/** @defgroup SpatialAudio Spatial Audio */ /** @defgroup AmbisonicsConventions Ambisonics Conventions @ingroup SpatialAudio Processings on the spatialization plugin follow the ambisonics conventions. @section AmbisonicsCoordinateSystem Cartesian coordinate system When coordinates are centered in the listener: - X axis positive goes front - Y axis positive goes left - Z axis positive goes up When other coordinate frame is defined, also the right hand rule applies. Points relative to the listener can be expressed by providing relative polar coordinates: Azimuth, elevation and distance: - \b Azimuth is the angle of the projection of the point on the X-Y plane having the 0 at the front of the listener and increasing when rotating to the left. - Valid values for the Azimuth are 0 to 360. Angles outside those ranges are not accepted. - \b Elevation is the angle to the horizon, positive going up, negative going down. - Elevations range from -90 to 90. Angles outside those ranges are not accepted. Further specifications: - Azimuth and elevations angles outside those ranges are not accepted. - Angles are expressed in degrees unless otherwise specified. - Distances and Cartesian coordinates are expressed in meters unless otherwise specified. @section AmbisonicsPhisicalMeasurements Physical measurements @todo providing links to the wikipedia on acoustic pressure and velocity @todo explaining signs and directions for physical measurements of pressure and velocity for plane waves coming from different points @section AmbisonicsEncoding Ambisonics encoding Given physical measurements of the pressure and velocity, B-format components, W, X, Y and Z, are composed in the following way: @f{eqnarray*} W = \frac 1 {\sqrt{2}} p \\ X = - v_x \\ Y = - v_y \\ Z = - v_z @f} */