I Introduction
1 Disclaimer
2 License of this document
3 What is CLAM?
4 What does 'CLAM' mean?
5 Historical background
6 Supported platforms
7 Recommended previous skills
8 Basic principles
8.1 Processing architecture
8.2 Processing classes
8.3 Dynamic Types
8.4 Visualization Module
8.5 System utilities
9 Structure of this document
10 Where to find more information on CLAM
II Deploying CLAM in your system
11 Roadmap
12 Obtaining the CLAM sources
12.1 GNU Tools distributed with MacOS X 10.2 Specific Issues
13 Dependencies on third-party libraries
13.1 External libraries on GNU/Linux
13.2 External libraries on Microsoft Windows
III CLAM Build System Documentation
14 Overview
15 Setting up CLAM Build System
16 USE / HAS variables
16.1 Included configuration files
16.2 Editing the packages-win.cfg file
16.3 Setup on MS Visual Studio
16.3.1 Configuring Visual 6 to use srcdeps
16.3.2 Compiling our first CLAM example
16.4 Setup on GNU/Linux
16.4.1 Compiling our first CLAM example
17 How to set up your own programs using CLAM
17.1 An out-of-the-box example
17.2 Customizing your project
18 CLAM and QT toolkit library
19 CLAM build system configuration variables reference
19.1 Build system variables reference
19.2 CLAM configuration variables
19.3 External libraries variables
20 Generating CLAM binaries
21 Some useful links
22 Build system troubleshooting
23 Some common problems while using Microsoft Visual C++
23.1 Getting lots of LNK2001 errors: redefinition of C/C++ Standard Library symbols
23.2 Getting lots of compiling errors not related to your Project (What's config.h about?)
23.3 Not finding a user defined header
23.4 My dynamic_cast's are failing for no apparent reason
23.5 I am getting an Internal Compiler Error message!!!
23.6 My Visual C++ is behaving weirdly and signalling non-sense error messages
23.7 The compiler does not find FL/Flxxxx.H or DOM/xxxx.hpp
24 Some common problems while using GNU/Linux and GNU C++ Compiler
24.1 FFTW
24.1.1 Getting error when trying to locate fftw header/libs
24.2 FLTK
24.2.1 Checking fltk libs fails and config.log contains compiler errors
24.2.2 Checking fltk libs fails and config.log contains linking errors, or the program test couldn't be executed.
24.2.3 fltk-config not found
24.3 QT
24.3.1 No qt headers found! having qt installed correctly in the system
24.3.2 Found qt headers but crashed testing lib because library (qt or qt-mt) not found.
24.3.3 Compiler errors related to exit and throw functions
24.4.1 Checking xerces libs fails and config.log contains compiler errors
24.4.2 Checking xerces libs fails and config.log contains linking errors, or the program test couldn't be executed
24.5 STL
24.5.1 Getting these errors:
24.6 Common problems trying to compile and execute CLAM applications
24.6.1 Compiling is ok but getting errors trying to link/execute the program
IV Usage tutorial
25 Introduction
26 Instanciating Processing objects
27 Processing Data
28 Usage examples
V Usage examples
VI Dynamic Types
29 Scope
30 Why Dynamic Types ?
31 Where can DT be found within the CLAM library?
32 Declaring a DT
33 Basic usage
34 Prototypes and copy constructors
35 Storing and Loading DTs
35.1 How to explore a DT at debug time
VII Processing classes
36 Introduction
36.1 Class hierarchies
36.2 Coding style and philosophy
37 Overview of the processing class implementation tasks
37.1 Declaring the processing interface attributes
37.2 Implementing the construction mechanism
37.3 Implementing the configuration mechanism
37.4 Implementing the execution methods
37.5 Implementing other optional standard methods
37.6 Writing the tests
38 Object construction and configuration interface
38.1 Processing configuration classes
38.1.1 The role of processing configuration classes
38.1.2 Configuration class implementation
38.2 Processing constructors
38.3 Configuration methods
39 Object execution interface
39.1 Execution states
39.2 Execution methods
39.3 Object execution not using ports
method argument conventions
40 Controls
40.1 Input Controls
40.1.1 Regular input controls
40.1.2 Input controls with call-back method
40.2 Output Controls
40.3 Controls initialization
41 Internal object state
41.1 Configuration related attributes
41.2 Execution related attributes
41.2.1 Initialization
42 Processing Composite
43 Exception Handling
43.1 Assertions
43.1.1 Where to use assertions
43.1.2 How to make assertions
43.2 Run time problems
44 Writing tests for your classes
44.1 Why?
44.2 How?
45 Helper classes
45.1 Enumeration classes
45.2 Flags classes
46 Prototypes
