Blender python scripts to use with CLAM. Files: - START HERE. To call once. Generates a new Blender scene with audio sources and sinks spheres, compatibles with the rest of the scripts. You could call: 'blender -P' from this directory. If you include the OSCSenderFilename definition, you will need to copy on the proper path (see next script). - to call in FrameChanged Blender events, defined as OSCSenderFilename in previous script. Sends the positions of objects whithin 'AudioSources' and 'AudioSinks' groups, using the Stefan Kersten OSC python client [1] using a very basic SpatDIF 3D audio scene description (plus a non-standard 'sync/FrameChanged' event, with the number of frame). [1] CLAM/plugins/osc/oscpython/, searched on relative path '../../osc/oscpython/' - call scene_maker and then assign single circular trajectories on sources objects - to call once on a Blender scene. Generates a CLAM network with the propers OSC receivers (MultiLibloSources) for objects involved in BlenderOSCSender. - to call once after selecting one source and one sink of the actual scene. Makes a ChoreoSequencer readable file and also exports a network with a configured ChoreoSequencer with the proper FPS