============================================================================= GenPUID v1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build Date: July 18, 2007 Release Date: July 19, 2007 Platforms: Win32, Linux, Mac OS X ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MusicIP product team welcomes your comments! Please contact us by writing musicdns-feedback@musicip.com. ============================================================================= INSTALLATION ============ GenPUID is a utility distributed as part of MusicDNS. The installation is as simple as placing it in the directory you want the binary to reside in. Please note that both the mipcore and AACTagReader binaries need to be in the same directory, as GenPUID requires both in order to execute properly. NOTE: AACTagReader is not used on Linux since AAC files are not supported. INSTRUCTIONS ============ From the command line, run: genpuid [dns-key] [options] file1 file2 ... This will identify the files, invoking fingerprints and analysis as necessary, and print out the PUID retrieved from MusicDNS. Your MusicDNS key (used by the parameter [dns-key]) must be valid. Keys can be generated for free at: http://musicip.com/dns/key.jsp. ---------- I. OPTIONS ---------- [*] You can use -r to pass directories and recursively process the files in them. [*] You can use -xml to generate the output in XML format. [*] -logex can be used to create a log file in the directory from which GenPUID is being executed. [*] You can use -m3lib=cache.m3lib to store the results in a MusicIP Mixer cache file. If the cache already exists, it will simply be updated. [*] You can use -rmd (return metadata) to include metadata in the response. This switch can be used as follows: -rmd=1 includes basic artist name and track title metadata -rmd=2 includes all metadata: release year, genre, and albums [*] You can use -noanalysis if you want to retrieve existing PUIDs only, and do not wish to create new PUIDs. [*] The switch -fs=[encoding type] allows you to indicate the encoding type to use. Usually, this is ISO8859-1. Please note that this switch is only supported on Linux, and the Linux distribution being used must support the given encoding type for it to work properly. [*] You can use -archive to burn MusicIP tags into song files as they are identified. ----------- II. RESULTS ----------- [*] When asked to return metadata (using the -xml) switch, the following will be returned: If the -xml switch is not used, the result will appear as follows: c:\path\file.mp3 puid: 123-456 If a PUID does not exist for the given file, just the file name will be returned. [*] If a track does not have a PUID, the status returned will be "Unavailable." The example below also takes into account that the -xml switch is enabled. unavailable Please note that the "unavailable" status only applies when using the -noanalysis switch. NOTE: Metadata and status information will not be returned in any format other than XML. More information on the structure that's used is available on the MusicIP blog at: http://blog.musicip.com/2006/12/18/musicdns-11-preview-more-free-data/ ----------- III. STATUS ----------- If the requested metadata or associated PUID, the following status codes will be returned accordingly: [*] Pending The server has not yet generated a PUID for this track, which can take up to 24 hours. If you have submitted a fingerprint for PUID creation, you will need to re-request it from GenPUID after that time frame has lapsed. [*] Unanalyzable GenPUID could not analyze the track, and this status may indicate an encoding problem. [*] Unknown Catch-all for other problems, such as the MusicDNS server being down. [*] Unavailable This status indicates that the track provided to GenPUID does not yet have a PUID in the MusicIP database. To ensure the track is identifiable in the future, analysis can be executed. Contact ======= To post questions regarding GenPUID, please visit our forums at http://forums.musicip.com/. You can also provide bug reports and enhancement requests to the MusicIP product team by e-mailing musicdns-feedback@musicip.com. © 2007 MusicIP Corporation. All rights reserved.