46.0.1 Footnotes
VIII Processing Data classes
47 Scope
48 Introduction
49 Basic structural aspects
50 Efficiency Issues
51 Introduction to CLAM`s Core PD classes
51.1 Audio
51.2 Spectrum
51.3 SpectralPeak and SpectralPeakArray
51.4 Fundamental
51.5 Frame
51.6 Segment
51.7 Descriptors
52 Basic XML support
IX XML Support
53 Scope
54 Brief introduction to XML
55 Storing components
56 Loading components
57 Detailed step interface
X Audio File I/O in CLAM
58 What is able to do?
59 Usage examples
59.1 Audio File I/O: File information extraction example
59.2 AudioFile I/O: Audio file reading example
59.3 Audio file I/O: Audio file writing example
59.4 Playing an arbitrary audio file
XI Audio I/O
60 The AudioManager
61 The AudioIn and AudioOut classes
61.1 Specifying the device
61.2 Specifying the channel
62 The MIDIManager
63 MIDI I/O Processings and their configuration
63.1 The MIDIIn and MIDIInControl class
63.2 The MIDIOut and MIDIOutControl class
63.3 The MIDIIOConfig class
63.4 Dynamically created InControls and OutControls
64 The MIDIDevice class
64.1 Specifying the MIDI device
64.2 Clocking the MIDI device
65 MIDI Enums
XIII The Application Classes
66 BaseAudioApplication
67 GUIAudioApplication
68 AudioApplication
69 Creating and running an Application
XIV Visualization Module
70 Plots
70.1 Plots examples
70.2 Visualization Module Plots: single function plot
70.3 Visualization Module Plots: multiple function plot
70.4 SDIF I/O, Segments and plots
71 Model Adapters and Presentations
XVI CLAM Coding Conventions
72 Indenting code
73 Naming conventions
74 Programming style
75 Error Conditions
76 Debugging aids
XVII Error Handling
77 Use case analysis
77.1 Actors
77.2 Stages
77.3 Mechanisms
78 Sanity checks and assertions
78.1 Expression assertions
78.2 Statement based 'assertions' (checks)
78.3 Documenting assertions
78.4 Optimization and assertions
78.5 Managing assertions from the application
78.6 Debugging the release mode
79 Exceptions
79.1 Previous note
79.2 When to use Exceptions
79.3 Contract between throwers and catchers
79.4 Exception data and exception hierarchy
79.5 Exception handling
79.6 Contextualization
XVIII Dynamic Types
80 DTs that derive from an interface class
81 Typical Errors
81.1 Detected errors at compile time:
81.1.1 Constructor errors
81.1.2 Attribute position out of bounds
81.1.3 Attribute not defined
81.1.4 Duplicated attributes
81.2 Detected errors at run time
81.2.1 Compiling in debug mode (the macro
defined )
81.2.2 Compiling in a non debug (release) mode
81.2.3 Compiling for the best run-time efficency
81.3 Non detected errors
82 Constructors and initializers
83 Tuning a DT
84 Debugging aids and compilation flags
85 Pointers as dynamic attributes
86 Copies of DTs
87 DTs and XML
87.1 The default XML Implementation for DynamicTypes
87.2 XML aware dynamic attributes
87.3 Customization basics
87.4 Reordering and skipping
87.5 Recalling the default implementation
87.6 Adding content not from dynamic attributes
87.7 Storing not as XML elements or changing the tag name
87.8 Keeping several alternative XML formats
XIX Processing Data
88 Basic structural aspects II
89 Constructors and initializers
90 Private members with public interface
91 Configurations
92 Customizing XML output
93 Specific attributes: flags and enums
94 Components and XML
95 XML Adapters
95.1 Simple types adapters
95.2 Simple type C array adapters
95.3 Component adapters
95.4 Loading Considerations
XXI C pre-processor macros defined and used by CLAM sources
96 Global flags
97 Cross-platformness macros
98 Dynamic Types Macros
99 Defensive programming macros
100 preinclude.hxx Macros
101 Platform dependant macros
102 Private Macros
XXII Introduction
103 SMS Example
105 Spectral Delay
106 Rappid
107 Introduction
108 Building the application
109 An SMSTools walkthrough
110 Analysis Output
111 Configuration
112 Synthesis
113 Transformation
114 Implementing your own transformation
115 Internal class structure and program organisation
116 SMSSynthesis and SMSAnalysis
XXV Spectral Delay
XXVI Rappid
XXVII Combining CLAM with LADSPA plugins
117 The LADSPA Toolkit and CLAM, a brief introduction
118 Using CLAM Processings as LADSPA plugins
119 Using LADSPA Plugins as CLAM Processings
120 From 0.6.1 to 0.7.0
121 From 0.5.5 to 0.5.6
122 From 0.5.4 to 0.5.5
123 From 0.4.2 to 0.5.0
124 From 0.2 to 0.3
124.1 Dynamic Types
124.2 Processing Data
124.3 Error handling
124.4 PARANOID macro
124.5 Using exceptions as error message generators
124.6 Using _DEBUG, NDEBUG and so
124.7 Miscellaneous