How to compile NetworkEditor in GNU/Linux ------------------------------------------- 1. Make shure that you have unpacked both CLAM and CLAM_NetworkEditor tarballs in the same directory. 2. Configure CLAM NetworkEditor currently it needs the oscpack library installed. You will find the tarball in the CLAM web (download). - Go into CLAM/build/srcdeps and run 'make' - Go into CLAM/build and run: $ autoconf -f $ ./configure This script will complain if doesn't found some needed dependent libraries. Some of them are completely optional: libportaudio, libportmidi, libxml++. So don't worry if ./configure reports failure on any of these. (See also the list of needed packages at the end) 3. Build NetworkEditor - Edit CLAM_NetworkEditor/build/clam-location.cfg so that CLAM_LOCATION variable is the path (absolute or relative) to the CLAM dir. - Go into CLAM_NetworkEditor/build/Tools and run : $ make depend && make CONFIG=release Now you should be able to run ./NetworkEditor You can also use the .xml files of networks patched with NetworkEditor with the Prototyper. CLAM/build/Examples/Prototyper/ ------ Further information in chapters 16 and 17 of the online documentation (doc) ------ CLAM dependent (debian) packages : libxerces26-dev fftw-dev sfftw-dev libfltk1.1-dev libqt-mt-dev libqwt-dev libasound2-dev libvorbis-dev libsndfile-dev libmad0-dev libid3-3.8.3-dev