CLAM stands for C++ Library for Audio and Music and in Catalan means something like "a continuous sound produced by a large number of people as to show approval or disapproval of a given event" It is the best name we could find after long discussions and it is certainly much better than its original name (MTG-Classes).
CLAM is a full-fledged
software framework for research and
application development in the Audio and Music Domain. It offers a
conceptual model as well as tools for the analysis, synthesis and
transformation of audio signals.
DISCLAIMER: What you will find in this website is still beta version of the CLAM library, published in the context of the Agnula IST project
This week it was finally made official: the Catalan Government (Generalitat) will be supporting CLAM through a special grant. The main goal of such grants is to support quality Free Software development in Catalonia. We hope to make good use of the grant and be able to bring CLAM to its 1.0 release. You can read the official announcement here.
At the ISMIR 2005 conference held in London we presented a paper about one of the applications we are developing in the framework: the Annotator. You can read the entitled "The CLAM Annotator: A Cross-platform Audio Descriptors Editing Tool" here.
The latest developments in CLAM were presented at the ICMC 2005 conference held in Barcelona. You can read the overview paper entitled "Developing Cross-platform Audio and Music Applications with the CLAM Framework" here.
After two preview releases We are glad to announce the final 0.8.0 version of CLAM. This release has been thoroughly tested in GNU/Linux but not in Windows and OSX, which is a time consuming task to do with our current build system. The reason for thas is very simple: The current build system in Win and OSX is not completely automatic and requires some hand-tweeking. Instead of loosing time on that, we prefer concentrating effords in a new build system based on scons and library binaries, which promises being much more cross-platform frienly, among other goodies.
The next release (0.8.1) with the new build system will happen soon, because we have already been successfull in our first tests compiling CLAM library binaries and linking apps against it.
Now, going back to our current release, these are some of the important additons since 0.7.0
For details in CLAM-specific new features, please refere to the ChangeLog
Compared to the last preview (pre2) release, these are the additions : (sumarized)
New libxml++ back-end, CLAM::Audio bugfixes and interface changes related to SetDuration and SetEndTime (keeping back compatibility), and lot and lots of small bugfixes and code cleanup.
Content removed. See the next news entry.
Our submitted paper "CLAM, an Object Oriented Framework for Audio and Music" has been accepted at the 2005 Linux Audio Conference. We look forward to meeting you there!
The Music Technology Group and the Technology Department and Universitat Pompeu Fabra invite you to one-day music-software workshop, sponsored by S2S. On Friday January 28th there will be talks, a discussion panel and a hands-on workshop in which different environments, including CLAM, will be presented.
Read more at the S2S website
Xavier Amatriain will defend his Thesis , most of which is related to his work in CLAM.
We are glad to announce CLAM long-waited release 0.7. Main highlights in this release are:
Looking forward for your feedback.
The MTG is organizing the 2004 International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR, for short) (see ISMIR webpage). In this context on sunday september 10th there will be a tutorial on "Software Frameworks for Analysis of Audio and Music Signals" in which George Tzanetakis and Xavier Amatriain will give a general overview and will present both Marsyas and CLAM more in depth. More details here.
We've created a new space (the clam/devel section) in our web with information about the general direction that CLAM development is taking (the roadmap), the more specific tasks, the proposals documents, and how all the ongoing progress is taking place.
We hope you'll find it quite interesting.
We are glad to announce a new CLAM release. This time, the main additions are two new features that have been very much asked during the last months:
In order to use CLAM projects with VC7 you'll only need to compile the new version of srcdeps and reinstall all the external libraries (go to the download page).
Please read the Build System chapter in the documentation for guidelines on these topics.
Of course, this new CLAM release contains a lot of minor bug
fixes and
enhancements. A better MIDI support among them. Refer to the ChangeLog for more details.
Major additions to this release are new audio file support: Now users are allowed to read and save ogg/vorbis, mpeg layer 1/2/3 (mp3...) and pcm based audio files. For example, you'll take advantadge of this new feature when opening files in the SMSTools example. As minor additions, we've fixed some bugs, enhanced code documentation, and enhanced LADSPA plugins support.
Please read ChangeLog for more details and contact us through the mailing list for any question.
Read the 'deployment' section of the manual for information
about new
externals libraries we depend on.
Note for VisualC++ users: new libraries zips are ready for download in
the web.
The zip for 'fltk' has also changed.
Please read ChangeLog for more details
Please read ChangeLog for more details
A workshop on CLAM will be held for the partners of the SIMAC IST European project. There will be attendants from Queen Mary's University (London), OEFAI (Viena), Philips (Netherlands) and MatrixData (London).
Please read ChangeLog for more details
Please read ChangeLog for more details
We have fixed quite a few bugs or depracated information that was in the documentation. There is still quite a lot to do but we do appreciate reports about possible inconsistencies in the documentation.
In this new release we have mainly concentrated on solving some bugs in previous release, most of them related to the SMSTools2 application. Main features:
Please read ChangeLog for more details (now in html!).