IMPORTANT (1 april 2007) ubuntu qt4-dev does not install libmysql correctly. if linkage of Voice2MIDI gives this problem /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient_r do the following: $ cd /usr/lib $ sudo ln -s or install mysql devel package. the issue has been notified upstream (qt) so is expected to be solved in next releases. ---- This file explains how to compile and install the CLAM applications from the source tarballs. 1. Install CLAM dependencies Please refere to the INSTALL file in the CLAM (library) tarball. 2. Compile CLAM libraries from the tarball Please refere to the INSTALL file in the CLAM (library) tarball. 3. Compile the CLAM application. From the root of Voice2MIDI source, suposing that CLAM binaries were installed at prefix /usr/local: $ scons install prefix=/usr/local clam_prefix=/usr/local For further building options do : $ scons --help Notice that if you are using a non-standard clam_prefix, you might need to make the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the CLAM lib directory.