Use cases: - Give data to a control of a processing with a widget - Which processing - Which control - Which type of control - Which signal to attach - Give data to several controls of several processings with a widget - A list of - Sync a control widget with the actual control value - Monitor the content of a port with a widget - Connect a free network input port to an audio source (file, device, ladspa) (exclusive) - Connect a network output port to an audio sink (file, device, ladspa) (non-exclusive) - Start/Stop Options: Retrieve the Processing/Control information from the name. For each control on the Network we should search a given childen widget. Add special properties to the widgets. :-) Nice, allows a lot of information to be given. :-( Implies rewrite any widgets you work with. Provide special invisible widgets with slots that can be related to the network and connected to the widgets. :-( Invisible widgets are ugly to see them in the designer. :-( Too much configuration (names, slots..) :-) Allows multi-control widgets ControlSender Properties Processing Control Slots SendControlValue(value) Signals UpdateControlValue(value) Audio data Inputs are exclusively attached to one of: Audio file in Audio in Ladspa in Jack in Mixing? Outputs are attached to one of more in: Audio file out Audio out Ladspa out Jack out Controls Midi in Midi out Midi file in Osc Ladspa in Ladspa out Play Pause Stop Properties: ClamControl: Expecifies the full path to a CLAM control to modify ClamControlSignal: ClamPortMonitor: ClamProcessing