ipyclam: Interactive CLAM for Python What is this ============ ipyclam is a Python API that provides exploration, and manipulation of modular connected system such as CLAM or JACK by either using interactive shells or scripting. How similar is that to pyCLAM ============================= While pyclam are python bindings exposing the whole CLAM C++ API for python, this project just tries to provide high level primitives to manipulate CLAM networks. The file API.txt describes the target API. Status: ====== This project is still under development. The API is still subject to changes and some features are not implemented yet. But main features are implemented and it is already functional and useful. See the TODO file for more details on what's to do and what's done. Dependencies: ============= libboost-python-dev python-sip-dev libshiboken-dev libpyside-dev For the CLAM back-end: libclam-dev > 1.4