July 21th, 2005

Final release of CLAM 0.8.0
"Prototyper with streaming SMS transformations"

After two preview releases We are glad to announce the final 0.8.0 version of CLAM. This release has been thoroughly tested in GNU/Linux but not in Windows and OSX, which is a time consuming task to do with our current build system. The reason for thas is very simple: The current build system in Win and OSX is not completely automatic and requires some hand-tweeking. Instead of loosing time on that, we prefer concentrating effords in a new build system based on scons and library binaries, which promises being much more cross-platform frienly, among other goodies.

The next release (0.8.1) with the new build system will happen soon, because we have already been successfull in our first tests compiling CLAM library binaries and linking apps against it.

Now, going back to our current release, these are some of the important additons since 0.7.0

  • Rapid application-prototyping. Build a CLAM application in two easy steps: Designing the processing network with the NetworkEditor and the application GUI using QtDesigner and the CLAM plugin featuring widgets for visualizing streaming data.
  • Annotator. Another new CLAM application. It is a manual edition tool in which you can visualize and edit low-level and high-level descriptors of virtually any kind, segmentation marks.. The idea is to offer a tool for fine-tuning, visualizing, editing and testing description extraction algorithms.
  • Enhanced CLAM Networks. NetworkEditor can run SMS transformations in streaming. Moreover the processing network can receive controls from Open Sound Control (OSC) messages and translate outcoming controls to OSC messages.
  • QtPlots. Now features editable segmentation marks on all the plots, a break-point-function editor with auralization, a spectrogram plot and other goodies. See the doxygen doc to learn how to use it.
  • XML enhancements including better error handling and reporting, an experimental backend based on libxml++ as an alternative to XercesC++ and partial document operations. Libxml++ is planned to be the official back-end on future releases but still some work is needed on error messages reporting.

For details in CLAM-specific new features, please refere to the ChangeLog

Compared to the last preview (pre2) release, these are the additions : (sumarized)
New libxml++ back-end, CLAM::Audio bugfixes and interface changes related to SetDuration and SetEndTime (keeping back compatibility), and lot and lots of small bugfixes and code cleanup.