This file explains how to compile and install the CLAM libraries and applications from the source tarballs. Alternatively, CLAM website provides already compiled packages for several platforms. 1. Install CLAM dependencies This step is different for each architecture (Linux, Windows, MacOSX). Such platform dependant steps at detailed at the end of this file. 2. Compile CLAM libraries from the source Checkout the subversion repository $ svn co Or download the CLAM tarball (stable release or cvs snapshot) from the web: [] Change directory to CLAM/ NEW! (April 4th) build directory is now CLAM/ instead of CLAM/scons/libs The simplest way to build and install the libraries is issuing : $ scons configure $ scons $ sudo scons install This will compile all the libraries with default options, and install them to the default dirs ( /usr/local/lib/ and /usr/local/include/ ) Troubleshooting: in some scenarios, the first scons command ends with error and is necessary to re-run scons a second time. Tip: use "scons -j3" to take advantadge of multi-threading if you machine is a dual-core. To install clam in a non system-wide place (usefull when developing) use scons configure with these options: (you must create the destination dir before) $ scons configure prefix=~/local Then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/local/lib before running the apps with these libs. (Probably you also want to add this export line into your .bashrc) To see all available build options run: $ scons --help Note that scons saves the last used options in the options.cache file. These options will be used by default in further "scons" commands. If you plan to use your CLAM build for performance-sensitive applications consult the tips below (4. Tips for increasing performance). MacOSX specific: the equivalent to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in mac is DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. ** Warning about compiler Errors: ** Because scons copies all sources in CLAM/scons/libs/ you must be aware that the paths given by the g++ error log are NOT the original sources. For example, if scons returns: "scons/libs/core/src/Processing.cxx:56: error: ..." you should not edit this file but the one in src/ (searchable by $ find src/ -name "Processing.cxx") 3. Compile CLAM applications. Applications can be download from the CLAM website in separate tarballs. If you are using svn they are folders at the CLAM trunk. Go to the root of the application source tree and issue: (maybe changing the prefix) $ scons prefix=/usr/local clam_prefix=/usr/local For further building options do : $ scons --help ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.1 Install CLAM dependencies on Linux Debian/Ubuntu (do "sudo apt-get install ") * Packages to compile clam libs: build-essential scons ladspa-sdk libxerces27-dev libfftw3-dev libjack-dev libmad0-dev libogg-dev libsndfile1-dev libvorbis-dev libid3-3.8.3-dev libasound2-dev portaudio19-dev ** to pass the tests: libcppunit-dev * Qt4 packages to compile NetworkEditor and Annotator: qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev (and libqt4-opengl-dev in latest versions) * Qt3 packages to compile SMSTools and Voice2MIDI: libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev Redhat / Fedora Core packages list (tested with FC5) gcc-c++ scons fftw2-devel fltk-devel libvorbis-devel libogg-devel qt-devel qt-designer libxml++-devel alsa-lib-devel libsndfile-devel ladspa-devel id3lib-devel libXi-devel Unofficial Pakages: libmad-devel (lvn5) jack-audio-connection-kit-devel (rhfc5.ccrma) qt4-devel, qt4 2.2 Install CLAM dependencies on Mac OSX Build instructions for CLAM in Mac OSX are currently in this wiki: Please report to the clam-devel list any problem or things to improve. 2.3 Install CLAM dependencies on Windows Required Tools -------------- * cl.exe command line compiler from Microsoft (it comes with Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1). * python and scons installed on the system. * make sure that any needed tool have its directory added to the PATH variable (in order to execute cl and scons) In particular you'll need all the 3rd party library DLLs in the PATH. * if you want to create installer you'll need nsis scripting language. You can download it from [] 3rd party libraries ------------------- You can download the needed external libraries to build CLAM library on the CLAM web [] Please make sure that they are installed on a common base directory. i.e: devel\CLAM\ devel\xercesc\ devel\fftw\ devel\... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. Tips for increasing performance If you plan to use CLAM in performance-sensitive applications it's a good idea to compile with the release flag set, as this tells the compiler to use optimizations: $ scons configure release=1 Also if you use the fourier transform a lot in CLAM, try using the fast fftw3 implementation: $ scons configure with-fftw3=1 Of course you can do both: $ scons configure release=1 with-fftw3=1 If you decide to use the fftw3 library you can further improve the fft performance by precomputing wisdom. The fftw3 tries to optimize the algorithms it uses for your system, this takes a long time at first but allows the transforms to be later computed much faster. To calculate the wisdom for the transforms most often used in CLAM issue these commands (you need the fftw3 package): $ fftw-wisdom -v -x -o wisdom rof32768 cif32768 And then move the resulting wisdom file to the default system wisdom location (you need root access for this): $ sudo mv wisdom /etc/fftw/ Don't worry if the file /etc/fftw/wisdom already exists - you do not lose any information previously stored in it, because fftw-wisdom reads this file first and includes it in the new wisdom file it generates. Generating fftw wisdom has been tested under linux, for using wisdom on other operating systems consult your fftw3 user documentation.