= CLAM Annotator ver 3.0 =

== Overview ==

The CLAM Annotator is a tool that can be used to visualize, check and 
modify music information extracted from audio: low level features, note
segmentation, chords, structure... The tool is intended to be useful for
the music information retrieval research whenever you need to:

 * Supervise and correct the results of automated audio feature
 extraction algorithms.

 * Generate manually edited annotations of audio as training examples or
 ground truth for those algorithms.

The CLAM Annotator is not tied to a fixed description scheme (the set of 
attributes). You can define the working attribute set by providing an XML 
description schema definition. A sample description scheme and an extractor
program are provided with the Annotator but you could implement your own
one with different algorithms and attributes. Also tools are provided to 
select and join attributes from the output of several description sources.

Other key features are:
 * Attribute types:
   * Free text
   * Enumeration
   * Bounded float
   * Bounded integer
   * Frame Division
   * Segmentations (Sizeless, Gapless, Overlapless or Free)
   * ... more to come
 * Several time segmentations can be defined at once
 * Each segment can have its own attributes
 * Auralization for the segmentations (click on the beggining)
 * Auralization for the low-level descriptor (magnitude to freq)

== Installation ==

The INSTALL file contains instructions about compiling and installing.

== License ==

The COPYING file contains the license terms to use, modify and 
redistribute this software.