TOP = ../../ PROGRAM = SMSRealtimeSynth include $(TOP)/build/defaults.cfg CLAM_DOUBLE = 0 # whether to use double (1) or float (0) for TData CLAM_USE_XML = 1 # whether to compile XML dependant code, and link agains Xerces CLAM_DISABLE_CHECKS = 0 # whether to disable all the CLAM checks, both debug and normal CLAM_USE_RELEASE_ASSERTS = 0 # whether to simulate release checks being in debug mode USE_ALSA = 1 USE_FFTW = 1 USE_FLTK = 0 USE_QT = 0 USE_DIRECTX = 0 USE_PORTAUDIO = 0 USE_RTAUDIO = 0 USE_PTHREADS = 1 USE_PORTMIDI = 0 USE_SNDFILE = 1 USE_MAD = 1 USE_ID3 = 1 USE_OGGVORBIS = 1 USE_CPPUNIT = 0 PRJ_SEARCH_INCLUDES = PRJ_SEARCH_RECURSE_INCLUDES = \ $(TOP)/src \ include $(TOP)/build/system.cfg # for avoiding the nasty bug of Factories being instantiated more than once over the same # memory address INLINE_VC6_FIX_FLAGS_RELEASE = \ /nologo /MD /W3 /GR /GX /O2 /Ob0 /FD /c /Zm1000 # for avoiding Apple's dumb 'coalescesing' logic APPLE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE_SAFE= -O3 -fno-inline -fcoalesce -fcoalesce-templates CXXFLAGS_RELEASE = $(OS_WINDOWS? $(INLINE_VC6_FIX_FLAGS_RELEASE) : $(CXXFLAGS_RELEASE) ) CXXFLAGS_RELEASE = $(OS_MACOSX? $(APPLE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE_SAFE) : $(CXXFLAGS_RELEASE) NO_CONSOLE_BUILD = \ /nologo /subsystem:windows /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRTD /machine:I386 $(IS_LIBRARY?/dll) LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE = $(OS_WINDOWS? $(NO_CONSOLE_BUILD) : $(LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE) ) # just some variables for making easier to specify new Transformations and Transformation Configurators SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR = $(CLAM_PATH)/src/Processing/Transformations/SMS SMS_SCORE_EDITOR_DIR = $(TOP)/src/GUI/ScoreEditor SOURCES = \ $(TOP)/draft/src/mainSMSRealtimeSynth.cxx \ $(TOP)/draft/src/SMSRealtimeSynth.cxx \ $(SOURCES_AUDIODEVICE) \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSFreqShift.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSGenderChange.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSHarmonizer.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSMorph.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSOddEvenHarmonicRatio.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSPitchDiscretization.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSSineFilter.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSSinusoidalGain.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSSpectralShapeShift.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSTransformationChainIO.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSResidualGain.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSPitchShift.cxx \ $(SMS_TRANSFORMS_DIR)/SMSTimeStretch.cxx \