The namespace CLAM::VM offers a set of classes to view the data contained CLAM's
ProcessingData. Various tools are available which allow the user to visually check
Audio, Spectrum, and other objects.
This set of classes has been implemented using Trolltech’s Qt toolkit. These widgets
can be integrated into other Qt applications, or they can use plots independently through
DirectPlots. DirectPlots allows the viewing of one specific plot, and until the window
containing the plot is closed, no other plots can be viewed. If you wish to view a set
of plots simultaneously, the classes PlotFactory and QtPlotter are available.
This set of widgets are in the intial development phase, and we hope to continue increasing and refining the number of plots actually available.In this initial development stage, the following displays are available:
This document focuses on showing how to use this set of widgets to view data.
As such, the sections relative to each class only mention methods useful directly
to the user. Specifications for private and protected methods are not discussed.
Similarly, only the 'productive' classes are shown. The other types of classes are not
discussed in this document even though they form part of the system as the user does
not need to make use of them directly.
Use of the plots is fairly simple. If you are looking for a quick view of the data
for feedback during debugging, it is best to use DirectPlots or QtPlotter.
The QtPlots are real widgets and can be integrated into a user's own Qt application.
Viewing audio data with a DirectPlot could be done as follows:
#include "DPAudio.hxx"
int main()
CLAM::Audio audio;
// get audio data
Return 0;
// END
This call to the function Plot(...) will show an unlabelled widget with default
geometry. The functions for viewing the plots directly share a similar syntax, changing
only the type of data to be viewed. For example, if you wanted to view the fundamental
frequency data, the previous main would be:
#include "DPFundamental.hxx"
int main()
CLAM::Segment segment;
// get F0
Return 0;
// END
QtPotter is available if you wish to have a view of a series of plots simultaneously.
The plots are obtained by using PlotFactory. If you want to view an audio signal, its F0
evolution and sinusoidal tracks, you could procede as follows:
#include "PlotFactory.hxx"
#include "QtPlotter.hxx"
using CLAM::VM::PlotFactory;
using CLAM::VM::QtPlotter;
using CLAM::VM::QtAudioPlot,
using CLAM::VM::QtFundFreqPlot,
using CLAM::VM::QtSinTracksPlot;
int main()
CLAM::Segment seg;
// process data
QtAudioPlot* aPlot = PlotFactory::GetAudioPlot(seg.GetAudio(),"Audio");
QtFundFreqPlot* fPlot = PlotFactory::GetFundFreqPlot(seg,"Fundamental",0,250);
QtSinTracksPlot* sPlot = PlotFactory::GetSinTracksPlot(seg,"Sinusoidal Tracks",0,500);
return 0
// END
The syntax for obtaining plots using PlotFactory is similar to that used in DirectPlots.
For compiling and linking programs using QTVM qwt external library are required. Qwt provides
a set of classes which are useful for programs with a technical background.