.TH chordata 1 "August 24, 2005" "version 0.3.0" "MISCELLANEOUS" .SH NAME chordata \- Analyzes chords on audio files .SH SYNOPSIS .B chordata .RB [\| \-b .IR backend \|] \ .\|.\|. .RB [\| \-\-help \|] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP CLAM Chordata is a chord detection tool that can be used to browse the chords of your favourite mp3/ogg/wav music. You can freely move arround the song, listening and getting insight of its tonal features by using several available views: Chord segments, Chord ranking, Tonnetz, Keyspace, Chromatic peaks, PCPgram... This is an example application of the CLAM framework. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-b\ backend Try the specified backend if available. The program will choose the first specified backend that works. If none of the specified backends is available, the default sequence of backends will be tried. The default sequence is .I jack and .I portaudio .TP .BI \-\-help Show the usage information. .SH AUTHOR CLAM development team (clam (at) iua.upf.es)