSTools and SMSStdio
classes derive from this, the former implementing the
graphical version of the application and the latter implementing
the standard i/o version. We will choose to compile the
graphical version so we will have a graphical interface
created using the Fltk library.
You can use the xml file available in the example folder
or edit the default configuration from the application.
Note that there is a field in the configuration that points
to the path of the incoming audio file that is going to
be analyzed. You will need to modify the path so it points
to a sound available in your local drive (this operation
though can be directly done through the graphical user
interface). You can use any of the following sounds:
sine.wav, sweep.wav, noise.wav,
1.wav, 2.wav, 3.wav.
Load the xml file (or edit the default configuration)
and visualize the input sound.
- Analyze the sounds. Go to the Display menu and visualize
the different components. Explain what you see and what
are the differences between the different sounds.
- Save the result of the analysis in xml format. Comment
what you think is relevant to this process: speed, size
and contents of the resulting xml file, ...
- Now we are ready to synthesize the analysis result.
Listen to each of the components of the synthesis (sinusoidal,
residual and final sound) and explain their characteristics.
Look at the waveform of each component and explain what
they look like.
Now we can dive a little deeper into the code that implements
this application.
First, take a look at the SMSBase class.
- What classes and methods do we use for loading and
storing audio files?
- And last, the class also has some members that are
instances of classes that derive from the ProcessingConfig
class. What are they used for? How is the xml configuration
file loaded?
Now we will take a look at the SMSAnalysisSynthesisConfig
class. It is the first time we are looking at a DynamicType
- What are its main attributes?
Most of the processing of the application is handled
in the AnalysisProcessing and SynthesisProcessing methods
of the SMSBase class. Note that in both cases we do more
or less the same. We 'Start' the ProcessingComposite an
then enter a loop that runs through all the audio and
we call the Do method with the appropiate data. Finally
we call the Stop method to "turn off" the ProcessingComposite.
Let's take a look at the SMSAnalysis class. This class
looks like it should be very complex. All the analysis
processing is done inside its Do method. But we see that
the class does not have so many lines of code. This is
because we are using the ProcessingComposite structure:
the class is not much more than an aggregate of smaller
Processing classes.
- Comment each of the Processing (or ProcessingComposites)
inside the SMSAnalysis class and briefly explain their