Representation of Octaves
The application has a characteristic pitch of 5 octaves, labelled 2-6.
This does not represent the entire range of a grand piano, and is much
less than is offered by the MIDI protocol, however greatly exceeds the
vocal range of any singer.
Each octave is associated with a determined colour as in the following figure:

This is the colour code used to represent the octaves of the notes in the Piano Roll View.
The colour will be lighter or darker depending on the velocity of the note. At lower velocity
the colour will be darker, and at higher velocity it will be lighter. The colours, from left to right,
are red, magenta, cyan, blue and grey.
In the case of red and blue, the variation in the proportion of the colour will affect
the components of red and blue respectively.
For magenta and cyan, the proportion of the colour determined by the velocity of the note
will affect the components of blue and green respectively.
With the grey, the three components will be affected equally.