#! /usr/bin/python

import os, glob, sys


options = Options('options.cache', ARGUMENTS)
options.Add(PathOption('clam_prefix', 'The prefix where CLAM was installed', ''))
options.Add(PathOption('prefix', 'Installation prefix (normally /usr, by default this is clam_prefix)', "", validator=PathOption.PathAccept))
options.Add(PathOption('sandbox_path', 'Path where third party libraries were installed (in windows)', "", validator=PathOption.PathAccept))
options.Add(BoolOption('crossmingw', 'Using MinGW crosscompiler mode', 'no') )

toolChain = 'default'
if sys.platform == "win32": toolChain = 'mingw'
env = Environment(ENV=os.environ, tools=[toolChain], options=options)
options.Save('options.cache', env)
env.SConsignFile() # Single signature file

CLAMInstallDir = env['clam_prefix']
InstallDir = env['prefix'] or env['clam_prefix']
clam_sconstoolspath = os.path.join(CLAMInstallDir,'share','clam','sconstools')
if env['crossmingw'] :
	env.Tool('crossmingw', toolpath=[clam_sconstoolspath])
env.Tool('clam', toolpath=[clam_sconstoolspath])
	] , CLAMInstallDir)

sources = glob.glob('*.cxx')
extraPaths = [
	CLAMInstallDir+'/include/CLAM', # KLUDGE to keep old style includes

# TODO: All this (but the ws2_32 in windows) can be retrieved from pkg-config
env.Append( LIBS=['samplerate'] )
if env['sandbox_path'] :
	env.Append( CPPPATH=os.path.join(env['sandbox_path'],'local/include') )
	env.Append( LIBPATH=os.path.join(env['sandbox_path'],'local/lib') )
#	env.Append( LIBS=['ws2_32'] )
#	env.Append( LIBS=['pthread'] )

if sys.platform=='linux2' :
	env.Append( CCFLAGS=['-g','-O3','-Wall'] )
libraries = [
	env.SharedLibrary(target=libraryName, source = sources),
programs = [

#if sys.platform=="darwin" : #TODO fix. should be available in clamlibs pc
#	env.Append( LIBPATH=['/opt/local/lib'] )
#	env.Append( LIBS=['fftw3'] )

install = env.Install(os.path.join(InstallDir,'lib','clam'), libraries)

env.Alias('install', install)
env.Default(libraries + programs)