Example of TDD to-do list
Developing a Processing Factory
Query "Oscillator" to the factory and the returned Processing* type_id ==
Processing* p = CreateOscillator(); type_id of p is Oscillator
Registry :
Get a creator method when registry is empty
Unsafe version with CLAM_ASSERT
Safe version rises Err
Having added a single creator method, ask for the correct key
Having added a single creator method, ask for the wrong key
Having added two elements, ask for one of the keys
Having added two elements, ask for an incorrect key
Add a repeated key
Unsafe version: CLAM_ASSERT
Safe version: rises ErrFactory
Automatic registry
FactoryRegistrator< Dummy > Create() returns a Dummy;
create a Oscillator after having constructed the FactoryRegistrator with
factory. (two versions: passing explicitly the key, and using GetClassName)
The same after FactoryRegistrator without an explcit factory (so using
Make Registrator inner class of Factory
AddCreator should return bool ? No. do it evident
separate FactoryRegistry tests. Thus simplifying the names
RemoveAllCreators (since Factory is singleton and we want to tear tests down)
when empty, when non empty
Count when empty and non empty.
Make Registry a Factory inner class
Avoid #include bottleneck in Factory
Create custom assert for typeid
ProcessingFactory singleton
Arrange documentation
Split into hxx and cxx
Make Factory::GetRegistry private.
Pass RegistryKey (string) params by ref.
ProcessingFactory::MakeProcessingSafe with a bad key
Speciallise Factory errors
decide -Safe or -Safely
decide if generalize base type for factory (not only Processing)
Processsings with static GetClassName