+ About Widget naming conventions and placement on the source tree Widgets should be named on the following naming convention: TK_DescriptiveName where TK stands for an abbreviature that identifies the toolkit used to implement the widget. "Descriptive Name" is just that. A name that anybody could remember easily and expressive enough to give an idea to newcomers about what the widget does. Some examples could be: Fl_2DLogFunctionDisplay.hxx Qt_2DLogFunctionDisplay.hxx Mfc_2DLogFunctionDisplay.hxx Wx_2DLogFunctionDisplay.hxx ... Note that the first letter of the acronym should be upper case, while the other ones lower case. Widgets, when added to the repository should be placed according to their toolkit, to ease binary generation processes. More concretely: src/Visualization/Widget/FLTK ( FLTK based widgets home ) src/Visualization/Widget/Qt ( Qt based widgets home ) src/Visualization/Widget/MFC ( MFC based widgets home ) ... if there does not exist a suitable directory for placing widgets for toolkit X, feel free to create a new entry placed on src/Visualization/Widget using as the folder name, the toolkit "official" acronym.