'Mac&Windows New Binaries'
Released on 1st August 2003. This release provides bug fixes and some new features.
Bug fixed: DOS console should not appear ( Windows only )
Bug fixed: when storing/loading SMS analysis results into XML the "wait" message that appears on screen was not being updated
New feature: now SMSTools 2 license can be read from within the application ( menu Help->License... )
New feature: almost always SMSTools 2 crashes a log file ( SMSTools2_errors.log ) is created with information about the causes of the application crash
Bug fixed: sometimes transformations were not being applied properly ( or at all )
Bug fixed: pressing 'SMS Analysis->Store Melody' button crashed application
New feature: now a wait message will appear while Tools computes sounds melodies
New feature: message box added telling the user that the melody extraction was successfully performed
Added several more parameters to the SMS Morph transformation widget
Bug fixed: pressing 'Apply configuration' button while being visible the Pitch Discretization control widget caused SMSTools 2 to crash
Released on 25th July 2003. Consists mainly in bug-fixing and some SMS Transformation Score editor GUI editor.
UI screen texts tweaked so they result more informative
Added new and improved SMS Morph transformation control widget, allowing user a finer grain level of control on that SMS transformation. Also SMS Morph transformation description has been completely rewritten
Bug fixed: under some circumstances configuration widgets might be unadvertendly duplicated, leading to invalid transformation scores
Editor widget layout tweaked a bit to make bigger the screen area devoted to transformation parameters edition
Released on 20th July 2003. First public version.